Tombs's DIY tip of the day #3739021b - Hammerite Paint: Pros and Cons
Today I am going to be talking about a product that claims is "specially formulated to form a tough barrier that resists knocks and scrapes, maintaining a beautiful finish for longer. From railings to radiators and gates to garden furniture, Hammerite will protect and transform your metal. Our paints can be applied directly onto new, old or previously painted metal surfaces".
I can attest that all this indeed apprears to be the case fellow DIY bodgers and my rusted old wrought Iron half-moon table and cast Iron flaking Birdbath are now two wonderful objects of beauty that would adorn any of the manicured grounds of no lesser than Her Majesty the Queen's numerous and well deserved palaces and estates up and down this fair Isle.
On the down side however, and there is one, it's a right t**t to get off your hands. They should put that on the tin. "Hammerite, it's a right t**t to get off your hands".
And your keyboard. 😕
Posted By: Tombs on April 21st 2017 at 14:51:00
Message Thread
- Tombs's DIY tip of the day #3739021b - Hammerite Paint: Pros and Cons (General Chat) - Tombs, Apr 21, 14:51:00
- Just wear a pair of marigolds (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 21, 19:17:13
- Thanks for the tip but try applying the Hammerite with a BRUSH (General Chat) - Chopper, Apr 21, 15:09:02
- Cheers, insider knowledge is always welcome (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, Apr 21, 16:54:26
- ^^^^ Good advice, could also try a roller on big surfaces. (General Chat) - megson, Apr 21, 15:11:17
- or get a bicycle pump and suck it up and use as a sprayer. (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Apr 21, 15:51:55
- Or decant numerous tins into a large tin bath, and dip said object (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Apr 21, 15:25:11
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