The evidence shows every extra day of school missed can affect a pupil's chances of achiev
ing good GCSEs, which has a lasting effect on their life chances."
a) The data doesn't show that at all (well the much trumped report last year didn't).
b) Education isn't just about GCSE results
c) My daughter is 6, in year 1, already ready for year 2 according to last weeks parents evening, how is a week off going to affect her GCSE's exactly?
Head teachers need to be able to give permission for term time holidays in cases where attendance and performance is good, the timing is sensible, and its not going to affect child/class.
Posted By: megson on April 6th 2017 at 15:49:57
Message Thread
- The evidence shows every extra day of school missed can affect a pupil's chances of achiev (General Chat) - megson, Apr 6, 15:49:57
- We had ten civilians on shift with the yanks who would normally allow one off at a time. (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 6, 18:25:43
- The evidence of shows that the Supreme Court decision (General Chat) - Gob on a Stick, Apr 6, 17:09:06
- it's not about your daughter (General Chat) - CWC, Apr 6, 16:49:53
- the problem is for every case where no damage is done by removing a pupil from class (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Apr 6, 16:00:48
- Taking my 6 year old boy out of school for a week in May (General Chat) - earlydoors, Apr 6, 15:54:22
- My partner and her former husband took both their children (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 6, 15:54:20
- exceptions do not disprove the point I'm afraid (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Apr 6, 15:57:22
- total bollocks. Son no.3 missed one week every year. (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 6, 18:22:46
- your sample size of 1 is flawed somehow (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 18:33:18
- not for me its not. but no surprise there worz. you still abroad? (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 6, 21:10:15
- your sample size of 1 is flawed somehow (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 18:33:18
- Yes, I know. Just saying, like (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 6, 15:58:56
- total bollocks. Son no.3 missed one week every year. (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 6, 18:22:46
- exceptions do not disprove the point I'm afraid (General Chat) - maidstoneyellow, Apr 6, 15:57:22
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