WotB Message Board
- Thanks all. (NCFC) - DJ Worthy, Apr 25, 10:18:54
- I see the EDP cribbed your interview this moaning (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:48:50
- You did really well to get that interview (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 25, 10:33:40
- it's quite a revolutionary idea that he has hit upon (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:53:23
- The piece just didn't need any of my words. (NCFC) - DJ Worthy, Apr 25, 13:15:12
- And then asked good questions (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 25, 11:00:38
- Ridiculous. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Apr 25, 13:03:54
- This ^^^^^ (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 25, 10:51:21
- it's quite a revolutionary idea that he has hit upon (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:53:23
- Atmosphere at most grounds is crap imo. Unless the hosts are riding high (NCFC) - Azteca, Apr 25, 09:22:41
- Rubbish there is plenty of home grounds that generate a good atmosphere... (NCFC) - walksie, Apr 25, 10:18:08
- Most fans get n (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 10:35:38
- Sorry most fans get behind their team when playing us at their place because (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 10:37:58
- Millwall? And Spurs cry if not going thirty way (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 25, 10:35:22
- Millwall? And Spurs cry if not going thirty way (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 25, 10:34:47
- Been to both for evening games and both not watching Norwich and been electric. (n/m) (NCFC) - walksie, Apr 25, 10:36:49
- It's not nonsense. (NCFC) - Azteca, Apr 25, 10:29:26
- Most fans get n (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 10:35:38
- I have to say I'm not sure I like the cut of this Webber characters jib (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Apr 25, 09:38:31
- Comes across as a bit vile and odious (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 25, 10:31:50
- agreed (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:02:42
- Yeah it's definitely a bigger problem with British football. Not just us (n/m) (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 09:34:23
- I blame MOTD. When people watch highlights all the time, they kind (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 25, 09:41:36
- And they get to watch the best players in the world every week on TV (NCFC) - mr carra, Apr 25, 09:58:45
- Back to expectation...(I quite like Whitts too, the poor escape goat) (n/m) (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 10:20:18
- Sadly for Whitts he's not even the biggest escaped goat. RM has the monopoly (n/m) (NCFC) - Dunney, Apr 25, 10:32:08
- Back to expectation...(I quite like Whitts too, the poor escape goat) (n/m) (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 10:20:18
- And they get to watch the best players in the world every week on TV (NCFC) - mr carra, Apr 25, 09:58:45
- I blame MOTD. When people watch highlights all the time, they kind (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 25, 09:41:36
- That fucking big screen kills atmosphere imho as people gawp at that shit all the time (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 25, 09:23:27
- i hardly look at the screen (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 25, 09:51:41
- Plus if you sit in the Barclay odds are there's a pillar in the way (n/m) (NCFC) - mr carra, Apr 25, 09:56:47
- in the city stand it's likely to be a pillow (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 09:57:23
- oi! you cheeky whippersnapper (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:04:19
- ^^^ VMT^^^^ (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 25, 10:08:15
- 2/4. Its the Jarrald, you absolute roaster (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 25, 11:48:28
- No. Its the City Stand. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 25, 10:53:54
- always will be so, no matter what Corporate tosh they put on the roof (NCFC) - emmaroyds, Apr 25, 10:15:26
- ^ Dinosaurs living in the past making it difficult for us to progress as a club^ (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 10:12:31
- traditions sould be bloody well respected, they are legends, customs or (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:45:56
- we should move the ground and change the colour of the kit too (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 10:47:38
- stone him ^ (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:51:21
- Probably enjoy it TBF. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 25, 10:59:38
- trudat (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 11:07:45
- you're both bullies (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 11:40:19
- trudat (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 11:07:45
- Probably enjoy it TBF. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 25, 10:59:38
- stone him ^ (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:51:21
- we should move the ground and change the colour of the kit too (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 10:47:38
- traditions sould be bloody well respected, they are legends, customs or (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:45:56
- ^^^ VMT^^^^ (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 25, 10:08:15
- oi! you cheeky whippersnapper (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 10:04:19
- in the city stand it's likely to be a pillow (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 09:57:23
- Plus if you sit in the Barclay odds are there's a pillar in the way (n/m) (NCFC) - mr carra, Apr 25, 09:56:47
- What if the QD ads are more entertaining? (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 25, 09:39:50
- Β£1m that should have been spent on Ludovico treatment for our defenders imhoi (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 25, 09:41:01
- i hardly look at the screen (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 25, 09:51:41
- Rubbish there is plenty of home grounds that generate a good atmosphere... (NCFC) - walksie, Apr 25, 10:18:08
- Just read ACN article. Webber comes across excellent in my view couple of great bits; (NCFC) - walksie, Apr 25, 07:45:54
- There are casual tickets in the Barclay aren't there? (NCFC) - norway, Apr 25, 08:19:33
- I agree. My Dad bless him really struggles at away games (NCFC) - Azteca, Apr 25, 09:04:45
- Yes but they're a bit pokey on price which I'm about to go back to next season... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 25, 08:39:57
- The club should invest in the rail seating for the lower Barclay (NCFC) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 25, 08:31:02
- This would definitely help. (n/m) (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 08:35:09
- We should probably wait until it's legal (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Apr 25, 08:43:03
- If we put in rail seats .. surely it's legal (NCFC) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 25, 09:07:42
- Rail seating is not permitted at present, the law must change... (NCFC) - Thomo, Apr 25, 09:26:59
- how can this be worse than what currently happens week in week out... (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 10:15:02
- make it happen Thomo (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 09:28:43
- rail seating seems to be a European innovation so it has no chance (n/m) (NCFC) - mr carra, Apr 25, 09:36:34
- Pretty sure that safe standing/rail seating in top 2 tiers in England is against the law (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Apr 25, 09:11:50
- Rail seating is not permitted at present, the law must change... (NCFC) - Thomo, Apr 25, 09:26:59
- cant see itd make much difference they all pretty much stand anyway dont they? (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 08:59:38
- Exactly. I used to love it in Barclay when every one was standing (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 25, 09:45:38
- If we put in rail seats .. surely it's legal (NCFC) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 25, 09:07:42
- We should probably wait until it's legal (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Apr 25, 08:43:03
- This would definitely help. (n/m) (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 08:35:09
- i didn't like that element of his interview. Atmosphere at Carrow Road is fine when (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 07:58:57
- If you think your support of the team has to be earned then NCFC is not in your blood (NCFC) - Dunney, Apr 25, 10:28:23
- Its not fine though is it? And that kind of attitude is part of the problem (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 08:34:39
- Sorry caught up at work. This is 100% spot on. (NCFC) - walksie, Apr 25, 10:11:41
- Which is your other regular username, KJ? (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 25, 10:02:54
- Don't have one. Have had others in the past but this is the main one now (n/m) (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 10:17:46
- 100% this ^^^ (n/m) (NCFC) - Dunney, Apr 25, 09:46:16
- Spot On... (NCFC) - Thomo, Apr 25, 09:19:09
- Atmosphere is best when the fans think the team is up against it (NCFC) - mr carra, Apr 25, 09:29:07
- Yea that's a very good point. (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 09:45:23
- Have never really understood that last attitude (NCFC) - CWC, Apr 25, 10:53:10
- we just need to get a player sent off every game - simples (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 09:52:53
- Gentlemen, I think we've found our new head coach ^^^^^ (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 09:56:56
- His idea sounds suspiciously like our old manager (n/m) (NCFC) - mr carra, Apr 25, 10:08:32
- Gentlemen, I think we've found our new head coach ^^^^^ (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 09:56:56
- Yea that's a very good point. (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 09:45:23
- Atmosphere is best when the fans think the team is up against it (NCFC) - mr carra, Apr 25, 09:29:07
- Not my view, an explanation of why its been a bit flat at times this season (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 08:58:58
- lolf, as if it's a new phenomenon this season! (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 25, 09:47:06
- Its interesting that you link support for the team to support for the owners (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Apr 25, 09:40:43
- You should read posts properly (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 10:27:41
- have you read what Stuart Webber actually said properly? (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 25, 10:58:13
- You should read posts properly (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 10:27:41
- Amazing post. Exactly this. (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 25, 08:57:42
- POTD (n/m) (NCFC) - Under soil heating, Apr 25, 08:56:21
- YES KJ... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 25, 08:44:46
- Bang on, its not a new problem at Carra though (NCFC) - megson, Apr 25, 08:41:00
- ^^^ entut though (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 25, 09:47:38
- Spot on (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Apr 25, 08:36:26
- Disagree hudds had a dreadful spell earlier ... (NCFC) - loz, Apr 25, 08:09:35
- They would, our supporters are about the most patient in the country, thats one of the (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 09:04:41
- Agree to an extent but what about... (NCFC) - loz, Apr 25, 09:47:09
- We probably should be more patient with the Murphy's although (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 10:32:18
- Agree to an extent but what about... (NCFC) - loz, Apr 25, 09:47:09
- They would, our supporters are about the most patient in the country, thats one of the (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 25, 09:04:41
- It's great that he has clearly seen the issues (NCFC) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 25, 08:07:51
- yep, the removal of the crossbar challenge has ruined the atmosphere (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 08:36:00
- It was humour (n/m) (NCFC) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 25, 08:52:35
- My one unfulfilled ambition as a fan is to see XXL do the crossbar challenge (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Apr 25, 08:40:42
- I want to see him hang off it (by his hands fwiw) and snap it. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 25, 08:54:41
- I miss the crossbar challenge (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 25, 08:38:06
- i was there when kenton was beaten by a little gurl (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 08:54:54
- i was there when IED tried to kick a ball (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 25, 09:52:11
- I did it scored 3 peaches!, son won Β£100 and had his picture in the EDP opening his N&P (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 25, 09:55:20
- i was there when IED tried to kick a ball (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 25, 09:52:11
- i was there when kenton was beaten by a little gurl (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 08:54:54
- yep, the removal of the crossbar challenge has ruined the atmosphere (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 25, 08:36:00
- There are casual tickets in the Barclay aren't there? (NCFC) - norway, Apr 25, 08:19:33
- Fuck me, full throttle Wrath ageism down there vvv (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 24, 15:35:59
- Where? Hang on, let me get my glasses. (n/m) (NCFC) - avenging canary, Apr 24, 16:05:30
- you tell em Grandpa (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 24, 16:01:09
- Speak up, he probably didn't hear that. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 24, 16:01:57
- Bloody hell, deafist too π. Has this become a (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 24, 16:08:32
- he's already forgotten what he was on about (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 24, 16:03:07
- π«π£π‘ββ β βπβ (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 24, 16:14:07
- Speak up, he probably didn't hear that. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 24, 16:01:57
- I interviewed Stuart Webber for ACN (NCFC) - DJ Worthy, Apr 24, 14:21:51
- That's a fantastic article (NCFC) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 24, 16:41:43
- Great read, thank you. I like the sound of him, lets see if he can deliver. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 24, 15:33:37
- Really good read, thank you (n/m) (NCFC) - Wild Edric, Apr 24, 15:16:52
- That's great stuff and I've got a full-on tent for next season. (NCFC) - bird table, Apr 24, 15:02:31
- Yeah. No head in the sand there. (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 24, 15:16:40
- I also liked this bit re player wages... "no doubt some of them would have earned it" (NCFC) - bird table, Apr 24, 15:34:29
- Yeah. No head in the sand there. (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 24, 15:16:40
- π (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Apr 24, 14:56:51
- That's a superb piece, well done (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 24, 14:54:06
- i'm liking what i read on there a lot (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 24, 14:44:09
- SCOOP!!! (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 24, 14:29:49
- I loved this bit... (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 24, 14:44:27
- Surely thereβs enough young people here who want to come and get a little bit drunk....." (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 24, 15:16:36
- He's ageist (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 24, 15:24:01
- haha. he fucking HATES you and your kind. (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 24, 15:28:09
- My drone will soon be hovering outside your windows (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 24, 16:04:12
- He dint have windows. He lives on a roundabout (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 24, 16:16:08
- lolf (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 24, 15:32:14
- My drone will soon be hovering outside your windows (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 24, 16:04:12
- haha. he fucking HATES you and your kind. (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 24, 15:28:09
- He's ageist (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 24, 15:24:01
- Surely thereβs enough young people here who want to come and get a little bit drunk....." (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Apr 24, 15:16:36
- Chairs OG. (n/m) (NCFC) - DJ Worthy, Apr 24, 14:31:36
- I loved this bit... (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 24, 14:44:27
- Tombs's DIY tip of the day #3739021b - Hammerite Paint: Pros and Cons (General Chat) - Tombs, Apr 21, 14:51:00
- Just wear a pair of marigolds (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 21, 19:17:13
- Thanks for the tip but try applying the Hammerite with a BRUSH (General Chat) - Chopper, Apr 21, 15:09:02
- Cheers, insider knowledge is always welcome (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, Apr 21, 16:54:26
- ^^^^ Good advice, could also try a roller on big surfaces. (General Chat) - megson, Apr 21, 15:11:17
- or get a bicycle pump and suck it up and use as a sprayer. (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 21, 15:51:55
- Or decant numerous tins into a large tin bath, and dip said object (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 21, 15:25:11
- Le Pen is going to win isnt she? What a shit storm (Other Football) - CB41, Apr 21, 13:52:27
- It already is unleashed, have you not noticed the existing threat ? (n/m) (Other Football) - 1902, Apr 21, 19:16:15
- Fucking hope not. (n/m) (Other Football) - CROYDONCANARY, Apr 21, 15:24:42
- Would be a pretty big surprise if so (Other Football) - Tricky Hawes, Apr 21, 14:19:06
- Never gambled, ever. What makes you so sure? All (Other Football) - CB41, Apr 21, 14:43:52
- you mug (Other Football) - Chris Peacock, Apr 21, 16:42:22
- Didn't say I was sure (Other Football) - Tricky Hawes, Apr 21, 15:20:25
- Never gambled, ever. What makes you so sure? All (Other Football) - CB41, Apr 21, 14:43:52
- Looks very Urban Vs Rural in France (n/m) (Other Football) - megson, Apr 21, 14:13:48
- don't you think it's a lot like and more especially the states (n/m) (Other Football) - Men without hats, Apr 21, 15:53:06
- Good Bailey piece (NCFC) - norway, Apr 21, 12:44:07
- Cam (n/m) (NCFC) - revsimon, Apr 21, 18:08:06
- Wes for me (n/m) (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Apr 21, 14:59:40
- Dijks, for me. Might tempt him to stay. Tactical vote hintut. (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 21, 13:47:41
- In a season of a lot of nothing, I've voted Wes for long service award. (n/m) (NCFC) - Bungle, Apr 21, 13:43:09
- Yeah,has to be this year as we might not get another chance. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 21, 13:59:28
- This (n/m) (NCFC) - BINMEN8R, Apr 21, 13:53:48
- You know you've had a shit season when Jerome is pots (n/m) (NCFC) - thirsty work, Apr 21, 13:33:54
- Really? 6th highest scorer in the league. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 21, 15:12:57
- Voting for Hooley Weslahan (NCFC) - Cheltenham_Canary, Apr 21, 13:32:33
- "Pubic vote" πππ (n/m) (NCFC) - Hongky, Apr 21, 13:30:56
- apart from his misunderstanding of the word "infinitely" (NCFC) - Henclrikus, Apr 21, 13:22:55
- typo (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 21, 15:06:53
- Out of many in each case? (n/m) (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Apr 21, 14:20:08
- Wesleyhan for me (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 21, 13:20:53
- No. Wesso gets my vote. (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 21, 12:58:59
- Nah. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Apr 21, 12:55:37
- Or Wes! (n/m) (NCFC) - roedtonowhere, Apr 21, 12:52:13
- I voted Wes. (n/m) (NCFC) - bird table, Apr 21, 12:55:52
- ... (NCFC) - norway, Apr 21, 12:44:21
- Head over Heart Jerome for me. (n/m) (NCFC) - Men without hats, Apr 21, 15:56:41
- 9 (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 21, 12:04:58
- ....thousand season tickets for next season is all the scum have sold?! (n/m) (General Chat) - Cheltenham_Canary, Apr 21, 13:55:29
- 8500 (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 21, 12:07:26
- good effort (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 21, 12:08:16
- Reference the youngish normals dying of heart attacks suddenly below. Any concern or pain (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 21, 11:45:48
- Meant to say: ^^very much this^^ (General Chat) - woody, Apr 21, 15:12:00
- ) (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 21, 15:57:27
- Dropped iPad! Thanks Woody, it's clearly pretty common and not finding time for your (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 21, 16:01:17
- Blimey. Should GP's be sending more people for Angio's then? (General Chat) - megson, Apr 21, 15:15:39
- ) (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 21, 15:57:27
- ^^^T^^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - woody, Apr 21, 14:44:36
- Wow, good story thanks for sharing. Not TMW and is important! (General Chat) - megson, Apr 21, 12:07:11
- Sorry Jumbo, didn't mean to bring you more pain mate. (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 21, 12:16:11
- Me too, I don't know why I was, I think I knew deep down I had some shit going down (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 21, 13:00:38
- x, glad you were persistant! (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 21, 12:36:06
- my mum thought she had indegestion :0( (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 21, 12:09:48
- Sorry Jumbo, didn't mean to bring you more pain mate. (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 21, 12:16:11
- Sorry TMW, but it is important (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 21, 11:47:17
- Meant to say: ^^very much this^^ (General Chat) - woody, Apr 21, 15:12:00
- Really looking forward to tonight's game (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 21, 10:11:12
- I will be looking at tonight's game in a blur (NCFC) - watfordcanary, Apr 21, 10:21:03
- is that the photos for diabetics (n/m) (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 21, 10:33:40
- That's the one. Recently privatised so no longer available locally (NCFC) - watfordcanary, Apr 21, 11:14:42
- the absolute worst, especially on a sunny day (n/m) (NCFC) - samcd84, Apr 21, 10:47:57
- never really had a problem (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 21, 11:04:47
- Sunglasses usually sort it out, though I will be wearing photochromic today (NCFC) - watfordcanary, Apr 21, 11:16:11
- never really had a problem (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 21, 11:04:47
- is that the photos for diabetics (n/m) (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 21, 10:33:40
- Really? I'm the opposite. Them riding the crest of a wave...us...well....hmm (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Apr 21, 10:16:40
- fickle fans eh? kuh (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 21, 10:18:19
- That's true. I wouldn't say I'm fickle though, just not looking forward to it :-) (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Apr 21, 10:19:02
- π (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 21, 11:24:51
- What's the best pre match dinner? I'd say, Steak and chips. #proper (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 21, 10:19:50
- Sausage and lentil casserole pre Carrow Rd for me tonight (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 21, 10:49:05
- Stand? Tsk. All seater stadium you hooligan. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 21, 10:57:16
- *flicks v signs towards all* (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 21, 11:04:53
- CAN YOU SIT DOWN PLEASE (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 21, 11:13:52
- *flicks v signs towards all* (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 21, 11:04:53
- Stand? Tsk. All seater stadium you hooligan. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 21, 10:57:16
- Fish and chips and much ale for me Dubs (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Apr 21, 10:27:14
- Another excellent choice! (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 21, 10:42:06
- I saw that chap at the pottergate chippy got another award, never been in there. (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 21, 10:42:42
- Another excellent choice! (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 21, 10:42:06
- Sausage and lentil casserole pre Carrow Rd for me tonight (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 21, 10:49:05
- That's true. I wouldn't say I'm fickle though, just not looking forward to it :-) (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Apr 21, 10:19:02
- fickle fans eh? kuh (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 21, 10:18:19
- We're gonna smash um (n/m) (NCFC) - oh huckerby, Apr 21, 10:13:59
- Hootun Tootun. (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 21, 10:11:58
- Friday night footer under the floodlights lovely old job (NCFC) - Tombs, Apr 21, 10:16:35
- I will be looking at tonight's game in a blur (NCFC) - watfordcanary, Apr 21, 10:21:03
- If you could reside anywhere in Norfolk what town/village would you choose? (General Chat) - Tombs, Apr 20, 14:28:35
- Well Tombs, I already spend an awful lot of time at Trimingham so that would be my (General Chat) - lovely old job, Apr 20, 21:10:10
- Croooooomer or Wells (n/m) (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 20, 17:32:58
- Yarmouth. (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Apr 20, 17:27:47
- Yarmouth really Brooksie Boy so typical of you (n/m) (General Chat) - Tilly, Apr 20, 23:03:52
- muchos danke for your input gentlemens, i shall draught up a list and start the process of (General Chat) - Tombs, Apr 20, 17:00:00
- Wroxham (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 20, 16:49:31
- Or Hoveton (n/m) (General Chat) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 20, 17:29:24
- Same place intut (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 20, 19:16:32
- Or Hoveton (n/m) (General Chat) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 20, 17:29:24
- Lynn cos I already do couldn't be arsed to move (n/m) (General Chat) - Mickdundee, Apr 20, 16:47:59
- Morningthorpe (n/m) (General Chat) - Waz, Apr 20, 16:36:14
- Gunton, Trunch, or Toft Monks. (n/m) (General Chat) - Huge Small, Apr 20, 16:20:20
- Blakeney (General Chat) - Highlander, Apr 20, 16:17:50
- Neatishead seems quite nice. Good pub etc. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Apr 20, 15:59:30
- West Runton (n/m) (General Chat) - bird table, Apr 20, 15:51:12
- Serious answer - Castle Rising (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 20, 15:34:53
- loaded.^^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 20, 16:30:29
- Blickling (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 20, 15:29:31
- Walsingham. I likes it there. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Apr 20, 15:19:04
- Thorpe Market or Beeston Regis (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 20, 15:17:32
- Hoxne. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 20, 15:16:56
- barrack estate (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 20, 15:10:52
- Slightly north of Beccles (n/m) (General Chat) - Fozzie, Apr 20, 15:04:06
- Gillingham? (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 20, 15:22:26
- as close to where the thurne and bure join. fishtastic. B E A U T I F U L. (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, Apr 20, 15:03:39
- And they're refurbing the Lion pub! (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Apr 20, 15:18:23
- Beccles (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 20, 14:57:12
- norfolk idiot (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 20, 14:59:45
- Brom knew (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 20, 15:21:57
- bit aggresive! (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 20, 15:03:19
- yer what you going to do !!! (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 20, 15:07:39
- Suffolk intut (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 20, 14:58:39
- Not anymore, I moved the river. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 20, 15:00:33
- fairy nuff - it is a nice place (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 20, 15:03:42
- Not anymore, I moved the river. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 20, 15:00:33
- norfolk idiot (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 20, 14:59:45
- Trowse (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 20, 14:50:52
- Lived there for four years. Stepford... (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 20, 15:12:31
- oh, just read it - Wymondham then (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 20, 14:51:35
- Roy's of wroxham (n/m) (General Chat) - yellowman, Apr 20, 14:42:56
- That there dinosaur park place (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 20, 14:36:49
- Burnham Market (General Chat) - oh huckerby, Apr 20, 14:34:09
- Hornsey drainage mill (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 20, 14:32:15
- Ringland (General Chat) - archroy, Apr 20, 14:31:27
- Has a result ever been more certain in a General Election? (General Chat) - norway, Apr 18, 16:42:40
- Dunno (n/m) (General Chat) - Charles21, Apr 18, 18:17:29
- Just like Clinton was a shoe in for over here? (n/m) (General Chat) - John in Texas, Apr 18, 17:08:19
- *shoo* in (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 18, 17:28:28
- spell checker (n/m) (General Chat) - John in Texas, Apr 18, 17:53:33
- Here here (n/m) (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, Apr 18, 17:47:40
- Not rising (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 18, 17:56:43
- Not rising (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 18, 17:52:31
- *shoo* in (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 18, 17:28:28
- You didn't vote in 97? That was my first. Similar to you its my first (General Chat) - megson, Apr 18, 16:54:30
- I voted in 92 and 97. Neither were certainties. (n/m) (General Chat) - norway, Apr 18, 17:13:22
- Not like this. (n/m) (General Chat) - norway, Apr 18, 17:13:57
- I once voted Tory, long ago. Then they shafted of Ted (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 17:11:13
- I voted in 92 and 97. Neither were certainties. (n/m) (General Chat) - norway, Apr 18, 17:13:22
- Fucking depressing isn't it. (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 16:47:18
- Maggie's victories were always certain.. (General Chat) - colincanary, Apr 18, 16:46:37
- She had to create a war to win one of them (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 16:47:52
- That's rather a distorted view of what happened. Having taken part in said war..... (General Chat) - Kirrie, Apr 19, 00:11:55
- Genuine question - how did she 'create' it? (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 18, 16:52:40
- By ignoring all the information she was given in (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 17:06:20
- She did (n/m) (General Chat) - colincanary, Apr 18, 16:52:17
- She had to create a war to win one of them (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 16:47:52
- ^^^ thinly veiled "I'm not as old as you thought" post (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 16:46:35
- 97 and 01 were complete certainties (General Chat) - earlydoors, Apr 18, 16:46:26
- If Tory votors think like Norway and dont bother to (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 16:50:28
- It's very interesting stuff. Will labour and or Tories gain at UKIPs expense? (General Chat) - Azteca, Apr 18, 17:17:58
- it won't be ever though will it, everything goes in cycles. (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 18, 16:54:11
- I doubt the party leading us to Brexit disaster will (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 17:07:54
- Should have said "hard" Brexit (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 17:08:44
- I doubt the party leading us to Brexit disaster will (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 17:07:54
- If Tory votors think like Norway and dont bother to (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 16:50:28
- Theresa May is so incredibly deluded. (General Chat) - I Am Hoot, Apr 18, 11:12:46
- So deluded she'll have a 200 seat lead and more power negotiating brexit (n/m) (General Chat) - Boris, Apr 18, 12:08:37
- I think he means the "united country" bit (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 12:54:51
- British Politics is a complete car crash .. (General Chat) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 18, 11:25:49
- it's the owner's fault (General Chat) - CWC, Apr 18, 11:30:35
- Lol ... don't think May could ever be described as "too nice" (General Chat) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 18, 11:38:36
- it's the owner's fault (General Chat) - CWC, Apr 18, 11:30:35
- My fear at the next election.... (General Chat) - CROYDONCANARY, Apr 18, 11:18:24
- i wouldn't have thought gay marriage (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 18, 11:25:29
- It'll certainly be debated, I doubt it would actually go though. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 18, 11:22:00
- Hanging and flogging in public..... (General Chat) - CROYDONCANARY, Apr 18, 11:27:23
- Tories need their votes before they all die due to underfunding the NHS (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 11:30:38
- Yep, she's worked out Brexit will be a total disaster (General Chat) - mr carra, Apr 18, 11:33:55
- Bet she's hoping she''l lose so some other mug has to do it (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 11:36:27
- Yep, she's worked out Brexit will be a total disaster (General Chat) - mr carra, Apr 18, 11:33:55
- Tories need their votes before they all die due to underfunding the NHS (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 11:30:38
- Hanging and flogging in public..... (General Chat) - CROYDONCANARY, Apr 18, 11:27:23
- Bizarre speech. A bit like a cartoon supervillain. (n/m) (General Chat) - mr carra, Apr 18, 11:15:36
- Just ridiculous really. So much bullshit. (n/m) (General Chat) - I Am Hoot, Apr 18, 11:24:16
- "Every vote for the Conservatives makes me stronger" (General Chat) - mr carra, Apr 18, 11:28:02
- Haha (n/m) (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 18, 14:03:19
- "Every vote for the Conservatives makes me stronger" (General Chat) - mr carra, Apr 18, 11:28:02
- Just ridiculous really. So much bullshit. (n/m) (General Chat) - I Am Hoot, Apr 18, 11:24:16
- They will win by a Blairesque margin. (General Chat) - megson, Apr 18, 11:13:37
- I don't think the Tory vote will increase .... (General Chat) - CROYDONCANARY, Apr 18, 11:36:04
- The UKippers can go back to them now (n/m) (General Chat) - mr carra, Apr 18, 11:43:30
- Maybe but their attitude to Brexit and the way they think they will steamroll Europe, (General Chat) - I Am Hoot, Apr 18, 11:23:10
- True but it will finally force Corbyn to resign as well and Labour to start again. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Apr 18, 11:15:08
- Yup,don't underestimate the deluded left of the Labour party. (n/m) (General Chat) - CROYDONCANARY, Apr 18, 11:22:35
- Don't underestimate Jezza's ability to ride on blithely through the wreckage. (n/m) (General Chat) - bird table, Apr 18, 11:19:20
- I don't think the Tory vote will increase .... (General Chat) - CROYDONCANARY, Apr 18, 11:36:04
- So deluded she'll have a 200 seat lead and more power negotiating brexit (n/m) (General Chat) - Boris, Apr 18, 12:08:37
- *th June General Election according to unconfirmed source for the Beeb (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 11:00:20
- But were we not too busy with negotiations to allow another Scottish referendum? (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Apr 18, 11:13:24
- ha, yes, this (General Chat) - CWC, Apr 18, 11:21:54
- and she'd also repeatedly ruled out calling an early election (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 11:16:55
- politicians lie and u-turn with almost every breath (General Chat) - Henclrikus, Apr 18, 11:57:08
- Was always going to happen though, despite what she might have wanted herself (General Chat) - megson, Apr 18, 11:21:24
- the only opposition will come from her back-benchers though (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 11:35:58
- Not so sure. Don't rule out a sudden and dramatic return of their (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 18, 11:38:25
- the only opposition will come from her back-benchers though (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 11:35:58
- Yup. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Apr 18, 11:17:10
- But rock and roll for an election. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Apr 18, 11:14:11
- Brexlection! (General Chat) - bird table, Apr 18, 11:07:40
- and now being repeated and confirmed (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 11:06:38
- Yep she's trotted out early to deliver. (n/m) (General Chat) - Bungle, Apr 18, 11:08:02
- Makes sense. (General Chat) - Bungle, Apr 18, 11:02:19
- 8th (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 18, 11:00:36
- But were we not too busy with negotiations to allow another Scottish referendum? (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Apr 18, 11:13:24
- Season ticket available for last 3 home games. (NCFC) - canarybirdie, Apr 13, 11:48:10
- really sorry to hear of your loss, all thoughts are with you and yours (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 13, 12:51:44
- Condolences, soprry for your loss. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 13, 12:34:18
- Really sorry to hear your news. Big Internet Hugs xx (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Man, Apr 13, 12:09:46
- Sorry to hear that xxx (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Apr 13, 12:06:36
- Love to you and your family. (n/m) (NCFC) - Bravo win or die, Apr 13, 12:00:00
- big hugs x (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 13, 11:57:28
- Bless x (n/m) (NCFC) - yellowman, Apr 13, 11:55:37
- Sorry to hear that,chin up.x (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 13, 11:54:54
- Sorry to hear your news, all the best to you and the family. (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 13, 11:52:26
- Thank you all so much... (NCFC) - canarybirdie, Apr 13, 12:10:00
- FAO Archroy (General Chat) - megson, Apr 13, 09:41:06
- Lolz (General Chat) - archroy, Apr 13, 10:44:16
- Sadly no, I'll be DIY-ing I think. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 13, 12:35:45
- Lolz (General Chat) - archroy, Apr 13, 10:44:16
- Spot the IDEOTS competition.... (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 12, 15:36:27
- I don't recognise any of the ideots. Mind you that photo looks like a collage of (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Apr 12, 19:18:38
- thats an away game (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 12, 15:56:08
- Its a close up of this one from Fulham... (General Chat) - um_gah, Apr 12, 16:07:38
- Which means (General Chat) - archroy, Apr 12, 17:14:52
- I'm sure I can see Meggers and APB & possibly KLOBO (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 12, 15:59:15
- APB looking very thoughtful. I'm right off to the right (someway out of shot) (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Apr 12, 17:11:49
- He always looks thoughtful except when he's kicking stuff (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Apr 12, 19:19:16
- Can you? I couldn't see me! Better look again. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 12, 16:15:58
- Isn't this the one where (General Chat) - archroy, Apr 12, 17:15:56
- Oh yeah! Deffo a Foolham (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 12, 16:17:06
- Old Git is in there, deffo (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 12, 16:05:40
- what the feck is that? (n/m) (General Chat) - pants, Apr 12, 16:32:39
- lol - the one wearing the faded barristers wig! (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 12, 16:07:20
- APB looking very thoughtful. I'm right off to the right (someway out of shot) (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Apr 12, 17:11:49
- Its a close up of this one from Fulham... (General Chat) - um_gah, Apr 12, 16:07:38
- jumbo1 - front row, 4th from the right (n/m) (General Chat) - Huge Small, Apr 12, 15:53:49
- wrong (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 12, 15:57:42
- Oh balls. I meant 4th from the LEFT. (n/m) (General Chat) - Huge Small, Apr 12, 16:13:07
- i'm still not in it innit! (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 12, 16:16:11
- Oh balls. I meant 4th from the LEFT. (n/m) (General Chat) - Huge Small, Apr 12, 16:13:07
- wrong (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 12, 15:57:42
- What are doing for Easter apart for watching us win? (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 11, 12:53:17
- Gin (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Man, Apr 11, 16:34:08
- Sex (n/m) (NCFC) - Charles21, Apr 11, 15:10:46
- Going to Arundel (n/m) (NCFC) - Surrey Yella, Apr 11, 15:08:23
- ooh, very nice (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 11, 15:30:59
- Burping sperm into a kleenex (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 11, 14:07:23
- sorry, YER MUM took control of my account for a minute (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 11, 14:09:17
- That's very unlikely (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 11, 14:37:10
- sorry, YER MUM took control of my account for a minute (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 11, 14:09:17
- Going to The Jazz Cafe on Monday (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Apr 11, 14:00:17
- smoooooooth (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 11, 15:30:39
- Jubbles. (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 11, 14:47:39
- Finishing ripping out old back boiler and flue (NCFC) - megson, Apr 11, 13:52:46
- that's what APB is doing with big gobb (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 11, 14:07:27
- "Lots to do in front room " (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Apr 11, 14:18:12
- that's what APB is doing with big gobb (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 11, 14:07:27
- getting nailed (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 11, 13:48:16
- Jesus you sound cross. (n/m) (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Apr 11, 14:18:51
- finally someone gets it (n/m) (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 11, 14:40:40
- Erm, I think people got it tbf. I may be wrong though. (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 11, 14:50:17
- until someone posted it (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 11, 14:58:00
- Erm, I think people got it tbf. I may be wrong though. (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 11, 14:50:17
- finally someone gets it (n/m) (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 11, 14:40:40
- by APB? (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 11, 13:49:36
- Who isn't? (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Apr 11, 13:53:23
- Woosh !! (n/m) (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 11, 13:50:20
- Jesus you sound cross. (n/m) (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Apr 11, 14:18:51
- Sex. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Apr 11, 13:26:40
- Rolf, no idea if this site is unique, but it's fuckern funnyπ. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 11, 13:40:08
- Cool, anyone else involved? (n/m) (NCFC) - shortfatb, Apr 11, 13:33:14
- If need be. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Apr 11, 13:40:04
- Me. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Apr 11, 13:37:29
- Arse egg. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Apr 11, 13:39:16
- Evenly-spaced arse egg inserters. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Apr 11, 14:01:52
- Not forgetting wall-to-wall rubber mattress and baby oil jets. (NCFC) - APB, Apr 11, 14:13:28
- Boing! (n/m) (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Apr 11, 14:25:30
- Not forgetting wall-to-wall rubber mattress and baby oil jets. (NCFC) - APB, Apr 11, 14:13:28
- Evenly-spaced arse egg inserters. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Apr 11, 14:01:52
- love eggs (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 11, 13:39:00
- Arse egg. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Apr 11, 13:39:16
- might be (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Apr 11, 13:34:25
- Probably working. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 11, 13:13:51
- Hooning around Ireland (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 11, 13:07:02
- Hooning is a great word intut? (n/m) (NCFC) - shortfatb, Apr 11, 13:44:07
- You, shortfatb and Garrrrrry are winning at the mo in my eyes (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 11, 13:12:22
- Nice. really, really must get over to Ireland. Might go in September (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 11, 13:08:08
- I wouldn't go between Aug and Sept if i were you, that's rainy seas- oh. (n/m) (NCFC) - Arizona Bay, Apr 11, 13:13:38
- At the caravan at Oby, watching the game and (n/m) (NCFC) - shortfatb, Apr 11, 13:04:12
- Caravan Club (NCFC) - harry boulders, Apr 11, 13:06:03
- We own a static there and at 48 my wife is the youngest resident by about 20 years! (n/m) (NCFC) - shortfatb, Apr 11, 13:19:51
- eating at the Bridge at Acle and drinking at the Gunton Arms (n/m) (NCFC) - shortfatb, Apr 11, 13:05:03
- Going to the Gunton? I'm not at all envious... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 11, 13:11:10
- Not eating apart from bar snacks, just like it as a boozer (n/m) (NCFC) - shortfatb, Apr 11, 13:17:19
- Going to the Gunton? I'm not at all envious... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 11, 13:11:10
- Caravan Club (NCFC) - harry boulders, Apr 11, 13:06:03
- Gardening, prob one day out in the hills (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 11, 13:04:06
- Friends over for meal Sat. Not watching game (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 11, 13:04:51
- Game is on Friday. No excuses. (n/m) (NCFC) - Pixelman, Apr 11, 13:32:07
- Not an excuse. Don't watch footy, unless I go to the game (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 11, 16:13:38
- Game is on Friday. No excuses. (n/m) (NCFC) - Pixelman, Apr 11, 13:32:07
- Friends over for meal Sat. Not watching game (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Apr 11, 13:04:51
- Was thinking of a little trip somewhere but dunno if I can be arsed. (NCFC) - Steve in Holland, Apr 11, 12:57:53
- Nip down to Brugge and see some shit football at Cercle. It's free! (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Apr 11, 13:08:23
- Wrathing and a bit of drinking. :) (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Apr 11, 12:56:52
- ushering at a wedding (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 11, 12:55:00
- working! (n/m) (NCFC) - oh huckerby, Apr 11, 12:54:04
- Just found MIKEWALKERS real identity. (General Chat) - megson, Apr 7, 16:43:16
- What a gigantic cunt. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Apr 7, 16:54:01
- Who? MIKEWALKER? (General Chat) - usacanary, Apr 7, 17:28:57
- What a gigantic cunt. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Apr 7, 16:54:01
- Someone on my team has had to decline our team dinner on Monday because of Morris Practice (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Apr 7, 15:44:50
- Who does Morris practice between 12-2pm, unless by dinner you mean 'tea' (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 7, 16:23:52
- Dinner isn't time related it is size related. Dinner is the main meal of the day (General Chat) - megson, Apr 7, 16:37:17
- Dinner time is always mid day, regardless of what you eat (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 7, 16:47:40
- Dinner isn't time related it is size related. Dinner is the main meal of the day (General Chat) - megson, Apr 7, 16:37:17
- I used to have a Morris. Dint practice though (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 7, 15:48:25
- Moggy thou ? (n/m) (General Chat) - colincanary, Apr 7, 16:00:59
- I had a Morris (General Chat) - emmaroyds, Apr 7, 17:36:36
- Yep, split windscreen, cica 1954 (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 7, 16:44:52
- Moggy thou ? (n/m) (General Chat) - colincanary, Apr 7, 16:00:59
- "Team" - have a fucking word man (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 7, 15:46:14
- Who does Morris practice between 12-2pm, unless by dinner you mean 'tea' (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 7, 16:23:52
- FAO Old Git - just got a free coffee in Pret Cannon Street (General Chat) - Charles21, Apr 7, 13:15:46
- So post Brexit im assuming Natalia and Gabriel.... (General Chat) - usacanary, Apr 7, 14:25:12
- Yup (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 7, 15:22:20
- Brexit baby boom (n/m) (General Chat) - pants, Apr 7, 14:44:48
- Haven't you got a game of quoits to play on the poop deck or something? (n/m) (General Chat) - norway, Apr 7, 14:26:50
- Yay! (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 7, 13:52:42
- If my coffee is ready before I've paid, I get it for free (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Apr 7, 14:00:56
- That's tiny (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 7, 14:05:55
- In the office (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Apr 7, 14:46:54
- Isn't it cold by then? Or do you work for Southeastern?! (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 7, 15:23:17
- In the office (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Apr 7, 14:46:54
- That's tiny (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 7, 14:05:55
- Gabe wants a sugar daddy (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 7, 13:56:01
- If my coffee is ready before I've paid, I get it for free (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Apr 7, 14:00:56
- They give free food to the homeless don't they? (General Chat) - lurd, Apr 7, 13:19:04
- hahahaha, up yours gratis coffee clique (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 7, 14:06:36
- ^^ has never been sufficiently charming to get a free coffee ^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 7, 13:53:18
- Arrows (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 7, 13:44:40
- lolz (n/m) (General Chat) - pants, Apr 7, 13:20:21
- So post Brexit im assuming Natalia and Gabriel.... (General Chat) - usacanary, Apr 7, 14:25:12
- FAO Jumbo - Sorry for your loss fella - much love x x x (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 7, 08:32:59
- X (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 7, 19:41:07
- ^^^ absolutely this (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 7, 10:24:32
- Yes this! All the best mate x (n/m) (General Chat) - I Am Hoot, Apr 7, 08:51:52
- vmt. Thoughts are with you and yours. x (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Apr 7, 08:41:40
- The evidence shows every extra day of school missed can affect a pupil's chances of achiev (General Chat) - megson, Apr 6, 15:49:57
- We had ten civilians on shift with the yanks who would normally allow one off at a time. (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 6, 18:25:43
- The evidence of shows that the Supreme Court decision (General Chat) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 6, 17:09:06
- it's not about your daughter (General Chat) - CWC, Apr 6, 16:49:53
- the problem is for every case where no damage is done by removing a pupil from class (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 6, 16:00:48
- Taking my 6 year old boy out of school for a week in May (General Chat) - earlydoors, Apr 6, 15:54:22
- My partner and her former husband took both their children (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 6, 15:54:20
- exceptions do not disprove the point I'm afraid (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Apr 6, 15:57:22
- total bollocks. Son no.3 missed one week every year. (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 6, 18:22:46
- your sample size of 1 is flawed somehow (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 18:33:18
- not for me its not. but no surprise there worz. you still abroad? (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 6, 21:10:15
- your sample size of 1 is flawed somehow (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 18:33:18
- Yes, I know. Just saying, like (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 6, 15:58:56
- total bollocks. Son no.3 missed one week every year. (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 6, 18:22:46
- exceptions do not disprove the point I'm afraid (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Apr 6, 15:57:22
- SCM twitter ranting....much hatred for Fulham (NCFC) - oh huckerby, Apr 5, 05:41:45
- Parody account (n/m) (NCFC) - scotchcanary, Apr 5, 06:36:56
- Parody accounts are fuck (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 5, 09:06:13
- *looks into camera* (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 5, 09:06:36
- Ha! (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Apr 5, 12:14:31
- Aye aye, Miranda Hart's had a small Pinot Noir on the set of her sitcom. (n/m) (NCFC) - Arizona Bay, Apr 5, 10:29:37
- Chuckle (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Apr 5, 09:50:18
- Ha (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Apr 5, 09:35:29
- *looks into camera* (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 5, 09:06:36
- Parody accounts are fuck (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 5, 09:06:13
- Parody account (n/m) (NCFC) - scotchcanary, Apr 5, 06:36:56
- Norwich based coffee snobs. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 4, 15:23:15
- Yes, it is. I flagged Strangers a while ago (n/m) (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 4, 18:07:09
- It does my favourite coffee - the Colombian is amazingly nice (n/m) (General Chat) - Yellalee, Apr 4, 16:18:13
- That looks good. Bean lookinf for somewhere near (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 4, 15:49:30
- Good place in Skipton (General Chat) - camcan, Apr 4, 18:51:30
- Ah, I meant Clitheroe not Colne. (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 4, 20:12:02
- Good place in Skipton (General Chat) - camcan, Apr 4, 18:51:30
- There is a posh coffee place in Beccles now as well (General Chat) - megson, Apr 4, 15:32:26
- Massive koos outside Waterstones (General Chat) - trt354, Apr 4, 13:59:50
- Exactly..who (n/m) (General Chat) - trt354, Apr 4, 14:24:03
- In the Mark & Lard style: "Whoooooooooooooooo?" (n/m) (General Chat) - bird table, Apr 4, 14:13:03
- Shame its not the Shirehorses. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Apr 4, 15:33:04
- Mitch Mitchy Dijks getting a run out with the Canarylites tonight at the Beaverdome (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 31, 12:23:21
- Beast v boys (n/m) (NCFC) - Gob on a Stick, Mar 31, 13:26:19
- I'm gorn! (n/m) (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Mar 31, 12:35:56
- I was going till I remebered we were working till 6, then found out KO is 7 not 745. (NCFC) - megson, Mar 31, 12:55:46
- enjoy, should be a fair crowd (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 31, 12:45:34
- working from home. I think I'm going to have some form of eggage for lunch. (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, Mar 31, 11:54:52
- If you go poached, use a frying pan with about 3-even if water, they retain their shape al (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 31, 13:18:55
- Eggs done 3 ways (masterchef style) (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 31, 13:04:07
- Top curation right there (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Man, Mar 31, 18:27:53
- Balut. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 31, 12:47:26
- Poached on a salad. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Mar 31, 12:37:51
- boiled and chopped up, mixed up with Salad Cream - in a sandwich! (n/m) (General Chat) - shoddy, Mar 31, 12:34:25
- Boiled for 4.5mins, shelled and then chopped on toast with lots of salt (n/m) (General Chat) - Azteca, Mar 31, 12:18:35
- Soft boiled, with lots of salted toast. As Damon once sang (General Chat) - megson, Mar 31, 12:11:58
- baked (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 31, 12:09:02
- Barbecued in the shell.* (General Chat) - APB, Mar 31, 12:36:50
- fried crispy with bacon and put in a roll and a splash of tommy K (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 31, 11:57:00
- I like a traditional ole cheese and ham omlette, but mustn't be over cooked. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Mar 31, 11:56:40
- ooh, omelette, Nice idea. May go with that. (n/m) (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, Mar 31, 12:00:13
- What filling though? This sounds good.... (General Chat) - DrDublin, Mar 31, 12:02:34
- ooh, omelette, Nice idea. May go with that. (n/m) (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, Mar 31, 12:00:13
- What a beautiful day! (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 30, 15:24:38
- I have a relative who calls them Calypsos and will not be corrected (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Mar 30, 17:02:57
- I think I used to do that... (General Chat) - DJ Ginga, Mar 31, 00:13:02
- Your relative is correct (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 30, 19:53:02
- His relative is talking bollocks. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 30, 20:14:58
- any sun-kissed MILFS on the reg, pal? (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 30, 16:04:05
- Wall to wall (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Mar 30, 17:06:09
- As far as the eye can see. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 30, 16:15:58
- Had a couple of wipeouts in the North Sea before noon!... (General Chat) - yellowman, Mar 30, 15:53:14
- We're not scared! (General Chat) - megson, Mar 30, 15:39:24
- π (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 30, 18:41:38
- Forgot your pants did you Brooksie Boy I never can get you to dress yourself properly (n/m) (General Chat) - Tilly, Mar 30, 15:34:54
- I'm wearing your mum as a hat. (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 30, 15:40:58
- Good choice, nice swigging that last bit. Classic orange? (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Mar 30, 15:34:52
- Aye. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 30, 15:45:45
- I have a relative who calls them Calypsos and will not be corrected (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Mar 30, 17:02:57
- VICTOIRE! (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 22, 16:43:36
- Yes but did you fix it wearing Skinny jeans? (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 22, 16:50:33
- nope, soaked wet through work trews (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 22, 16:56:03
- Yes but did you fix it wearing Skinny jeans? (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 22, 16:50:33
- Skinny Jeans. What do we think? (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:10:48
- I make a damn good living in skinny jeans (General Chat) - harry boulders, Mar 22, 14:54:59
- Yeah why not. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Mar 22, 14:39:11
- Dunno, I just wear what I'm told (n/m) (General Chat) - Charles21, Mar 22, 14:15:56
- Skinny Jeans.......No.no.no and no. (n/m) (General Chat) - CROYDONCANARY, Mar 22, 14:13:31
- Good to see you're slowly acknowledging how old you really are... (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 22, 13:57:13
- I happened to pick up a copy of The Times Style supplement this week. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Mar 22, 13:51:29
- to quote Normal for Norfolk "Funeral for a Friend and My Chemical Romance?" (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 22, 13:25:44
- looking rad (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 22, 13:41:00
- mychemro (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 22, 13:32:24
- Can't fit them over my thighs! Very much looking forward to the return of Bootcut! (n/m) (General Chat) - JD3, Mar 22, 13:16:21
- No loose and baggy as fuck as should be your cardigan (n/m) (General Chat) - colincanary, Mar 22, 13:11:22
- The Wrath, beyond doubt, will be a hive of boot-cut barbarians. (n/m) (General Chat) - bird table, Mar 22, 13:08:55
- ^ Raises Hand^ Anyhthing else just looks like it would be uncomfortable and impractical (General Chat) - megson, Mar 22, 14:27:35
- 2% elastane (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 22, 14:36:04
- What? Elastic jeans? I've never felt more middleaged. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 22, 15:24:33
- that's why elastane is your friend (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 22, 15:44:02
- Sadly true. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 22, 15:49:40
- that's why elastane is your friend (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 22, 15:44:02
- What? Elastic jeans? I've never felt more middleaged. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 22, 15:24:33
- 2% elastane (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 22, 14:36:04
- Boot-cut is a euphemism for "really, I'd like an elasticated waistband." (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 14:18:23
- The trouser of the man who thinks he is on it but in reality has entirely given up. (n/m) (General Chat) - norway, Mar 22, 13:17:04
- Paired with a tan slip-on. Mmmmmm. (General Chat) - bird table, Mar 22, 13:56:01
- Ha ha. Absolutely. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Mar 22, 14:38:26
- Paired with a tan slip-on. Mmmmmm. (General Chat) - bird table, Mar 22, 13:56:01
- ^ Raises Hand^ Anyhthing else just looks like it would be uncomfortable and impractical (General Chat) - megson, Mar 22, 14:27:35
- Stonewash? (n/m) (General Chat) - strap_on sally, Mar 22, 12:47:10
- Not since Mr Byrite closed up Gentleman's Walk buddy. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:51:00
- With you, brother. (General Chat) - norway, Mar 22, 12:37:38
- Nothing worse than the skinny jean/inch and a half of ankle/sockless deck shoes combo. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:49:01
- Has to be sufficient 'swing' space, nothing worse than the 'meat and two'..... (General Chat) - Kirrie, Mar 22, 12:33:57
- ^^^Thinly veiled 'I have a large penis which I'm proud of' post^^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, Mar 22, 12:45:33
- More of an iprefer comfort post, nothing worse than sitting down..... (General Chat) - Kirrie, Mar 22, 12:50:31
- Sounds like sir is in want of a more supportive boxer. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:52:38
- why (n/m) (General Chat) - the Tilt Man, Apr 1, 18:40:45
- Boxers - hate em! (n/m) (General Chat) - Kirrie, Mar 22, 13:00:49
- ^^^Thinly veiled 'I also have large testicles' post (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, Mar 22, 12:52:00
- Sounds like sir is in want of a more supportive boxer. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:52:38
- More of an iprefer comfort post, nothing worse than sitting down..... (General Chat) - Kirrie, Mar 22, 12:50:31
- ^^^Thinly veiled 'I have a large penis which I'm proud of' post^^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, Mar 22, 12:45:33
- I wear slim-fit rather than skinny - a black jean rather than blue and with a pair of brog (General Chat) - Wild Edric, Mar 22, 12:29:56
- Slim fit jeans are fine on the more experience gentleman. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Mar 22, 12:37:49
- It's a yes from me. I'm 58, so close to death, but since I lost weight other styles hang (General Chat) - shortfatb, Mar 22, 12:27:52
- only issue for me is pockets (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 22, 12:27:31
- I'll raise you tapered trackie bottoms. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Mar 22, 12:26:00
- if you are going for the TOWIE look, then sure why not. (n/m) (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Mar 22, 12:21:42
- Nothing wrong with this as a look (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Mar 22, 12:22:53
- So you've hit midlife crisis already (General Chat) - Old Git, Mar 22, 12:21:10
- They probably don't make them in thorn proof tweed anyway (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Mar 22, 12:28:34
- Good point (General Chat) - Old Git, Mar 22, 12:32:33
- They probably don't make them in thorn proof tweed anyway (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Mar 22, 12:28:34
- Tapered perhaps .. (n/m) (General Chat) - Gob on a Stick, Mar 22, 12:15:15
- Do they have elasticated waists? If not it's a no from me. (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Mar 22, 12:14:39
- If you're over 25 you can't wear them. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Mar 22, 12:14:08
- This is exactly the sort of nonsense against which I will always stand. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:16:41
- I'm right with you. Not spray on as you say, but well fitted and skinny/slim. I am in (General Chat) - Adster, Mar 22, 12:12:59
- Yeah, not the best option for a big lad, for sure. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:15:31
- Everyone knows black and skin tight makes you look slimer... (General Chat) - Pixelman, Mar 22, 12:18:54
- wears meggings ^^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 22, 12:21:55
- slimmer obvs. (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Mar 22, 12:19:35
- Everyone knows black and skin tight makes you look slimer... (General Chat) - Pixelman, Mar 22, 12:18:54
- Yeah, not the best option for a big lad, for sure. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:15:31
- β¬οΈAny replies containing allusions to a mid-life crisis will be summarily cunted off. (n/m) (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:11:43
- No (n/m) (General Chat) - colincanary, Mar 22, 12:11:30
- You are quite old though. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:12:10
- Well yes (n/m) (General Chat) - colincanary, Mar 22, 12:18:35
- ouch! (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 22, 12:14:29
- You are quite old though. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Mar 22, 12:12:10
- Much easier.... *clicks on reply all* (NCFC) - BigGrantHolt, Mar 20, 10:31:52
- I can't add much except to stress the pickpockets, they really are quite good. (NCFC) - megson, Mar 20, 11:59:38
- OI! That's my line! (NCFC) - LittleMouseWithClogs, Mar 20, 10:32:52
- certainly isnt!!! I did it first here... (NCFC) - BigGrantHolt, Mar 20, 10:59:52
- Apart from Old Man. He's my hero xx (n/m) (NCFC) - BigGrantHolt, Mar 20, 10:32:50
- If you had been a really good footballer (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 16, 12:09:35
- Chris Woods would've been in the reserve (n/m) (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Mar 16, 16:52:50
- Really difficult question cos I was more like... (NCFC) - Larry Hagman, Mar 16, 15:08:19
- ^^^ Didn't get it. (NCFC) - DJ Ginga, Mar 16, 15:28:53
- Six foot three, eyes of blue, this old man would be after you (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Man, Mar 16, 14:24:52
- The late 80s / 1990 NCFC team would not have needed the passing of Ian Crook (NCFC) - APB, Mar 16, 14:10:20
- Darren Eadie would never have even made his debu (NCFC) - Steve in Holland, Mar 16, 13:59:34
- Kenny Foggo, seeing as we didn't want him in the top league, (NCFC) - fareastcanary, Mar 16, 13:57:13
- a few years out, but Andy Hughes (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 16, 13:33:46
- Right winger - Mark Rivo (n/m) (NCFC) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 16, 13:14:45
- Linking up with Steeno/Kenton ?? (n/m) (NCFC) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 16, 13:15:22
- Culverhouse wouldn't have got a sniff with me in my pomp. (n/m) (NCFC) - dear prudence, Mar 16, 12:53:02
- 'If'... As the Spartans would say. (NCFC) - avenging canary, Mar 16, 12:47:53
- Derveld initally, then Drury. Linking up with Hucks ultimately. (NCFC) - megson, Mar 16, 12:29:18
- Similar position & period for me... (NCFC) - DJ Ginga, Mar 16, 15:21:29
- Right Winger (NCFC) - Trent_Canary, Mar 16, 12:26:43
- Ruel Fox... (NCFC) - um_gah, Mar 16, 12:21:27
- SQUIRES new cartoon (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 14, 12:31:20
- Wexit. (NCFC) - Arizona Bay, Mar 14, 14:32:48
- This will end well. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Mar 14, 12:56:45
- Lolz. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Mar 14, 12:34:38
- Derek Mcinnes named early part next week (n/m) (NCFC) - grays, Mar 14, 12:01:54
- The same derek McInnes who failed miserably at Bristol City you mean? (n/m) (NCFC) - Kirrie, Mar 14, 15:23:29
- Derek McOUTs (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 14, 15:27:41
- When do your spies tell you the announcement of the new team will take place Mike? (n/m) (NCFC) - Kirrie, Mar 14, 15:33:44
- hopefully Weds. Legal eagles dragging it out, so I hear. (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 14, 16:02:45
- You mean tomorrow or Wed next week? (n/m) (NCFC) - Kirrie, Mar 14, 16:04:41
- hopefully Weds. Legal eagles dragging it out, so I hear. (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 14, 16:02:45
- When do your spies tell you the announcement of the new team will take place Mike? (n/m) (NCFC) - Kirrie, Mar 14, 15:33:44
- Derek McOUTs (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 14, 15:27:41
- Que? (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 14, 14:17:52
- Β£20 win Phil Brown. (n/m) (NCFC) - harry boulders, Mar 14, 12:24:10
- Please, no more Scotchers. (NCFC) - bird table, Mar 14, 12:18:44
- That might be stretching it a bit. They might be Champions' League next season. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Mar 14, 13:09:18
- So his new name is Monday Tuesday Wednesday. (NCFC) - Dracula, Mar 14, 12:12:50
- Lolz (worth the 2nd attempt) I did have to think about it though. (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Mar 14, 12:57:32
- So his new name is Monday, TiesdY (n/m) (NCFC) - Dracula, Mar 14, 12:11:57
- The same derek McInnes who failed miserably at Bristol City you mean? (n/m) (NCFC) - Kirrie, Mar 14, 15:23:29
- OK...show of hands...Who would dance a little jig if we sold out to Chinese investors? (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Mar 13, 13:52:08
- No one would dance a jig because the two have given an (NCFC) - SeattleSounders, Mar 13, 17:10:35
- How often has it ended well? (NCFC) - avenging canary, Mar 13, 16:34:31
- Mixed feelings (NCFC) - derbyshire canary, Mar 13, 15:51:34
- And due diligence. (n/m) (NCFC) - derbyshire canary, Mar 13, 15:57:16
- Yes, if due diligence is better than coffee company due diligence (n/m) (NCFC) - Hulk Rules, Mar 13, 15:50:42
- Agree. Due diligence is absolutely critical. (n/m) (NCFC) - derbyshire canary, Mar 13, 15:54:55
- yes its the way forward (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 13, 15:33:15
- Show of Hands are a brilliant band (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Mar 13, 14:15:50
- No. Stick with current owners. A good manager and CEO is what we need. (n/m) (NCFC) - col canary, Mar 13, 14:15:10
- it doesn't need new investors (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:13:45
- I'll huff, I'll puff, I'll, huff, I'll puff, I'll blow you away. (n/m) (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Mar 13, 14:48:39
- I'd rather have a billionaire NCFC fan willing to risk everything (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Mar 13, 14:01:46
- No. Just need a manager who knows how to put a side together and have a plan B, and a CEO (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 13, 14:00:15
- No, you've only got to look at scum to see what can happen if it goes wrong. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 13, 13:59:21
- I wouldnt mind Delia staying if she had competent Board members, & she took their advice (n/m) (NCFC) - pab, Mar 13, 13:59:14
- Honestly? I think I would now, they can't compete financiallty and its just going to get (NCFC) - megson, Mar 13, 13:55:44
- Surprised nobody has mentioned the other elephant in the room stadium expansion or lack of (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 13:50:20
- I go past ColU training ground most days. It's not that good. (n/m) (NCFC) - col canary, Mar 13, 14:16:49
- colney is a tip imho. The caravan park at Wells looks more elite imho (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 13, 14:28:32
- Maybe go a different route perhaps? (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:28:17
- Investment on Ground development over investment on playing staff would (NCFC) - Azteca, Mar 13, 13:59:03
- guess they must be content supporting a championship side then (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:07:54
- Stadium expansion would be atotal waste of money (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 13:54:28
- Not if Delia is serious about the club being for the community etc.. (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Mar 13, 14:10:44
- The talk this morning suggests otherwise (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:05:03
- Middlesbrough's stadium has been half empty for years (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:07:55
- Charlton as well - 30k stadium half empty (n/m) (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Mar 13, 14:14:52
- there nowt so blind as they that cannot see (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:26:54
- cheers, guess i'll just have to get used to a board and fanbase free of any ambition then (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:09:29
- doesn't mean lack of ambition (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:13:03
- it's as not as un-needed as mercenary millionnaire footballers who couldn't give 2 fucks (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:22:24
- If it's so obvious why doesn't every club do it? (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:35:35
- spunking big money contracts on players is the way ahead then? (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:37:35
- If it's so obvious why doesn't every club do it? (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:35:35
- it's as not as un-needed as mercenary millionnaire footballers who couldn't give 2 fucks (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 13, 14:22:24
- doesn't mean lack of ambition (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:13:03
- Charlton as well - 30k stadium half empty (n/m) (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Mar 13, 14:14:52
- Totally agree. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 13, 14:07:19
- Middlesbrough's stadium has been half empty for years (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:07:55
- I agree. I don't think we'd regularly sell out 35k even in the Prem (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Mar 13, 13:56:30
- Don't need it: Safe standing will get capacity up to around 30K (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Mar 13, 13:53:28
- wouldn't help (NCFC) - CWC, Mar 13, 13:57:38
- Is anyone suggesting it will help our position relative to other clubs? (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:05:13
- KJ seemed to (n/m) (NCFC) - CWC, Mar 13, 14:26:28
- He didn't, he just suggested it would get capacity up more cheaply (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:33:47
- KJ seemed to (n/m) (NCFC) - CWC, Mar 13, 14:26:28
- Is anyone suggesting it will help our position relative to other clubs? (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 13, 14:05:13
- That does look inevitable. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Mar 13, 13:57:33
- How? If that goes down the rail seat route then the capacity doesn't increase (NCFC) - megson, Mar 13, 13:57:12
- 1.4 people per sear space when in standing mode (NCFC) - Knitted Jesus, Mar 13, 16:03:47
- wouldn't help (NCFC) - CWC, Mar 13, 13:57:38
- I go past ColU training ground most days. It's not that good. (n/m) (NCFC) - col canary, Mar 13, 14:16:49
- Harry Kane: my loan spell turned me into a man (Other Football) - Old Git, Mar 9, 13:50:59
- not really (Other Football) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 9, 14:14:02
- Well found. (n/m) (Other Football) - Pixelman, Mar 9, 19:13:15
- God I'm good (Other Football) - Charles21, Mar 9, 15:47:45
- Was probably a bit harsh on Vaughan (Other Football) - SCC 28, Mar 9, 17:26:56
- Glad you found that. Thought I had it on record he had promise (n/m) (Other Football) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 9, 15:44:32
- even after the Luton game (Other Football) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 9, 14:25:23
- We should definitely have offered Β£10m for him (Other Football) - SCC 28, Mar 9, 14:08:48
- You wanted the board to give Hughton 10 big ones to spend!? (n/m) (Other Football) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 9, 14:55:16
- Imagine if AN had been able to spend that kind of money... (n/m) (Other Football) - avenging canary, Mar 9, 15:02:44
- That's what he should have to help him rebuild in the summer (n/m) (Other Football) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 10, 00:42:09
- Imagine if AN had been able to spend that kind of money... (n/m) (Other Football) - avenging canary, Mar 9, 15:02:44
- You wanted the board to give Hughton 10 big ones to spend!? (n/m) (Other Football) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 9, 14:55:16
- i said he was shit hot. (n/m) (Other Football) - Chris Peacock, Mar 9, 14:07:42
- I liked Kane as well , there I've said. (Other Football) - megson, Mar 9, 14:01:40
- not really (Other Football) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 9, 14:14:02
- Just had a chilling thought (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 13:30:36
- Already started - See 'Robert the Robot' on Ceebeebies, Justins butler. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 8, 13:57:24
- checked it out (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 14:03:35
- Already started - See 'Robert the Robot' on Ceebeebies, Justins butler. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 8, 13:57:24
- Just taken the dog for a shite up Caistor St Edmund (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 12:04:11
- Had this same convo when we walked the daschfenton there but it is the (General Chat) - Pixelman, Mar 8, 15:22:33
- Adapt and overcome, nothing is impossible (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 17:25:19
- Coprolite Brooksie Boy (n/m) (General Chat) - Tilly, Mar 8, 13:33:40
- Hammerite? (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 8, 14:23:48
- IDEOT - they built the A47 and A11 after the Roman Settlement (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 12:07:46
- Coprolite? (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 8, 12:07:32
- I found a flint arrowhead as well (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 12:12:07
- Nice. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 8, 12:13:55
- i was actually musing about how the whole site could be exploited for profit (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 12:25:39
- I've mused on that myself a few times, it has got some potential, (General Chat) - megson, Mar 8, 15:08:20
- Use Dunston Hall car park and Zip wire in (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 16:19:06
- They did consult over developing the site a few years ago. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Mar 8, 12:42:29
- lovely walk up the top by the railway line and look down over the settlement (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 12:56:59
- Actually we should just do it, are you in? (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 13:17:24
- I'm in (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 13:22:09
- Good man, what can you bring to the party? (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 13:25:05
- I can use excel spreadsheets and have a first aid certificate (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 13:27:19
- Excellent *ticks clipboard* (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 13:32:24
- I can use excel spreadsheets and have a first aid certificate (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 13:27:19
- Good man, what can you bring to the party? (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 13:25:05
- I'm in (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 13:22:09
- Actually we should just do it, are you in? (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 13:17:24
- never been, but just looked it up and will defo be going (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 12:45:16
- It's great for that. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 8, 13:03:20
- lovely walk up the top by the railway line and look down over the settlement (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 12:56:59
- I've mused on that myself a few times, it has got some potential, (General Chat) - megson, Mar 8, 15:08:20
- i was actually musing about how the whole site could be exploited for profit (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 12:25:39
- Nice. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 8, 12:13:55
- I found a flint arrowhead as well (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 12:12:07
- Romans? Tactically too rigid. Boudicca shat em. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 12:06:38
- She was butchered to death and crushed on Watling Street. (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 8, 12:10:14
- What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 12:53:20
- Poisoned herself. (n/m) (General Chat) - Grans_Canary, Mar 8, 12:34:51
- You're right! (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 8, 12:47:27
- A47 and the railway apart they picked a lovely spot, got to give credit where it's due (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 8, 12:08:25
- She was butchered to death and crushed on Watling Street. (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 8, 12:10:14
- Had this same convo when we walked the daschfenton there but it is the (General Chat) - Pixelman, Mar 8, 15:22:33
- Suggested songs about Norwich's current predicament... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 09:10:51
- Don't Look Back in Anger - Oasis (n/m) (NCFC) - col canary, Mar 8, 15:31:30
- show me the way - Dinosaur Jr (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 13:40:33
- Seasons in the sun...Terry jacks (n/m) (NCFC) - berstreetsfinest, Mar 8, 12:39:03
- Ten tonne skeleton by royal blood (NCFC) - CWC, Mar 8, 12:01:24
- Killing me softly...fugees (n/m) (NCFC) - berstreetsfinest, Mar 8, 11:42:44
- Watch out grandma, here comes a lawnmower - Lawnmower Deth (n/m) (NCFC) - Steve in Holland, Mar 8, 11:24:39
- "Think This Is Shit? You Quite Clearly Weren't Here 95-01" - Charlotte Church & Anthrax. (n/m) (NCFC) - Arganth, Mar 8, 11:15:18
- Bravs add this to the hard stare list please... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 11:16:54
- This is a low - Blur (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 11:03:54
- Trouble - Shampoo (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Mar 8, 10:59:44
- who knew - pink. (and brom, and scc obvs) (n/m) (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Mar 8, 10:55:19
- You Fell Apart - Ex-Hex (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:50:20
- Nowhere to run - Martha and the vandellas (NCFC) - CWC, Mar 8, 10:47:34
- Banger (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 11:26:55
- Ain't Gonna End Well - Trippy Wicked & the Cosmic Children of the Knight (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:42:36
- Shattered - King Khan and The Shrines (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:40:35
- Eventually You'll Do Something To Fuck It All Up - The Fat Dukes of Fuck (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:39:42
- Fuck - The Gaslamp Killer (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:38:47
- Is that a real song? (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 11:12:33
- Yes and it's fucking ace, You Toob linkage in hare (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 11:38:29
- Marvellous (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 11:55:20
- Yes and it's fucking ace, You Toob linkage in hare (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 11:38:29
- Is that a real song? (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 11:12:33
- Nowhere - Therapy? (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:37:56
- Not Bitter, Just a Little Disappointed - Ginger (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:36:57
- Insane in the brain (n/m) (NCFC) - yellowman, Mar 8, 10:36:42
- Age of Panic - Senser (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:36:19
- I Laugh - Ironing Board Sam (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:35:08
- How Can I Compete - The Magic Gang (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 8, 10:34:01
- Love don't live here anymore - Rose Royce (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 10:24:26
- The bitterest pill - The Jam (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 10:22:20
- What a waste - Ian Dury (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 10:19:23
- ;) (n/m) (NCFC) - berstreetsfinest, Mar 8, 10:25:27
- ^^VMT^^ (n/m) (NCFC) - brianguthrysluvchild, Mar 8, 10:21:03
- Out of time man - Mick Harvey (n/m) (NCFC) - I Am Hoot, Mar 8, 10:16:06
- The Quo - Down Down, Deeper and Down (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Mar 8, 10:12:48
- Stop this city - David J (n/m) (NCFC) - I Am Hoot, Mar 8, 10:10:40
- Boys Don't Cry - The Cure (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 10:09:43
- Pop Will Eat Itself (feat Lemmy) - Two up Top why dunt he put two up fuckun top FFS? (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 10:08:53
- Kajagoogoo - You too Delia (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Mar 8, 10:07:27
- Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 10:07:26
- Summer in the city...Loving spoonful (n/m) (NCFC) - berstreetsfinest, Mar 8, 10:07:20
- Kajagoogoo - Fuck off Alex (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Mar 8, 10:06:59
- Hey i was in the Kajagoogoo fan club and i don't remember that one ! (n/m) (NCFC) - brianguthrysluvchild, Mar 8, 10:11:01
- Limahl used to come into the Lloyds bank I worked at back in the 1980's (n/m) (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Mar 8, 10:20:30
- Another person being silly (NCFC) - Old Git, Mar 8, 10:08:20
- Hey i was in the Kajagoogoo fan club and i don't remember that one ! (n/m) (NCFC) - brianguthrysluvchild, Mar 8, 10:11:01
- Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 10:06:40
- that's what they play for the wake up π call π on the hollandica and britannica night (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Mar 8, 12:05:05
- Ha ha. We ought actually to play that at FCR these days (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Mar 8, 10:09:10
- on a loop for the last 5 mins of the game until the stadium is empty (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 10:10:17
- Bucks Fizz - The Camera Never Lies (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Mar 8, 10:06:28
- You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory - Johnny Thunders (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 10:06:25
- American Authors - Best day of my life (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 10:05:45
- Oh Shit - The Pharcyde (n/m) (NCFC) - bird table, Mar 8, 10:05:22
- Faithless - Drifting away (n/m) (NCFC) - I Am Hoot, Mar 8, 10:05:11
- James Brown - I Feel Good (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 10:05:08
- Clearly there are two people here that know nothing about moosic... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 10:04:52
- Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 10:04:41
- Corinne May - My Little Nephew (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Mar 8, 10:03:40
- Nice one (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 10:05:11
- George Formby - Leaning on a Lamp Post. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Mar 8, 10:03:36
- Seen It All Before - Steve Mason (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 10:03:29
- Give it away (points/goals/whatever) - (n/m) (NCFC) - I Am Hoot, Mar 8, 10:03:00
- By Red hot chili peppers obviously (n/m) (NCFC) - I Am Hoot, Mar 8, 10:03:26
- Sulk - Radiohead (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 10:02:55
- Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Mar 8, 10:02:24
- Ladies and Gentlemen, Roll The Dice - Kasabian (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 10:01:44
- Elbow - Grounds for divorce (n/m) (NCFC) - I Am Hoot, Mar 8, 10:01:40
- ELO - Rockaria (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Mar 8, 10:01:32
- Slide Away - Oasis (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Mar 8, 10:01:28
- Cruel to be kind - Nick Lowe... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 10:01:24
- Losing My Edge - LCD Soundsystem (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 10:00:51
- The Carpenters - Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Mar 8, 10:00:19
- Green Day - Basket Case (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Mar 8, 10:00:11
- 'Til The Money Runs Out - Tom Waits (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 8, 09:59:29
- Man 2 Man meets Man Parish - Male Stripper (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Mar 8, 09:59:22
- ? (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 10:01:53
- I Hate Myself and Want To Die - Nirvana (n/m) (NCFC) - bird table, Mar 8, 09:58:34
- Perry Como - "Don't Let the Stars Get in Your Eyes" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:56:40
- Air Supply - I'm All Out Of Love (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Mar 8, 09:55:42
- House of fun (n/m) (NCFC) - yellowman, Mar 8, 09:54:43
- Baz Luhrmann - "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:54:22
- Outhere Brothers - "Don't Stop (Wiggle Wiggle)" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:51:14
- This (NCFC) - archroy, Mar 8, 09:51:11
- DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince - "Boom! Shake the Room" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:50:09
- "Get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged" (n/m) (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 8, 09:49:34
- Ah shudduppa your face (Joe Dolce) (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Git, Mar 8, 09:49:15
- Marc Almond feat. Gene Pitney - "Something's Gotten Hold of My Heart" (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:48:48
- ohnny Logan - "What's Another Year" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:47:43
- Fern Kinney - "Together We Are Beautiful" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:47:10
- The Shadows - "Kon-Tiki" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:46:09
- Dizzee Rascal featuring Calvin Harris and Chrome - "Dance wiv Me" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:45:10
- My City of Ruins ..... (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 8, 09:44:42
- Melanie C featuring Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes - "Never Be The Same Again" (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 8, 09:43:55
- That's Entertainment - The Jam (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Mar 8, 09:41:42
- Fool if you think it's over - Elkie Brooks... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 09:40:38
- Gay Dad - Oh Jim (n/m) (NCFC) - Trent_Canary, Mar 8, 09:35:16
- "Oh, the Deadwood stage is a-headinβ on over the hill" (n/m) (NCFC) - mr carra, Mar 8, 09:32:47
- Haha (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 09:33:10
- This joke isn't funny anymore- the smiths (NCFC) - archroy, Mar 8, 09:30:59
- A few more (NCFC) - hucksmyman, Mar 8, 09:16:45
- What in the World & Repetition - Bowie (n/m) (NCFC) - BINMEN8R, Mar 8, 09:24:49
- And... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 09:27:13
- George Michael - Praying for time (NCFC) - archroy, Mar 8, 09:37:02
- And... (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Mar 8, 09:27:13
- What in the World & Repetition - Bowie (n/m) (NCFC) - BINMEN8R, Mar 8, 09:24:49
- Having seen the headlines, best I keep quiet today. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Mar 7, 06:39:16
- Yeah teach, suck it u...blahblahblah-arsegravy-blah etc. (n/m) (General Chat) - bird table, Mar 7, 09:18:38
- Didn't know you were a zoo keeper ;) (n/m) (General Chat) - norway, Mar 7, 07:44:06
- Haha I did think of you when listening to Today earlier (General Chat) - camcan, Mar 7, 07:18:31
- You are both far from alone. (General Chat) - megson, Mar 7, 08:44:09
- There's probably a good chance of Bristol scoring 9 tomorrow, it would break the Wrath (n/m) (General Chat) - BSE Canary, Mar 6, 14:44:51
- Imagine if they had a Newcastle striker on loan, paying half his wages.... (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 6, 14:47:28
- *spaffs (n/m) (General Chat) - Bristol Graham, Mar 6, 15:01:06
- My head asplode (n/m) (General Chat) - Bungle, Mar 6, 14:54:54
- Imagine if they had a Newcastle striker on loan, paying half his wages.... (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 6, 14:47:28
- Britain's favourite pizza toppings (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, Mar 6, 12:34:37
- it's old people again ain't it (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 6, 12:48:44
- yep, no POine (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 6, 12:40:34
- Ahem. No Pineapple (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 6, 12:40:48
- fancy a pint down "The Cityfather and 80s Pop Ultra"? (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 3, 08:57:10
- Two words (NCFC) - pants, Mar 3, 10:33:38
- Six Words: "Beer Garden Archery - Three Pint Minimum" (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 3, 11:16:57
- Perhaps a small rebrand would be in order... (NCFC) - bird table, Mar 3, 10:20:31
- How much would you realistically need? The Wrath Arms pre and post match. (n/m) (NCFC) - shortfatb, Mar 3, 09:30:17
- there'd have to be rules (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 3, 09:46:51
- a hog roast facility 24-7, disco bar with playlist devised by BWOD, dinosaur play ground (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 3, 10:20:14
- Sounds superb (NCFC) - Old Git, Mar 3, 11:21:05
- That is The York. (n/m) (NCFC) - avenging canary, Mar 3, 10:28:57
- its not got the acreage, pally (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 3, 11:17:43
- It has hammocks and quoits. (NCFC) - avenging canary, Mar 3, 12:12:28
- its not got the acreage, pally (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 3, 11:17:43
- We could even link with City Boats and do a pre match taxi boat service (with bar) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 3, 10:21:19
- I already had the pub boat to the game idea but decided it was a non starter (NCFC) - Tombs, Mar 3, 11:08:32
- a hog roast facility 24-7, disco bar with playlist devised by BWOD, dinosaur play ground (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 3, 10:20:14
- there'd have to be rules (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 3, 09:46:51
- Great to dream (NCFC) - Gob on a Stick, Mar 3, 09:18:40
- Do I fuck, ya big girl's blouse (n/m) (NCFC) - CB41, Mar 3, 09:17:54
- It would be great to do something like that. (NCFC) - APB, Mar 3, 09:16:48
- I love lowestoft pubs. We used to do 30 or so in a day years gone by. (NCFC) - megson, Mar 3, 14:52:15
- Lowestoft, Norfolk? (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Mar 3, 10:17:58
- Two words (NCFC) - pants, Mar 3, 10:33:38
- Comes over as a really nice chap (General Chat) - Old Git, Mar 2, 13:41:37
- That's not the real Alexis Petridis... (General Chat) - DJ Ginga, Mar 2, 18:12:32
- Imagine the music from from the offspring (General Chat) - avenging canary, Mar 2, 14:35:58
- Yeah he does really and he's right, most people would make the most of it. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Mar 2, 14:34:46
- he's a scummer (n/m) (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 2, 14:13:15
- Is he though? (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Mar 2, 14:20:48
- He was at the derby (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Mar 2, 14:36:01
- I looked at twat post derby and there was a picture of him giving Holty the finger,him i (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 2, 14:54:21
- in the Norwich end (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 2, 14:51:38
- Preferable to being in with the urine-stained Stowmarket mob (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 2, 16:23:12
- He was at the derby (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Mar 2, 14:36:01
- Is he though? (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Mar 2, 14:20:48
- FAO APB - A little bit of "fuck this shit" antidote (General Chat) - megson, Mar 2, 13:21:49
- That is Beautiful. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 2, 15:02:04
- I'd let her take me up the buffet. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Mar 2, 14:09:21
- That's nice. (General Chat) - APB, Mar 2, 13:52:33
- ahh bless her (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 2, 13:32:09
- What's the worst thing you've ever eat? (General Chat) - Tombs, Feb 28, 14:50:24
- Hang on a minute. Home made Turkish cheese. Fucking foul. Like Luke flavoured rubber (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Feb 28, 17:23:03
- Puke not Luke. Unless Luke tastes of puke in which case that too. (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Feb 28, 17:23:23
- Buffalo bollocks. In Cody, Wyoming. Or tapioca (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Feb 28, 17:21:33
- Cucumber.....yuk. (n/m) (General Chat) - BINMEN8R, Feb 28, 16:45:08
- Bull's testicle, in Carnivore restaurant in Nairobi. Also croc, in the same place. (General Chat) - APB, Feb 28, 15:58:17
- as if kids use this site. Its full of vile middleaged men arguing over fuck all. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Feb 28, 15:50:58
- I know what I am. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Feb 28, 15:52:52
- Champion of Europe? (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Feb 28, 15:55:32
- Yeah, why not? (General Chat) - APB, Feb 28, 15:56:49
- Champion of Europe? (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Feb 28, 15:55:32
- I know what I am. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Feb 28, 15:52:52
- Anything Surrey Yella's girlfriend cooks me (General Chat) - Old Git, Feb 28, 15:40:37
- That's a horrid thing to say about your wife (n/m) (General Chat) - CWC, Feb 28, 16:21:58
- I think I've enjoyed most things I've ever eaten. But then I have very low standards. (n/m) (General Chat) - bird table, Feb 28, 15:39:04
- shreddies with lemonade (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Feb 28, 15:38:39
- Anything my girlfriend cooks (n/m) (General Chat) - Surrey Yella, Feb 28, 15:27:21
- You cleaned your plate last time, i couldn't finish mine. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Feb 28, 15:48:05
- DAMMIT. Was meant to be a reply to OG up there ^^^^^^ #jokefail (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Feb 28, 15:49:06
- Ha ha. Good work fella. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Feb 28, 15:53:23
- I was smug at my own joke for about 2 seconds till i refreshed and couldn't see it. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Feb 28, 16:31:27
- Good to break it to him gently though (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Feb 28, 15:51:46
- Ha ha. Good work fella. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Feb 28, 15:53:23
- DAMMIT. Was meant to be a reply to OG up there ^^^^^^ #jokefail (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Feb 28, 15:49:06
- You cleaned your plate last time, i couldn't finish mine. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Feb 28, 15:48:05
- My wife fell for the TV advert suggesting a Philadelphia cheese pasta recipe... (n/m) (General Chat) - CWC, Feb 28, 15:24:17
- Ooo that reminds me (General Chat) - Old Git, Feb 28, 15:43:21
- What's a housekeeper? (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Feb 28, 15:47:29
- I refer my learned friend to the Oxford English Dictionary (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Feb 28, 15:56:22
- What's a housekeeper? (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Feb 28, 15:47:29
- Ooo that reminds me (General Chat) - Old Git, Feb 28, 15:43:21
- A Ladybird circa 1978.....very tart (n/m) (General Chat) - BSE Canary, Feb 28, 15:20:48
- 5 Getafixes at the same time. (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Feb 28, 15:17:16
- Beetles in the street in South Korea. (General Chat) - um_gah, Feb 28, 15:15:37
- Cowboy hotpot. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Feb 28, 15:15:09
- Sounds like something off of Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus (n/m) (General Chat) - Wild Edric, Feb 28, 15:18:58
- Genuine lol there. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Feb 28, 15:54:37
- Sounds like something off of Roger Mellie's Profanisaurus (n/m) (General Chat) - Wild Edric, Feb 28, 15:18:58
- Tripe, sweetbreads and Sauerkraut. Not altogether obvs (n/m) (General Chat) - shortfatb, Feb 28, 15:08:27
- Andouillette - disgusting! (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Feb 28, 15:07:34
- Durians... fo their smell (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Feb 28, 15:05:43
- A so-called Beef and Onion pie from Selhurst Park. (General Chat) - Pit, Feb 28, 15:02:13
- marmite (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Feb 28, 15:01:40
- Food at a London place called School Dinners... unidentifiable slop. The place (General Chat) - Pixelman, Feb 28, 15:01:39
- A big huge wasp. (n/m) (General Chat) - tudders, Feb 28, 15:00:23
- Crocodile. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Feb 28, 14:56:35
- I love crocodile. (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Feb 28, 17:21:44
- Agreed. I had it in Kenya and that was exactly how it was. (n/m) (General Chat) - APB, Feb 28, 15:55:38
- I quite liked it when I had some. (General Chat) - CWC, Feb 28, 15:29:17
- I had some weird beetle things in a Mexican taco once (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Feb 28, 15:33:34
- Alligator isn't bad though (General Chat) - Bungle, Feb 28, 15:07:06
- gator steak & make it snappy (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Feb 28, 15:11:45
- Deep Fried Rattlesnake (n/m) (General Chat) - Bungle, Feb 28, 14:53:33
- Hang on a minute. Home made Turkish cheese. Fucking foul. Like Luke flavoured rubber (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Feb 28, 17:23:03
- Dear Ipswich fans...... (NCFC) - Superstar D J, Feb 27, 14:33:25
- This post refuses to stay red/read ?? (NCFC) - DJ Ginga, Feb 27, 17:29:50
- Was it The Station Hotel, Ipswich? (n/m) (NCFC) - bird table, Feb 27, 15:43:47
- I seem to remember them arranging with one of the riverside pubs in Thorpe. Possibly the (NCFC) - col canary, Feb 27, 15:36:38
- hardly qualifies as a pub. OK if you like budget carvery. (n/m) (NCFC) - Pixelman, Feb 27, 16:26:02
- One of the Krays died there. (n/m) (NCFC) - MIKEWALKER, Feb 27, 15:59:14
- Ah Robbie Kray, the third Kray twin. (n/m) (NCFC) - Men without hats, Feb 27, 17:03:40
- Ronnie Kray - do you know my face? (n/m) (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Feb 27, 16:03:18
- correct (n/m) (NCFC) - s10 yellow, Feb 27, 15:46:06
- ? (n/m) (NCFC) - Charles21, Feb 27, 15:34:42
- Eh? (n/m) (NCFC) - megson, Feb 27, 15:21:03
- Go on then. Where is it? (n/m) (NCFC) - col canary, Feb 27, 15:08:54
- Bristol (n/m) (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Feb 27, 15:15:22
- Textbook :-) (n/m) (NCFC) - col canary, Feb 27, 15:34:41
- Bristol (n/m) (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Feb 27, 15:15:22
- What? (n/m) (NCFC) - admckechnie, Feb 27, 14:43:33
- ? (n/m) (NCFC) - lurd, Feb 27, 14:41:13