Its not fine though is it? And that kind of attitude is part of the problem

Your view is that you will only support the club/team if they perform in the way that you approve. Its a transactional football 'consumer' perspective where football is a product that you have consumed.

In lots of other football cultures the supporters generate the atmosphere FIRST to inspire the team. So many players (including ours) have said as much.

For example, if you go a goal down is it better to boo or to raise the f**king roof?

The disconnect is partly down to the fans and there are lots of reasons for this: ticket prices, aging demographics, Sky football culture. Its not easily fixed but at least he has identified the problem.

Any anyone who boos our own players during the game needs to have a long, hard look at themselves. Just do something else with your time. Seriously.

Posted By: Knitted Jesus on April 25th 2017 at 08:34:39

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