You should read posts properly

Where have I said anyone should withdraw support for the team?

What I am saying is that this season there was a significant disconnect between the fans and the board/club caused (in my opinion) largely by the way the board dealt with the Alex Neil situation coupled with the disastrous timing of that Times interview. This manifested itself in a lot of fans feeling disenfranchised, that their views didn't matter and essentially pretty lacking in hope in terms of our prospects this season and in the future which in turn has meant that the atmosphere amongst the fan base generally has been very flat. You can see this just by talking to many, many longstanding supporters who at times this season have felt as low about their club as they can recall, including during times when we were genuinely sh*t. The fact is that no crowd, anywhere in the country will be at their best when many are feeling like that and indeed at many other clubs people just wouldn't have turned up.

Yes demographics are changing and yes ticket prices don't help the atmosphere (and at the start of the season there was probably also a bit of complacency) and yes modern football and the highly paid players also breeds a disconnect but fundamentally that's why I think the atmosphere at Carrow Road has been flat for large parts of this season.

The only thing I would sometimes criticise our fan base for is being a bit too happy clappy and a bit too patient at times which allows the board to get away with not making/delaying important decisions that they need to make sooner.

I do not think that blame should be passed to the fans for the way the team has performed this season and I don't like the implication it is somehow our fault that things have not gone well (our record at Carrow Road is not the problem anyway - its very good), just in the same way I didn't like the way Neil hung the players out to dry in his last few weeks and started to try and shift the blame entirely onto them. The board and the manager are the ones who have c**ked up the last two seasons not 26,000 fans who put hundreds and thousands of pounds into the club. Could some of the crowd shout a bit more - yes they could and I hope they do next season. I am sure that they will because next season will bring fresh hope, particularly is Mr Webber does his job properly this summer - lets wait and see if he does. I hope he does well and I like some of the things he is saying a lot but in reality he is as unproven and inexperienced as Neil was and has a lot to prove himself as well.

Posted By: Jim on April 25th 2017 at 10:27:41

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