WotB Message Board
- They need to define essential work (Coronavirus) - BungysPie, Mar 23, 20:49:25
- yep. There'll still be some bosses absolutely insisting their firm's work is essential (n/m) (Coronavirus) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 23, 21:00:33
- Makes it easier with the 80% retainer though. (Coronavirus) - Men without hats, Mar 23, 21:06:19
- still waiting on the detail for how that will work (n/m) (Coronavirus) - CWC, Mar 23, 21:15:32
- Pay people to work for 4 days using the 80% and give them an unpaid day off each week (n/m) (Coronavirus) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 24, 00:43:43
- still waiting on the detail for how that will work (n/m) (Coronavirus) - CWC, Mar 23, 21:15:32
- Makes it easier with the 80% retainer though. (Coronavirus) - Men without hats, Mar 23, 21:06:19
- why can't people make their own minds up and not wait for the govt to do it? (Coronavirus) - Tombs, Mar 23, 20:55:07
- I fail to share your optimism about the great British public I’m afraid. Have seen enough (Coronavirus) - woody, Mar 23, 21:05:58
- it was more out of hope rather than optimism (n/m) (Coronavirus) - Tombs, Mar 23, 21:08:20
- Indeed. Unfortunately people rarely disappoint in the stupid stakes. (n/m) (Coronavirus) - woody, Mar 23, 21:49:12
- it was more out of hope rather than optimism (n/m) (Coronavirus) - Tombs, Mar 23, 21:08:20
- I fail to share your optimism about the great British public I’m afraid. Have seen enough (Coronavirus) - woody, Mar 23, 21:05:58
- Wife works for a large funeral home with 5 others. (Coronavirus) - Men without hats, Mar 23, 20:53:54
- It’ll be a huge undertaking (n/m) (Coronavirus) - Augustus Pablo, Mar 23, 21:09:12
- Ha ha, though I fear you may be right. (Coronavirus) - Men without hats, Mar 23, 21:22:02
- It’ll be a huge undertaking (n/m) (Coronavirus) - Augustus Pablo, Mar 23, 21:09:12
- yep. There'll still be some bosses absolutely insisting their firm's work is essential (n/m) (Coronavirus) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 23, 21:00:33
- Sean Raggett the first Norwich player to get it. (n/m) (Coronavirus) - Trent_Canary, Mar 21, 10:48:09
- How does he know? Do the football clubs/players buy a private test? (n/m) (Coronavirus) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 21, 11:18:47
- They played Arsenal didn't they? (n/m) (Coronavirus) - Winged Eel Creosote, Mar 21, 10:51:03
- Just got a mail from Sainsbury's about priority for old and vulnerable (Coronavirus) - watfordcanary, Mar 20, 17:00:59
- I just had my delivery so asked (Coronavirus) - BungysPie, Mar 20, 19:09:55
- They know boy,this isn't half of what companies know about us. (n/m) (Coronavirus) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 20, 19:37:52
- Well diabetes is actually an autoimmune disease isn't it? (n/m) (Coronavirus) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 20, 17:02:55
- It is. Government guidance is anyone offered a flu jab routinely is vulnerable (Coronavirus) - watfordcanary, Mar 20, 17:13:34
- Yeah,I'm afraid there's far too much data sharing these days.strange old times. (n/m) (Coronavirus) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 20, 17:17:41
- It is. Government guidance is anyone offered a flu jab routinely is vulnerable (Coronavirus) - watfordcanary, Mar 20, 17:13:34
- Thought that when we got got the Mail (n/m) (Coronavirus) - colincanary, Mar 20, 17:02:09
- I just had my delivery so asked (Coronavirus) - BungysPie, Mar 20, 19:09:55
- Out of interest. Are people in the UK still going to work as normal?..... (General Chat) - jimbo, Mar 20, 14:58:43
- We closed to work from home today (n/m) (General Chat) - Tony Martin, Mar 20, 16:34:15
- Construction sites still going (General Chat) - Surrey Yella, Mar 20, 16:17:21
- University I work at... (General Chat) - BungysPie, Mar 20, 15:48:05
- Ha ha I think they were listening, just got my access! (n/m) (General Chat) - BungysPie, Mar 20, 16:29:27
- I've never seen my large village as packed with people tbh (n/m) (General Chat) - duke of york, Mar 20, 15:40:42
- Yes, we are still designing services for schools & hospitals keeping to original deadlines (General Chat) - KetteringRyu, Mar 20, 15:32:28
- I'm working from home. Mrs W at work, but with reduced staff (and closed to the public) (General Chat) - Basil Wrathbone, Mar 20, 15:30:34
- Looks pretty much life as normal in South London (General Chat) - Timmy_Goat, Mar 20, 15:25:52
- My wife's work (commercial ceiling fitters) are still going strong, they do a lot of work (General Chat) - WestYorksCanary, Mar 20, 15:08:50
- I'm working from home (General Chat) - Ben, Mar 20, 15:08:19
- Construction seems to be going on (General Chat) - Old Git, Mar 20, 15:06:21
- Friends on the Wrath......COVID means I may not be around for a while (General Chat) - admckechnie, Mar 15, 13:27:15
- 👍🏼 (n/m) (General Chat) - JD3, Mar 15, 17:15:21
- So much respect for you and all medical staff. Good luck 💛💚 (n/m) (General Chat) - BungysPie, Mar 15, 17:02:25
- Aye aye, Doogie Howser MD's had a triple gin (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Mar 15, 16:57:42
- Respect Andy. I have a compromised immune system so am doing alot of self isilation and so (n/m) (General Chat) - revsimon, Mar 15, 16:32:10
- and social distancing (n/m) (General Chat) - revsimon, Mar 15, 16:33:12
- Wow, thanks and good luck. (n/m) (General Chat) - shoddy, Mar 15, 16:27:45
- Thanks Doc and all the best to you and your colleagues (n/m) (General Chat) - KentonCanary, Mar 15, 16:23:20
- Best of luck with everything Archie - stay safe! (n/m) (General Chat) - Kev, Mar 15, 16:08:03
- Thank you, Adam, will keep you and your colleagues in my thoughts. (n/m) (General Chat) - 51eve, Mar 15, 14:58:20
- Thanks and look after your mental health as well as physical (General Chat) - watfordcanary, Mar 15, 14:52:20
- Best of 🇬🇧 Doc (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Mar 15, 14:48:15
- Thanks and good luck, take care.😷😷😷 (n/m) (General Chat) - sixthgo, Mar 15, 14:42:08
- Thank you (General Chat) - Winged Eel Creosote, Mar 15, 14:32:28
- thanks and good luck Doc (n/m) (General Chat) - Knitted Jesus, Mar 15, 14:31:35
- Stay safe Andy 💛💚 (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 15, 14:31:10
- WOW!! Thanks guys......if I wasn’t so hardcore I’d cry (General Chat) - admckechnie, Mar 15, 14:22:39
- OTBC BRO! mind you,I've been living in Lynn for 40 years so i'm (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 15, 14:28:31
- What do you want, a fucking medal? (General Chat) - Charles21, Mar 15, 14:14:04
- VMT a true hero (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Mar 15, 14:51:47
- Good luck and a huge thank you to you and everyone else what has proper important jobs (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Mar 15, 14:13:28
- Good luck to you and all your colleagues (n/m) (General Chat) - loz, Mar 15, 14:11:12
- *salute* (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, Mar 15, 14:10:57
- thanks Andy - all the best to everyone at the frontline - we will keep some pasta back (n/m) (General Chat) - pinkney, Mar 15, 14:10:18
- Good luck buddy. Hope our health services get the recognition they deserve during and afte (n/m) (General Chat) - Mozzer, Mar 15, 14:08:47
- Thank you Andy, a good luck (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Mar 15, 14:07:07
- Stay healthy,and thank you. (n/m) (General Chat) - yellowman, Mar 15, 13:52:39
- THANK YOU and good luck (n/m) (General Chat) - CWC, Mar 15, 13:46:55
- I wish you well with everything. Fingers crossed. (n/m) (General Chat) - Jim, Mar 15, 13:43:41
- you've always been a top wrather (General Chat) - dr fanta, Mar 15, 13:41:39
- This. ^^^ (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 15, 13:43:48
- Best of luck and thank you for you and your colleagues do for the country/people (n/m) (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Mar 15, 13:39:51
- maybe one good outcome of this is that we will start making stuff (General Chat) - CB41, Mar 15, 13:35:28
- I think we will learn a lot from this once we are through it. Fingers crossed we get (General Chat) - Jim, Mar 15, 13:44:41
- Thank you, and good luck. Love and (suitably distant) man hug (n/m) (General Chat) - Tressells Broadbrush, Mar 15, 13:33:48
- Respect and thoughts.... My missus is concerned too. (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 15, 13:32:49
- Much love bud.💚💛🏴 (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 15, 13:39:07
- thx💚💛🏴 (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 15, 13:43:28
- Much love bud.💚💛🏴 (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 15, 13:39:07
- 🏌️ 🏌️ 🏌️ 🏌️ 🏌️ (n/m) (General Chat) - Agatha Fisty, Mar 15, 13:31:19
- Good luck pal (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, Mar 15, 13:29:46
- Top banana. Top stuff Doc. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Mar 15, 13:29:10
- Goodluck,and as I said before,you're the best of us.👍🙂👏🏴� ���💛? (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 15, 13:28:49
- How long does it take for the FA/BBC/BT to announce (NCFC) - ingi, Mar 8, 09:57:02
- perhaps the meeting tomorrow (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 8, 10:04:33
- I guess. Think it’s safe to say it will be Sunday or Monday with United (NCFC) - ingi, Mar 8, 10:25:42
- Don't think it can be Monday can it? (NCFC) - BungysPie, Mar 8, 11:02:01
- That’s answered that one then (NCFC) - ingi, Mar 8, 12:29:15
- Oh No not a Sunday (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 8, 11:32:54
- Don't think it can be Monday can it? (NCFC) - BungysPie, Mar 8, 11:02:01
- I guess. Think it’s safe to say it will be Sunday or Monday with United (NCFC) - ingi, Mar 8, 10:25:42
- perhaps the meeting tomorrow (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 8, 10:04:33
- What’s your favourite current chocolate bar? (n/m) (General Chat) - jackamo, Mar 6, 18:25:06
- Aztec. ooh yummeeeeeeee (n/m) (General Chat) - fareastcanary, Mar 6, 23:21:17
- Lindt chocolate bar. (n/m) (General Chat) - MORDENCANARY, Mar 6, 22:51:03
- I gave up chocolate when we got to the prem under Lambo (General Chat) - dr fanta, Mar 6, 21:44:50
- Always has and always will be a Crunchie (n/m) (General Chat) - Trent_Canary, Mar 6, 21:39:31
- Cadbury’s Wholenut (n/m) (General Chat) - BINMEN8R, Mar 6, 21:06:37
- Fruit and nut (General Chat) - Winged Eel Creosote, Mar 6, 20:57:05
- Kitkat (n/m) (General Chat) - camcan, Mar 6, 20:56:28
- Shitarse biscuits (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 20:57:10
- Aero (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 6, 20:39:00
- Plain, mint or orange? I like the mint one. (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Mar 6, 20:44:53
- Plain or Mint.. Orange is dodgy. (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 6, 22:11:37
- Followed by Wispa (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 6, 20:39:35
- Followed by Crunchie (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Mar 6, 20:39:49
- Plain, mint or orange? I like the mint one. (n/m) (General Chat) - Men without hats, Mar 6, 20:44:53
- Massive Toblerone (n/m) (General Chat) - duke of york, Mar 6, 20:03:20
- Euphemism (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 20:08:42
- Come round (n/m) (General Chat) - duke of york, Mar 6, 20:49:43
- Euphemism (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 20:08:42
- Chocolate orange (n/m) (General Chat) - Kar1, Mar 6, 20:00:25
- Mines a Boost (n/m) (General Chat) - jackamo, Mar 6, 19:47:08
- Wispa Gold (n/m) (General Chat) - JD3, Mar 6, 19:46:25
- Dairy milk (General Chat) - ingi, Mar 6, 19:45:34
- Twirl (n/m) (General Chat) - BungysPie, Mar 6, 19:41:54
- Always a Wispa (n/m) (General Chat) - Jester, Mar 6, 19:09:51
- Trio!! (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Mar 6, 19:04:11
- 👍them and United (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Mar 6, 19:08:32
- That’s a biscuit (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:05:48
- Texan... (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Mar 6, 18:48:29
- Crunchie (n/m) (General Chat) - Cardiff Canary, Mar 6, 18:45:45
- Bueno white (n/m) (General Chat) - Charles21, Mar 6, 18:45:30
- by the case (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 18:46:24
- Snickers (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 18:43:07
- they're still Marathons to me (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:12:36
- ? (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:26:50
- ... (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:36:09
- He iz w8ll ld innit. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Mar 6, 19:31:35
- that doesn't surprise me (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 6, 19:22:04
- I know, most of your posts are (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:23:12
- ? (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:26:50
- they're still Marathons to me (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:12:36
- I used to like Starbars frozen and cut into slices (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 18:35:02
- You can still get starbars (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 18:43:39
- I bet they've shrunk though (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 18:53:34
- Everything has shrunk (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:03:11
- that's very generous of you. (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:09:51
- I need an address (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:15:14
- are you trying to fatten me up? (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:22:36
- Wow, u iz well old grandad innit bruv (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:28:01
- hard to believe isn't it? (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:30:06
- Great plastic surgeons in Chile? (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:50:46
- I smear avocado all over my body (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 20:03:35
- Great plastic surgeons in Chile? (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:50:46
- hard to believe isn't it? (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:30:06
- Wow, u iz well old grandad innit bruv (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:28:01
- are you trying to fatten me up? (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:22:36
- I need an address (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:15:14
- that's very generous of you. (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 19:09:51
- Everything has shrunk (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 19:03:11
- I bet they've shrunk though (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Mar 6, 18:53:34
- You can still get starbars (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Mar 6, 18:43:39
- Topic. (n/m) (General Chat) - DrDublin, Mar 6, 18:30:22
- 👏👏 (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Mar 6, 18:49:01
- Haha (n/m) (General Chat) - Charles21, Mar 6, 18:45:17
- On train to Orpington, then hour's drive... back by 2am. (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Mar 5, 00:36:39
- On my way back to Beds with a few glum looking Spuds. (NCFC) - Yellowbeds, Mar 5, 01:03:39
- Train to Basingstoke for us (NCFC) - BungysPie, Mar 5, 00:58:59
- I am also on the way home, same train quite possibly! (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Mar 5, 00:49:10
- On train back to Maidstone, then shirt drive home. (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Mar 5, 00:44:51
- Hither green next? (NCFC) - Charles21, Mar 5, 00:43:06
- How many wrathers going tomorrow? Must be a good foo. (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Mar 3, 14:46:43
- I'm in (n/m) (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Mar 3, 19:14:38
- Moi (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellowbeds, Mar 3, 19:06:52
- Yep (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Mar 3, 16:24:30
- ^personality disorder (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Mar 3, 18:41:16
- ??? (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Mar 3, 19:49:18
- Oh I see, sorry long busy day! (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Mar 3, 20:08:21
- You’re going to say hello and buy yourself a drink (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Mar 3, 19:57:42
- ??? (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Mar 3, 19:49:18
- Say hello, I'll buy you a (filled up from the bottom) expensive pint! (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Mar 3, 16:25:32
- ^personality disorder (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Mar 3, 18:41:16
- 👍 (n/m) (NCFC) - Trent_Canary, Mar 3, 16:21:02
- Yep (n/m) (NCFC) - Old Splat, Mar 3, 16:19:37
- Wrath is gorn ta be empty tomorra noight (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Mar 3, 16:00:54
- Us 2 (NCFC) - BungysPie, Mar 3, 15:34:49
- Yes + WY jnr (n/m) (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Mar 3, 15:20:04
- Me! (n/m) (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Mar 3, 15:18:43
- 9 (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Mar 3, 15:17:15
- Even though I swore I’d never go to another away match after (NCFC) - Old Git, Mar 3, 15:17:06
- I'm going (NCFC) - duke of york, Mar 3, 15:16:38
- Me, Yellalee, APB & Archroy (n/m) (NCFC) - malkybarkid, Mar 3, 15:14:40
- That's a bunch one wouldn't wish to bump into on a dark night (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Mar 3, 16:03:51
- Moi (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Mar 3, 15:08:48
- Me (n/m) (NCFC) - Highway, Mar 3, 15:05:44
- me (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Mar 3, 14:55:32
- first game of the season for a lot of them ....😜 (n/m) (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Mar 3, 14:54:48
- I'd snap your entire arm off for £50m for Godfrey (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 10:01:55
- Still think he's the one most likely to be a success at the top top level (NCFC) - Cardiff Canary, Feb 14, 12:37:40
- we are going to be so rich in the champs (NCFC) - paulg, Feb 14, 10:37:41
- are you saying we will be bribing the opposition to lose (n/m) (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Feb 14, 13:03:23
- I know you think that but (NCFC) - Henclrikus, Feb 14, 11:00:05
- Comparatively rich? (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 11:05:29
- Moet income but Tattinger lifestyle (n/m) (NCFC) - Henclrikus, Feb 14, 11:15:29
- Comparatively rich? (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 11:05:29
- 8 career clean-sheets as a defender. Why not £70m?! (n/m) (NCFC) - Henclrikus, Feb 14, 10:35:37
- Couldn't give a shit if he goes for 5 quid or 5 million (NCFC) - Tombs, Feb 14, 10:35:24
- I reckon you'd be a bit irked if we let him go for 5 quid (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Feb 14, 10:39:36
- Knowing our luck it’s be an old paper fiver (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Feb 14, 11:02:15
- Honestly i wouldnt care one jot (NCFC) - Tombs, Feb 14, 10:46:45
- You'd rather we had more money to buy better players though, shirley (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 10:48:33
- Like naismith or wolfswinkel? (NCFC) - Tombs, Feb 14, 10:52:18
- You'd rather we had more money to buy better players though, shirley (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 10:48:33
- I reckon you'd be a bit irked if we let him go for 5 quid (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Feb 14, 10:39:36
- "I'd drive him there myself" (n/m) (NCFC) - inutero, Feb 14, 10:11:31
- Why my arm?i like my arm and want to keep it (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Feb 14, 10:09:04
- You don't need arms where we're going (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 10:15:13
- Will I need a safe word? (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Feb 14, 10:16:59
- Come round (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 10:22:56
- Will I need a safe word? (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Feb 14, 10:16:59
- You don't need arms where we're going (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 10:15:13
- Blimey! York must be wetting their pants about that one. (n/m) (NCFC) - Huge Small, Feb 14, 10:08:03
- Our HR Director is a York fan (NCFC) - BungysPie, Feb 14, 10:16:53
- Yeah, imagine what £5m could do for a National League North side (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Feb 14, 10:16:47
- Confirmed 9000 for Spurs Wed 4th March (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Feb 6, 12:36:21
- Do you think we will sell out? (NCFC) - usacanary, Feb 6, 15:52:17
- Priority should be given to those who made the long trek to PNE and Burnley (NCFC) - ingi, Feb 6, 12:53:02
- did you go to PNE and Burnley? You haven't mentioned that before (NCFC) - Worzel Scrimmage, Feb 6, 15:07:55
- What about if they lived in Blackburn? (n/m) (NCFC) - Wild Edric, Feb 6, 14:26:50
- Or Burnley. (n/m) (NCFC) - Pixelman, Feb 6, 18:56:24
- really? (NCFC) - camcan, Feb 6, 14:21:18
- Southampton and Bournemouth attendees should too (NCFC) - SCC 28, Feb 6, 13:35:21
- Yep (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Feb 6, 13:39:25
- Was my original starting point tbf 👶 (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Feb 6, 13:42:21
- Yep (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Feb 6, 13:39:25
- Don't think you need to worry about priority access for this one? (n/m) (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Feb 6, 13:01:04
- Yeah should be fine mate. They may struggle to sell out (NCFC) - ingi, Feb 6, 13:03:15
- Was arsenal half term? (NCFC) - SCC 28, Feb 6, 13:36:18
- It was also only £10 (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Feb 6, 14:14:57
- It was - 7000 (n/m) (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Feb 6, 13:55:29
- Was arsenal half term? (NCFC) - SCC 28, Feb 6, 13:36:18
- Yeah should be fine mate. They may struggle to sell out (NCFC) - ingi, Feb 6, 13:03:15
- Is there a limit to the number season ticket holders can buy before general sale? (NCFC) - Ben, Feb 6, 12:42:51
- I would think it would be 1 per season ticket holder (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Feb 6, 12:49:28
- It's always one ticket per customer number (NCFC) - Jester, Feb 6, 22:44:56
- I would think it would be 1 per season ticket holder (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Feb 6, 12:49:28
- Wrath advance party heading North (Other Football) - dr fanta, Jan 31, 16:36:55
- Heading up tonight (Other Football) - Jester, Jan 31, 19:47:28
- Yes heading up early tomorrow (Other Football) - BungysPie, Jan 31, 16:59:24
- Bigg Market tonight Fantz? (n/m) (Other Football) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jan 31, 16:42:05
- ha ha - it's a thought (Other Football) - dr fanta, Jan 31, 17:37:12
- Locals call it the Slag Market (n/m) (Other Football) - colincanary, Jan 31, 16:50:24
- Well having seen chloe ferry on the internet,I can see why tbh. (n/m) (Other Football) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jan 31, 16:53:05
- 😆 (n/m) (Other Football) - colincanary, Jan 31, 16:54:31
- Well having seen chloe ferry on the internet,I can see why tbh. (n/m) (Other Football) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Jan 31, 16:53:05
- Run Norwich (General Chat) - BungysPie, Jan 22, 14:57:07
- Or just run the route any other day of the year for free (n/m) (General Chat) - wolfio, Jan 22, 15:03:59
- Sexy Bennett hinting at big changes today. (NCFC) - avenging canary, Jan 18, 09:04:56
- Not sure about three at the back... (NCFC) - norway, Jan 18, 11:36:02
- He’s saying some of last seasons heroes won’t make the bench today (NCFC) - strap_on sally, Jan 18, 10:42:58
- 3 at the back? (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jan 18, 09:41:18
- We've decided to take them on at cricket instead (NCFC) - Cardiff Canary, Jan 18, 09:27:30
- Well we might have more success than playing football. (n/m) (NCFC) - MORDENCANARY, Jan 18, 10:35:15
- I wish him all the best but that’s one hell of an underwhelming signing (NCFC) - lurd, Jan 13, 17:26:07
- Missed pretty much all last season.... (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jan 13, 17:51:29
- I'm thinking someone is leaving....has to be... (n/m) (NCFC) - usacanary, Jan 13, 17:34:37
- Reckon Jim’s right cheap replacement for Buendia in summer (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jan 13, 17:34:34
- Anyone got a decent small river? (n/m) (NCFC) - Rob NCFC, Jan 11, 14:58:00
- Bure is clear (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Jan 11, 15:17:04
- Works ok on laptop (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jan 11, 15:10:27
- Wandle where I am. (n/m) (NCFC) - MORDENCANARY, Jan 11, 15:03:10
- ..... (NCFC) - DrDublin, Jan 11, 15:00:59
- Nice one Dubs. (n/m) (NCFC) - Rob NCFC, Jan 11, 15:01:55
- Here (NCFC) - R T Chase, Jan 11, 15:00:06
- Usually reliable (NCFC) - SCC 28, Jan 11, 14:59:13
- Chairs. I take it none available in English? (n/m) (NCFC) - Rob NCFC, Jan 11, 14:59:57
- The river tud but the signal is poor (n/m) (NCFC) - ghost of hucks, Jan 11, 14:58:45
- Seems to be some tickets available for United if anyone is interested (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jan 7, 10:38:15
- Yet spurs is sold out? (NCFC) - city_lad, Jan 7, 10:40:17
- That reminds me - haven't got my Spurs tickets thru the post yet. Have others? (n/m) (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jan 7, 10:46:38
- No got ours yet either (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jan 7, 12:05:39
- Don’t rub it in man! 😂 (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jan 7, 10:47:34
- It’s extra tickets - it was sold out (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jan 7, 10:41:05
- And Spurs is a lot closer (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Jan 7, 10:41:51
- I think more tickets will go on for Spurs too (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jan 7, 10:48:36
- And Spurs is a lot closer (n/m) (NCFC) - duke of york, Jan 7, 10:41:51
- That reminds me - haven't got my Spurs tickets thru the post yet. Have others? (n/m) (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jan 7, 10:46:38
- Yet spurs is sold out? (NCFC) - city_lad, Jan 7, 10:40:17
- Southampton Update - even more freezing/ M27 still dreadful / SW Train still on strike (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Dec 4, 07:40:30
- In Southampton already (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Dec 4, 09:22:18
- It’s just a revised timetable (NCFC) - SCC 28, Dec 4, 08:00:53
- 👍 (n/m) (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Dec 4, 10:33:40
- Trains on my journey not too bad (NCFC) - BungysPie, Dec 4, 07:46:01
- I'm doing train as expecting lots will drive (n/m) (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Dec 4, 10:34:38
- Times are similar to what I booked (NCFC) - SCC 28, Dec 4, 08:03:13
- Fair to say that was a deserved win? (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Nov 23, 20:21:50
- From my brother-in-law, who’s an Everton season ticket holder (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Nov 23, 20:32:55
- All the Everton fans we saw full of praise (NCFC) - BungysPie, Nov 23, 21:23:43
- Every team that loses to us has played dreadfully. (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Nov 23, 21:23:09
- Guardian report was full of praise for our performance. (n/m) (NCFC) - norway, Nov 23, 21:21:13
- Harsh on us (NCFC) - duke of york, Nov 23, 21:15:35
- That sounds like sour grapes to me (n/m) (NCFC) - Trent_Canary, Nov 23, 20:35:50
- First half we improved as it went on (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 23, 20:27:29
- Thank you (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Nov 23, 20:28:43
- There were moments of sexy football (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 23, 20:31:47
- There were lots of fast triangle passing though, compared to recent games (n/m) (NCFC) - essexcanaryOTBC, Nov 23, 20:35:26
- There were moments of sexy football (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 23, 20:31:47
- Thank you (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Nov 23, 20:28:43
- From my brother-in-law, who’s an Everton season ticket holder (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Nov 23, 20:32:55
- Anyone lucky enough to get Southampton tickets? (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 13, 09:47:11
- Lowest away turnout of the season I expect. (NCFC) - OutFoxed, Nov 13, 10:03:54
- Ha same as my train ticket (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 13, 10:06:53
- You know SouthWestern are on strike if that impacts you? (NCFC) - OutFoxed, Nov 13, 10:10:08
- Yeah they reckon only half the services will run (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 13, 10:13:01
- Its not been that bad for previous strikes (NCFC) - BungysPie, Nov 13, 10:31:06
- Cheers should be ok then (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 13, 10:47:51
- Its not been that bad for previous strikes (NCFC) - BungysPie, Nov 13, 10:31:06
- Yeah they reckon only half the services will run (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 13, 10:13:01
- You know SouthWestern are on strike if that impacts you? (NCFC) - OutFoxed, Nov 13, 10:10:08
- Ha same as my train ticket (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 13, 10:06:53
- Lowest away turnout of the season I expect. (NCFC) - OutFoxed, Nov 13, 10:03:54
- Am I the only one going to Everton? (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Nov 5, 11:59:05
- My and APJnr are going !! Yeyyy. I want to seeGoodison (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Nov 5, 16:42:18
- A long way to go to see a 2-0 defeat. (n/m) (NCFC) - MORDENCANARY, Nov 5, 14:51:03
- We are going! (NCFC) - BungysPie, Nov 5, 12:17:33
- Brighton didn’t sell out until the day after priority (n/m) (NCFC) - Surrey Yella, Nov 5, 12:10:47
- If you're coming down to Sussex, don't forget free train/bus travel (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Nov 1, 10:09:56
- Thanks for the tips Worthing. Where do the buses go from centre!? (n/m) (NCFC) - WalksietheReturn, Nov 1, 11:32:01
- Normally from Old Steine... (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Nov 1, 13:10:24
- 50 miles for us which also makes a nice change... (NCFC) - BungysPie, Nov 1, 10:17:51
- I just couldn’t be bothered with that again (NCFC) - SCC 28, Nov 1, 10:21:27
- Doesn't scan as well as the Scott McKenzie original (n/m) (NCFC) - Wild Edric, Nov 1, 10:12:15
- POTD (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Nov 1, 12:30:17
- 😁 (n/m) (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Nov 1, 11:03:07
- Thanks for the tips Worthing. Where do the buses go from centre!? (n/m) (NCFC) - WalksietheReturn, Nov 1, 11:32:01
- Interesting. Worrying ? (NCFC) - helvegtheowl, Oct 8, 17:39:00
- Saints are about to lose their DoF to Rangers (NCFC) - BungysPie, Oct 8, 20:42:34
- Would be fine with those two here (NCFC) - CWC, Oct 8, 19:44:07
- Lewis is in the Northern Ireland squad (NCFC) - BungysPie, Oct 3, 14:06:05
- Wish we could just withdraw as many of them as possible from this round of internationals (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Oct 3, 14:08:17
- No.i hate that attitude. It's so small minded. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Oct 3, 17:27:03
- SexyBennett said he’s ok (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Oct 3, 14:06:29
- O'Neill says ligament damage only and no fracture (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Oct 3, 14:53:09
- Wish we could just withdraw as many of them as possible from this round of internationals (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Oct 3, 14:08:17
- Anyone in the Railway Telegraph Cocktail and Sports Bar? Any good? (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Sep 28, 13:43:55
- Nope. That London. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Sep 28, 14:19:53
- Going to find somewhere to watch the match our Garrry??? (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Sep 28, 14:30:17
- No, beer garden in Stuttgart. (NCFC) - APB, Sep 28, 14:06:05
- Yes, I've seen you IdEots on fb! Hope you're having much fun APB!!!! (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Sep 28, 14:12:51
- Yep (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 28, 13:53:11
- Yay nice. :) (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Sep 28, 13:57:56
- Yes (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Sep 28, 13:54:53
- Grumply grump. (n/m) (NCFC) - DrDublin, Sep 28, 13:58:15
- Nope. That London. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Sep 28, 14:19:53
- those going on the 0900 train from Norwich tomorrow - it's been replaced by a bus service (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Sep 27, 10:00:21
- All trains from here replaced by a bus tomorrow 😢 (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:03:14
- What pub are you heading to? (General Chat) - BungysPie, Sep 27, 10:37:21
- Might pit stop in East Croydon. Capital Canaries meeting there, I think, waiting on where (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:59:40
- Norwood junction!!! (General Chat) - Surrey Yella, Sep 27, 12:48:27
- We used to go the Cherry Tree too. (General Chat) - BungysPie, Sep 27, 11:11:34
- Might pit stop in East Croydon. Capital Canaries meeting there, I think, waiting on where (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:59:40
- Easier than Brighton?! (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Sep 27, 10:11:33
- Oh! You said 2nd! Ignore me! (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Sep 27, 10:11:51
- It's a close one though (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:14:40
- ... and I mean ease, not distance 😁 (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:15:15
- Which station will you park at? (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Sep 27, 10:18:21
- Hassocks, as its closest to here where I can get a train... (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:29:25
- I'm thinking of training it from Hassocks too, which train are you aiming for? (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, Sep 27, 11:09:29
- Probably around 1230ish, depends if I'm having a beer first (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 11:36:16
- That's what I'm considering too (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, Sep 27, 11:50:41
- I'll keep an eye out 👍 (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 11:53:24
- I look like a male model so I shouldn't be difficult to spot. (General Chat) - Adster, Sep 27, 12:04:38
- Ha ha! I've just looked and think 1211 will be train of choice (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 12:21:20
- I look like a male model so I shouldn't be difficult to spot. (General Chat) - Adster, Sep 27, 12:04:38
- I'll keep an eye out 👍 (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 11:53:24
- That's what I'm considering too (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, Sep 27, 11:50:41
- Probably around 1230ish, depends if I'm having a beer first (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 11:36:16
- I'm thinking of training it from Hassocks too, which train are you aiming for? (n/m) (General Chat) - Adster, Sep 27, 11:09:29
- Hassocks, as its closest to here where I can get a train... (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:29:25
- Which station will you park at? (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Sep 27, 10:18:21
- ... and I mean ease, not distance 😁 (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:15:15
- It's a close one though (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:14:40
- Oh! You said 2nd! Ignore me! (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Sep 27, 10:11:51
- whoops - I hope I haven't jinxed it! (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Sep 27, 10:04:18
- What pub are you heading to? (General Chat) - BungysPie, Sep 27, 10:37:21
- All trains from here replaced by a bus tomorrow 😢 (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 27, 10:03:14
- Anyone else trying for Bournemouth tickets? (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 25, 07:36:45
- yup (n/m) (NCFC) - Jester, Sep 25, 09:04:34
- Did you get them? (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 25, 09:10:26
- yup (n/m) (NCFC) - Jester, Sep 25, 09:56:42
- yup (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Sep 25, 09:12:10
- Me too (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 25, 09:23:56
- I didn’t get them ☹️ (NCFC) - Old Git, Sep 25, 09:37:52
- Do not refresh the site.... it will go into queue page on its own. (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Sep 25, 09:49:40
- I had this question with villa tickets. (NCFC) - Men without hats, Sep 25, 09:46:57
- The queue forms about 07:45... it will not log you out. (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Sep 25, 09:51:02
- Ok thanks. So even though the site is displaying a “closed please come back at 9” message, (NCFC) - Old Git, Sep 25, 10:46:16
- The queue forms about 07:45... it will not log you out. (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Sep 25, 09:51:02
- 8 apparently (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Sep 25, 09:28:36
- I didn’t get them ☹️ (NCFC) - Old Git, Sep 25, 09:37:52
- Me too (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 25, 09:23:56
- Did you get them? (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 25, 09:10:26
- yup (n/m) (NCFC) - Jester, Sep 25, 09:04:34
- Emi... (NCFC) - woody, Sep 19, 20:26:17
- Chips & fish (n/m) (NCFC) - inutero, Sep 19, 22:07:47
- That’s the loveliest thing I’ve seen all day 💛💚 (n/m) (NCFC) - Bravo win or die, Sep 19, 21:01:59
- That’s because you haven’t seen me (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Sep 19, 21:06:11
- How do you know? Hmm? (n/m) (NCFC) - Bravo win or die, Sep 19, 21:41:18
- That’s because you haven’t seen me (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Sep 19, 21:06:11
- He's special this boy,I'll say it again,I can't believe DF has put (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Sep 19, 20:40:30
- DF and Webber (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Sep 19, 20:44:54
- Yep.trudat. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Sep 19, 20:53:26
- Like morecambe and wise (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Sep 19, 20:51:53
- Miserable Jim and fuckoffselwyns (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Sep 19, 21:15:04
- Ant and Dec (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Sep 19, 20:52:21
- Garrald and Jumbles. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Sep 19, 21:03:36
- Grant and Phil (n/m) (NCFC) - Trent_Canary, Sep 19, 21:03:17
- SCC and pants. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Sep 19, 21:13:25
- pants has left (NCFC) - SCC 28, Sep 19, 21:21:26
- hope he's ok and that (NCFC) - Tombs, Sep 19, 21:25:00
- I’ve yet to watch the goals again today (NCFC) - SCC 28, Sep 19, 21:29:51
- my favourite game of football ever (NCFC) - Tombs, Sep 19, 21:34:40
- It would be orgasmic if we could hold this group together ,plus (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Sep 19, 22:58:05
- Yep (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Sep 19, 21:36:43
- Hoho,I nearly misinterpreted your poorly worded last paragraph/sentence. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Sep 19, 21:34:22
- Glad you were paying attention (n/m) (NCFC) - SCC 28, Sep 19, 21:36:57
- my favourite game of football ever (NCFC) - Tombs, Sep 19, 21:34:40
- I’ve yet to watch the goals again today (NCFC) - SCC 28, Sep 19, 21:29:51
- hope he's ok and that (NCFC) - Tombs, Sep 19, 21:25:00
- pants has left (NCFC) - SCC 28, Sep 19, 21:21:26
- SCC and pants. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Sep 19, 21:13:25
- Just like me and my Garry (n/m) (NCFC) - Jumbo1, Sep 19, 20:46:47
- 💛💚💛💚💛💚 (n/m) (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Sep 19, 21:43:39
- DF and Webber (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Sep 19, 20:44:54
- Singing his own song 😍 (n/m) (NCFC) - R T Chase, Sep 19, 20:34:30
- I loved that bit too (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 19, 21:59:34
- I thought the next round of TV games were announced today? (n/m) (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Sep 17, 19:26:47
- Yesterday according to the Premier League site (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 17, 20:15:13
- Usually a Friday isn’t it? (n/m) (NCFC) - Duck, Sep 17, 20:03:14
- You would think they might be keen to have us on given the entertainment in our games so (NCFC) - Jim, Sep 17, 20:15:00
- More than 4 goals per game on average so far. Ridunkerless. (n/m) (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Sep 17, 20:20:30
- (vs eg Palace - less than a goal per game) (n/m) (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Sep 17, 20:22:39
- More than 4 goals per game on average so far. Ridunkerless. (n/m) (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Sep 17, 20:20:30
- This says yesterday (approximately) (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Sep 17, 20:14:34
- You would think they might be keen to have us on given the entertainment in our games so (NCFC) - Jim, Sep 17, 20:15:00
- Surely we have to be looking for an out of contract CB to draft in? Our (NCFC) - Jim, Sep 13, 14:39:11
- Gary Doherty (n/m) (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Sep 13, 20:22:56
- Linvoy Primus (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Sep 13, 16:18:13
- Seb Bassong anyone? (n/m) (NCFC) - pab, Sep 13, 14:51:07
- Squad can’t be altered can it even if it can... (NCFC) - loz, Sep 13, 14:43:55
- Is that right? Thought it could if they are free agents. (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Sep 13, 14:47:57
- Isn't it set until Jan now we've registered the squad of 25? (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Sep 13, 15:25:20
- there is a deadline for registering for the game tho (NCFC) - Jester, Sep 13, 15:02:17
- That certainly used to be the case. (n/m) (NCFC) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Sep 13, 15:00:10
- Possibly as I say though would have to be home grown (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Sep 13, 14:49:24
- Or U21 (n/m) (NCFC) - Steve in Holland, Sep 13, 15:31:23
- Is that right? Thought it could if they are free agents. (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Sep 13, 14:47:57
- Did you ever play for the county at anything? (General Chat) - Thegelman, Sep 9, 17:46:41
- Darts 🏹 (n/m) (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, Sep 9, 21:40:09
- Rugby for Wiltshire (General Chat) - Kangol Canary, Sep 9, 19:52:17
- Hopscotch (n/m) (General Chat) - Larry Hagman, Sep 9, 19:31:28
- Ran for Norfolk at school (General Chat) - BungysPie, Sep 9, 19:29:38
- Guildford Schools footy was the closest I got (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Sep 9, 18:58:53
- No but I was captain of the Yellow Team in my final year at primary school (General Chat) - Bravo win or die, Sep 9, 18:38:36
- Rugger and athletics (Eastern Counties and London Group rugger too) (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 18:24:11
- Early pic of OG: (General Chat) - CWC, Sep 9, 19:41:27
- which athletics in particular? (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Sep 9, 19:05:35
- It was shotput! (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 19:07:35
- blimey, that's a shocker (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Sep 9, 19:25:06
- 800 and 1,500 are the hardest distances. That's canon. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Sep 9, 21:21:17
- I did say in my opinion (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Sep 9, 21:40:33
- 800 and 1,500 are the hardest distances. That's canon. (General Chat) - Arizona Bay, Sep 9, 21:21:17
- Are you massive? (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Sep 9, 19:13:31
- come round again (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 19:38:41
- blimey, that's a shocker (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Sep 9, 19:25:06
- It was shotput! (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 19:07:35
- I'll box you black and blue. (n/m) (General Chat) - Garry Brooke, Sep 9, 19:02:42
- Come round (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 19:06:19
- yes, but my greatest sporting claim to fame wasn't that (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Sep 9, 18:15:56
- Surprised a revolutionary like yourself (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Sep 9, 18:29:01
- funny you should say that, but I fucking loved sticking it to the toffs (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Sep 9, 18:31:14
- That’s pretty cool (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 18:20:58
- yes, pity I lost to an unranked club player in the next round (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Sep 9, 18:23:47
- i once got a 180 at darts (General Chat) - Tombs, Sep 9, 18:20:14
- I've had a few 140s (General Chat) - Huge Small, Sep 9, 20:09:34
- 🈹 (n/m) (General Chat) - Tombs, Sep 9, 19:16:57
- I have twice been in the final of our family Christmas darts tournament (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 18:25:29
- that would temporarily make you joint No 1 in the world (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Sep 9, 18:22:44
- i also got a 54 not out against the woofers and 99% on my cycling proficiency test (General Chat) - Tombs, Sep 9, 18:27:04
- I got a Blue Peter badge (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 18:28:59
- Rough lot around there. (General Chat) - Huge Small, Sep 9, 20:39:08
- I got a Blue Peter badge (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 18:28:59
- i also got a 54 not out against the woofers and 99% on my cycling proficiency test (General Chat) - Tombs, Sep 9, 18:27:04
- Surprised a revolutionary like yourself (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, Sep 9, 18:29:01
- No (n/m) (General Chat) - duke of york, Sep 9, 18:12:15
- ^ big girl’s blouse ^ (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 18:27:33
- Cricket, Hockey and Rugby (n/m) (General Chat) - Tony Martin, Sep 9, 18:09:16
- Not played but have coached at international level (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Sep 9, 18:04:47
- ^ Jamaican bobsleigh coach ^ (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 18:19:45
- I wish. Olympics would be an experience! (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Sep 9, 19:00:03
- Oh. Read that as country. No county level at American football sadly. (n/m) (General Chat) - Steve in Holland, Sep 9, 18:10:18
- ^ Jamaican bobsleigh coach ^ (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Sep 9, 18:19:45
- 18 minute wait for the Crawley tickets, I just checked. (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Aug 20, 09:07:11
- Got a ticket after a 25 minute wait. My first time on a terrace for absolutely years (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Aug 20, 09:25:10
- I got in with 1 minute wait, but was online at 8.35 (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Aug 20, 09:13:20
- I've bought 2, but might have a spare as waiting on a mate (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:17:35
- Although I'm not concerned I've accidently bought a seat and not terrace.... (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:20:52
- I trust you will be sitting..please (n/m) (NCFC) - trt354, Aug 20, 10:04:27
- That depends.... (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 10:17:47
- I trust you will be sitting..please (n/m) (NCFC) - trt354, Aug 20, 10:04:27
- Although I'm not concerned I've accidently bought a seat and not terrace.... (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:20:52
- I've bought 2, but might have a spare as waiting on a mate (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:17:35
- Got to be a decent chance they'll make it to general sale (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:10:21
- hope raised ... (NCFC) - Tombs, Aug 20, 09:53:27
- Appears not to be sold out again now (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 10:20:27
- Tombs if ever you want away tickets give me a shout (NCFC) - Azteca, Aug 20, 10:14:16
- How many do you need? (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 10:08:33
- two depending if he can get out of something (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Aug 20, 10:53:50
- Is there a way I've bought 2. Yours if you want them. If not sure I can find other takers. (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 11:09:33
- Sorry that should say i have bought two. (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 11:09:54
- I think I can get you two terrace tickets - leave it with me. (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 11:02:32
- Sorry do you want terrace or seats? (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 11:03:56
- Is there a way I've bought 2. Yours if you want them. If not sure I can find other takers. (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 11:09:33
- I also have an unused membership number, happy to help (n/m) (NCFC) - s10 yellow, Aug 20, 10:53:35
- two depending if he can get out of something (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Aug 20, 10:53:50
- I'm sure someone on here will get you a couple of terrace tickets (n/m) (NCFC) - Adster, Aug 20, 10:02:09
- Terrace not sold out though yet (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 09:53:59
- Terrace is the bulk of it - 1,500 or so out of 1,750 isn't it? (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:55:54
- *1250 out of 1750 (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:56:46
- Yes. I do think it will be touch and go whether it goes to general sale though, just (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 10:07:11
- Yes, I think you're right (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 10:19:00
- Mine was 699 yesterday (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 20, 10:29:15
- That's odd - goes against my theory on what the number was then! (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 10:32:59
- Not if it was 699 yesterday + 568 today? (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 20, 10:38:28
- That's odd - goes against my theory on what the number was then! (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 10:32:59
- Yes. Ours were 568 just after that so suggests about 500 went in the priority window (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 10:22:25
- Mine was 699 yesterday (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 20, 10:29:15
- Yes, I think you're right (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 10:19:00
- Yes. I do think it will be touch and go whether it goes to general sale though, just (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 20, 10:07:11
- *1250 out of 1750 (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:56:46
- Terrace is the bulk of it - 1,500 or so out of 1,750 isn't it? (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 20, 09:55:54
- 14 mins it took to get in, not buying though, just investigating (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Aug 20, 09:15:23
- hope raised ... (NCFC) - Tombs, Aug 20, 09:53:27
- Right. DigiRIBBON. (NCFC) - APB, Aug 19, 20:02:35
- I already did the anal beads joke....... (NCFC) - usacanary, Aug 19, 20:24:08
- It didn't even have the substitution s in it. (NCFC) - emmaroyds, Aug 19, 20:07:44
- Kensell noticed the amount of unsold pie (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Aug 19, 21:00:10
- Expect the call... (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Aug 19, 21:05:11
- Kensell noticed the amount of unsold pie (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Aug 19, 21:00:10
- Word (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Aug 19, 20:05:51
- Excel (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Aug 19, 20:33:05
- More clocks and more scoreboards (NCFC) - Jester, Aug 19, 20:04:45
- Lots of complaints on Facebook (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 19, 21:32:43
- Yeah I’d like the goal scorer on there as well as the rotating jumbotron (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Aug 19, 20:54:39
- More clocks and scoreboards, and a complete absence of any other info... (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Aug 19, 20:06:42
- Done some review words for ACN (NCFC) - DJ Worthy, Aug 18, 08:21:06
- Ta. Agree about the digiribbon - waste of an opportunity (n/m) (NCFC) - Higher Wrather, Aug 18, 10:07:06
- "Lauro" thinks we'll lose (if anyone cares what he thinks) (NCFC) - pab, Aug 15, 06:44:36
- He is but one of half a dozen media pricks (NCFC) - Highlander, Aug 15, 18:26:47
- I agree with what he says though but not his prediction! (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 15, 09:42:48
- We are going to let in goals of course with our style of play but we’re going to score (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Aug 15, 09:25:13
- Maybe minus points for deductions due to not being worthy enough (n/m) (NCFC) - essexcanaryOTBC, Aug 15, 08:58:55
- Lawro who said Pukki wouldn't get 10 all season, before (NCFC) - Azteca, Aug 15, 08:17:51
- Yes defence is a concern. Will be interesting to see if Amadou ends up in central defence. (n/m) (NCFC) - pab, Aug 15, 07:11:42
- I thought the League One comment was a bit harsh though! (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 15, 09:11:10
- Having him at dcm will make the defence look stronger (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Aug 15, 07:23:47
- I like this comment as it is based on what the players look like (NCFC) - Basingstoke_Canary_J, Aug 15, 08:29:42
- His comments are actually pretty sensible. He hasn’t said anything I disagree with (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 15, 07:02:09
- Meh! Felt a bit lazy to me. I’m going with World swimming champion Adam Peaty’s prediction (n/m) (NCFC) - Bravo win or die, Aug 15, 07:12:49
- I think lazy is a given, but on the lawro scale that was “vaguely thought out” (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 15, 07:24:28
- Fair point! (n/m) (NCFC) - Bravo win or die, Aug 15, 07:40:45
- I think lazy is a given, but on the lawro scale that was “vaguely thought out” (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Aug 15, 07:24:28
- Meh! Felt a bit lazy to me. I’m going with World swimming champion Adam Peaty’s prediction (n/m) (NCFC) - Bravo win or die, Aug 15, 07:12:49
- Got them (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:12:28
- Me too. Phew (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 13, 09:16:54
- Train tickets bought too..... sorted.. will be first visit to London stadium (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 09:32:06
- I can walk there from my house (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:33:33
- Train tickets bought too..... sorted.. will be first visit to London stadium (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 09:32:06
- Will now log out of my other ones and hopefully speed up the queue for the rest of you. (n/m) (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:12:50
- Me too. Phew (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 13, 09:16:54
- Random time allocation (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:02:34
- I logged on about 5 minutes earlier on the laptop to the phone and (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 13, 09:11:38
- Logged in at 8:45 now waiting 45 mins....what a waste of my time (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Aug 13, 09:04:29
- Fuck! (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:04:23
- Few reopened it (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:04:50
- Phew (n/m) (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:05:17
- I'm using two phones and a pc so should have three different ones (n/m) (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:08:48
- I think it places you in queue based on IP address, and i place per address. (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 09:08:05
- Phew (n/m) (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:05:17
- Few reopened it (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 09:04:50
- i had 2 windows open (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 13, 09:04:06
- West Ham (NCFC) - Jester, Aug 13, 07:47:10
- Tickets sorted (NCFC) - Jester, Aug 13, 09:02:49
- Probably depends on exactly where (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 08:33:03
- I got in at about 07:50 (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 08:42:21
- I think I was in at 8.03 (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 08:43:43
- Does the website closed screen automatically update when the sale begins? (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 08:46:44
- Do you need to re-fresh at 9 or if you do do you lose your place? (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 13, 08:46:10
- Don't refresh (NCFC) - Jester, Aug 13, 08:54:43
- Thanks (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 13, 09:12:26
- Cool was about the ask the same question (n/m) (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 08:56:33
- Last time, for Liverpool, it refreshed itself at 9am (n/m) (NCFC) - Brom, Aug 13, 08:54:38
- That's what I was going to ask (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 13, 08:47:55
- snap... (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 08:46:54
- How are you logged in? I just get the website closed page? (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Aug 13, 08:51:06
- Yes but its not clear if you are then automatically placed in the queue or you need to (NCFC) - Jim, Aug 13, 08:55:15
- yes, I'm hoping thats when it allots you a place in the queue... but I may be wrong? (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 08:52:49
- We need someone to test out, with no refresh to see what happens...... who's brave? (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 08:56:07
- I'd imagine it randomly gives you a place in the queue @ 9am when refresh occurs (n/m) (NCFC) - Brom, Aug 13, 08:55:08
- How are you logged in? I just get the website closed page? (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Aug 13, 08:51:06
- Don't refresh (NCFC) - Jester, Aug 13, 08:54:43
- I think I was in at 8.03 (NCFC) - Kangol Canary, Aug 13, 08:43:43
- I got in at about 07:50 (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 08:42:21
- Roll up! Roll up! Try your luck... only £50 a go (n/m) (NCFC) - Worthing Yellow, Aug 13, 08:23:01
- Yes, shout out to all workers wasting tax payers money trying to get tickets this morning (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Aug 13, 08:31:30
- Lowe for me... atleast its a bit closer to the pitch...which is quite far away (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 07:51:38
- Lower... I meant.. but hopefully not too low (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Aug 13, 07:56:40
- Just back from the game etc (NCFC) - JD3, Aug 10, 10:54:09
- Superb stuff (NCFC) - Charles21, Aug 10, 12:12:22
- Great story about the scarf (NCFC) - BungysPie, Aug 10, 11:15:01
- Great story about the scarf - that sort of thing should be in the media (n/m) (NCFC) - Larry Hagman, Aug 10, 11:03:56
- FFS can’t believe you took the Jonah (NCFC) - SCC 28, Aug 10, 10:57:56
- Purchased (NCFC) - Jester, Jul 24, 09:03:20
- Ah it does seem then that the earlier you have that page open (NCFC) - camcan, Jul 24, 09:04:58
- Got in at 9, now the wait is over an hour (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Jul 24, 09:05:35
- Good for those who can access at work, although switching between air traffic control (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Jul 24, 09:08:00
- still (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:12:00
- After eight minutes I’m now back to the wait time it originally sajd (n/m) (NCFC) - camcan, Jul 24, 09:09:23
- still less than 45 mins for me ..:( (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:13:20
- 27 mins and the phone line is also on overload (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:17:23
- 10 mins and caller 17 (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:24:51
- Caller 19 in queue on fone now.... (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:22:51
- Have a ticket now.... took 32 mins..... (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:32:33
- Showing as sold out now (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jul 24, 09:41:27
- I have them (NCFC) - camcan, Jul 24, 09:24:39
- Have a ticket now.... took 32 mins..... (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:32:33
- 27 mins and the phone line is also on overload (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:17:23
- still (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:12:47
- still less than 45 mins for me ..:( (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 24, 09:13:20
- Good for those who can access at work, although switching between air traffic control (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Jul 24, 09:08:00
- Got in at 9, now the wait is over an hour (n/m) (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Jul 24, 09:05:35
- Ah it does seem then that the earlier you have that page open (NCFC) - camcan, Jul 24, 09:04:58
- Any other Wrathers in online queue for Newcastle tickets? (NCFC) - Azteca, Jul 22, 09:09:03
- all sold out now (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 22, 09:50:08
- just got in (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 22, 09:34:39
- Ian Culverhouse. (n/m) (NCFC) - bird table, Jul 22, 09:23:17
- Bird Table : Max Rushden & Barry G ;) (n/m) (NCFC) - jackamo, Jul 22, 13:00:39
- Random? (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 22, 09:24:04
- I just got a ticket in South stand but I dont know where exactly yet!! (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 22, 09:18:46
- M Row: C/0176 (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 22, 09:19:42
- I got upper Barclay. South Stand sold out. (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Jul 22, 09:28:46
- M Row: C/0176 (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jul 22, 09:19:42
- So if a family of three each bought a priority home membership (NCFC) - ingi, Jul 22, 09:18:01
- 1st home game of the season - there'll be better chances for other games (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 22, 09:41:25
- Although I thought with it still be hols period (NCFC) - Azteca, Jul 22, 10:07:40
- trouble is nthg available in the blocks next to the away fans (NCFC) - fond, Jul 22, 09:20:23
- I think the club has also snuck in an extra block of corporates in the Jarrold (NCFC) - Jim, Jul 22, 09:27:04
- 1500 casual tickets ? (NCFC) - fond, Jul 22, 09:42:15
- No sorry, 1500 available to members if the away team takes full allocation (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jul 22, 09:55:05
- they dont get sold to non-members. Keep up. (NCFC) - CWC, Jul 22, 09:55:02
- 1500 casual tickets ? (NCFC) - fond, Jul 22, 09:42:15
- I think the club has also snuck in an extra block of corporates in the Jarrold (NCFC) - Jim, Jul 22, 09:27:04
- 1st home game of the season - there'll be better chances for other games (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jul 22, 09:41:25
- just bought 2 at 9.12 - but hardly anything left (n/m) (NCFC) - fond, Jul 22, 09:16:14
- Managed to get some but had 3 laptops and 2 phones on the go! (NCFC) - Men without hats, Jul 22, 09:11:42
- I got in without a queue (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jul 22, 09:20:49
- Blimey that doesn’t bode well for the rest of the season. How many casual seats do you rec (NCFC) - ingi, Jul 22, 09:16:53
- That doesnt sound promising. I have an estimated 8 mins left (NCFC) - Azteca, Jul 22, 09:13:57
- What NCFC gift did Run Norwichers get? (General Chat) - phelans tash, Jul 21, 12:45:07
- Reliable son got socks (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Jul 21, 18:28:43
- 4 coasters (General Chat) - Curnster, Jul 21, 15:46:46
- Good effort all you runners :) (n/m) (General Chat) - Bravo win or die, Jul 21, 15:19:48
- Kitchen timer (General Chat) - Yellalee, Jul 21, 15:16:18
- I got a badge, hubby got nothing (General Chat) - BungysPie, Jul 21, 14:08:07
- Bike reflector for my old man and a key ring for me (General Chat) - mr chimp, Jul 21, 14:56:52
- Purple box and a few silk scarves (n/m) (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Jul 21, 13:52:34
- Nothing. Nada. Nowt. Zip. (n/m) (General Chat) - Bungle, Jul 21, 13:04:18
- Good luck run nodgwrs today... I'm on Cathedral water station. (General Chat) - Pixelman, Jul 21, 06:46:21
- Very decent water station it was too tbf (General Chat) - Curnster, Jul 21, 15:48:04
- Thank you . (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Jul 21, 17:13:08
- See you there pix. I’m in blue pen this year and emblazoned with Bungle... (n/m) (General Chat) - Bungle, Jul 21, 09:25:11
- Denise off of out of Elements is running, she’ll empty the bar (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Jul 21, 08:41:32
- Packet of frazzles and a pint of best please (n/m) (General Chat) - phelans tash, Jul 21, 08:22:36
- Well done for volunteering! (n/m) (General Chat) - 702, Jul 21, 07:21:58
- Can you stretch to a vodka and coke? (General Chat) - BungysPie, Jul 21, 07:00:38
- Ha ha thank you! (n/m) (General Chat) - BungysPie, Jul 21, 08:22:58
- Sorted. Give me a wave. I'll be the tallest person there. (n/m) (General Chat) - Pixelman, Jul 21, 07:56:55
- I shouted at someone tall (General Chat) - BungysPie, Jul 21, 11:42:45
- Very decent water station it was too tbf (General Chat) - Curnster, Jul 21, 15:48:04
- Joey Barton charged with actual body harm (Other Football) - BungysPie, Jul 17, 08:48:33
- Light weight..... (n/m) (Other Football) - usacanary, Jul 17, 16:26:30
- Wow what a surprise (Other Football) - inutero, Jul 17, 08:49:25
- What happened to the winter break? (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 13, 09:26:34
- its adjusted once they fix the TV fixtures (n/m) (NCFC) - Gazzaman, Jun 13, 09:45:40
- Liverpool at home is either 8 or 15 Jan (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 13, 09:35:23
- Decided in December when sky pick their Feb games it seems! (n/m) (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 13, 09:40:46
- Well this all seems a bit shit, doesn't it? (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Jun 12, 10:57:58
- Reduced casual prices but (NCFC) - CWC, Jun 12, 11:36:59
- Its only reduced for adults (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 12, 12:01:14
- Don;t think many have an issue with the £50 home memberships for adults (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 11:39:21
- Hone, away, wotevs (NCFC) - CWC, Jun 12, 11:46:19
- They met 7 "superfans" who appear to have forced the concession for (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 11:31:12
- Same here, just got the away membership for my son at Uni in London, not worth getting the (NCFC) - BSE Canary, Jun 12, 11:51:47
- Was Gus George one of the superfans? (n/m) (NCFC) - A new PC Mr Creosote, Jun 12, 11:44:04
- Realsing the info at 6am, 3 hours before going on sale seems particularly shitty. (NCFC) - bird table, Jun 12, 11:04:48
- It really does. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Jun 12, 11:09:43
- *releasing ffs (n/m) (NCFC) - bird table, Jun 12, 11:05:52
- You’d hope they’ll be closely monitoring membership sales to guard against entryism (NCFC) - King, Jun 12, 11:01:38
- Bet they haven’t (NCFC) - archroy, Jun 12, 11:46:14
- Yeah. (NCFC) - Garry Brooke, Jun 12, 11:12:22
- Reduced casual prices but (NCFC) - CWC, Jun 12, 11:36:59
- its appears i am one of the chosen ones (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Jun 12, 09:49:31
- Do cup games count? (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 12, 10:06:07
- Yer I saw that on my history (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Jun 12, 11:04:44
- Do cup games count? (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 12, 10:06:07
- New membership schemes for this season (NCFC) - Jester, Jun 12, 06:21:01
- IMHO....if you didn't buy a season ticket last season... (NCFC) - usacanary, Jun 12, 16:18:20
- Way too little information here (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Jun 12, 09:27:03
- my shares have meant diddly-squat for quite a while now (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 09:44:02
- yeah, it was pretty shitty to phase out benefits like that (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Jun 12, 09:50:55
- It won’t guarantee a ticket. Only 1500 casual tickets for some homes (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 09:38:41
- Well so what? (NCFC) - usacanary, Jun 12, 16:12:18
- The club can't know the answer to that (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:30:54
- 750 - "City have ring-fenced a priority group of 750 people that were either away season t (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 09:37:05
- well they can know if they are going to cap each 'membership' level (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Jun 12, 09:34:32
- Yep, I wondered if they are going to cap premier memberships or not (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:39:59
- I can see exactly how many away tickets I purchased last year (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 12, 10:00:32
- yeah, financially it definitely makes no sense for the club to cap it (NCFC) - Mecagoenti, Jun 12, 09:43:55
- "There will be no official cap on the number of memberships sold, although it is believed (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 09:39:01
- Yep, I wondered if they are going to cap premier memberships or not (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:39:59
- my shares have meant diddly-squat for quite a while now (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 09:44:02
- so does this mean (NCFC) - Ghost Ship Belly, Jun 12, 09:23:04
- Gutted by this. My 1450 away points down the drain. Now need to find £50! (n/m) (NCFC) - col canary, Jun 12, 09:10:12
- So are the two schemes separate? (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 12, 08:55:28
- Club have completely fucked up here. Consultation my arse. (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 12, 08:49:12
- They’ve got together with the club canary mafia and had a chat and (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:57:38
- Well, this doesn't affect the number of tickets available (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:23:06
- YEs this. Also if tickets go on general sale presumably you (NCFC) - Pixelman, Jun 12, 09:52:30
- They are still £50 worse off (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 09:45:00
- Ah right, my bad (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 10:00:12
- 'We're custodians of this place and we have to make sure that we leave it in a better plac (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 09:58:11
- Agreed (n/m) (NCFC) - Yellalee, Jun 12, 09:05:06
- Well, this doesn't affect the number of tickets available (NCFC) - Tricky Hawes, Jun 12, 09:23:06
- They’ve got together with the club canary mafia and had a chat and (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:57:38
- Big picture (NCFC) - King, Jun 12, 08:45:56
- Membership, for me Clive, used to be about being a supporter of the club.... (NCFC) - JD3, Jun 12, 08:44:02
- Another thing flowing from this is that (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:37:40
- You do. You are in window 3 instead of 4. (NCFC) - King, Jun 12, 08:48:09
- His point is that if you miss 2 home games (quite realistic) (NCFC) - jAC, Jun 12, 08:51:19
- Lol good luck buying casual tickets. (n/m) (NCFC) - usacanary, Jun 12, 16:20:09
- His point is that if you miss 2 home games (quite realistic) (NCFC) - jAC, Jun 12, 08:51:19
- You do. You are in window 3 instead of 4. (NCFC) - King, Jun 12, 08:48:09
- As a season ticket holder who goes to quite a few away (NCFC) - APB, Jun 12, 08:22:50
- Agree - as I posted below, the implementation is wrong (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:26:27
- That for me is the annoyance. Surely you phase out one system over a season (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:26:25
- My reading of this is (NCFC) - Moritz Moutarde, Jun 12, 08:40:10
- Yes that’s the thing they’ve added at the last minute apparently if (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:45:29
- Agreed Jim - history should have been built into the new system (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:29:06
- Should purely be done on away points & only points accrued by attending away matches (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Jun 12, 08:35:52
- My reading of this is (NCFC) - Moritz Moutarde, Jun 12, 08:40:10
- A bit in the wrong place there... (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Jun 12, 08:25:55
- Welcome to the Premier League (n/m) (NCFC) - APB, Jun 12, 08:13:24
- yup, same shizzle different dizzle (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 08:22:59
- casual fan who pays £50 priority membership gets away ticks before season ticket holder... (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:05:40
- I think members and ST Holders should've had the same away point boost, not 500 vs 1000 (NCFC) - JD3, Jun 12, 08:30:48
- Looks like how it is..... (NCFC) - maidstoneyellow, Jun 12, 08:13:21
- The other cynical thing is they go on sale at 9am which means (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:16:37
- on the plus side, all the games will be on the telly (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 08:19:12
- The other cynical thing is they go on sale at 9am which means (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:16:37
- The issue is how this is being implemented (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:13:15
- Some ST holders are already long distance travellers when they go to home games. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:22:11
- totally get why they allowed the holiday inn to be built in the corner now (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 09:22:03
- VMT (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Jun 12, 08:14:33
- Some ST holders are already long distance travellers when they go to home games. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:22:11
- Agree with some of the points below but I'm sure the club will have done their research (NCFC) - Chris Peacock, Jun 12, 07:43:05
- Only research they will have done is how many they think they can sell and (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 07:59:53
- depends on how many games a non-season ticket holder can get to (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 08:06:31
- The home memberships are not the issue here (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:17:56
- they did send out a "tweet" about it tbf (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 08:05:31
- depends on how many games a non-season ticket holder can get to (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 08:06:31
- Only research they will have done is how many they think they can sell and (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 07:59:53
- I'm pleased ST Holders no longer get an advantage for away tickets (n/m) (NCFC) - Azteca, Jun 12, 07:38:05
- Bollocks. ST holders especially those who are not local are prejudiced again. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:17:10
- Don’t dispute that but the ST price now too high. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:30:07
- Yes, I agree (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:38:36
- A guaranteed seat is worth quite a lot this season though (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 08:22:51
- Don’t dispute that but the ST price now too high. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:30:07
- Bollocks. ST holders especially those who are not local are prejudiced again. (NCFC) - biffbro, Jun 12, 08:17:10
- Of course my ST guarantees my seat each week, but at £510 it only now saves me £60 over (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Jun 12, 07:30:54
- Toby Tickets? (n/m) (NCFC) - essexcanaryOTBC, Jun 12, 08:18:08
- same situation (NCFC) - ghostof barry butler, Jun 12, 07:46:58
- Bugger (n/m) (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Jun 12, 07:13:40
- So local Man U fans just pay £50 membership and get priority for tickets..WTF (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jun 12, 07:01:31
- Why would local Man U fans do that? (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:05:54
- to sit in the home stands (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:07:09
- But thousands will have it so would they really go to that length... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:15:12
- Yes (n/m) (NCFC) - jAC, Jun 12, 07:17:38
- Never underestimate a plastic.... (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Jun 12, 09:25:38
- Yes (n/m) (NCFC) - jAC, Jun 12, 07:17:38
- But thousands will have it so would they really go to that length... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:15:12
- to sit in the home stands (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:07:09
- Why would local Man U fans do that? (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:05:54
- Not happy. Not a good way to treat loyal fans. (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:40:39
- There was a fans consultation according to this tweet (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Jun 12, 07:38:40
- What that means is they adapted it so the fans in their little group (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:02:48
- Consulatation was after system agreed (NCFC) - trt354, Jun 12, 08:54:05
- What happens after this season? (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 09:47:46
- Consulatation was after system agreed (NCFC) - trt354, Jun 12, 08:54:05
- What that means is they adapted it so the fans in their little group (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:02:48
- Away season tickets & points system has worked really well (NCFC) - trt354, Jun 12, 07:18:41
- The only problem with the away points system was when (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:05:29
- The season ticket priority for away games annoyed me yep... (NCFC) - JD3, Jun 12, 08:19:15
- That could have been fixed though quite easily (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:28:25
- The season ticket priority for away games annoyed me yep... (NCFC) - JD3, Jun 12, 08:19:15
- The only problem with the away points system was when (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:05:29
- Doubt there’s a financial gain with cheaper casual prices? (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 06:52:44
- Which they had to do anyway and not cheaper than last season really (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:57:28
- What’s the comparison to a grade A prem club last time out... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 06:58:18
- Point is they have to cap prices for away fans. Can hardly charge home fans more (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 07:18:24
- Every other prem club did last year bar Huddersfield ? (n/m) (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:30:54
- £38 for a ticket in the River End lower to watch Villa in 2015 (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 07:15:17
- £33 for the same seat in the Champs in 2014 against Brighton (n/m) (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 07:16:38
- How about United and city etc... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:16:01
- hoorah for our legions of casual fans (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:28:06
- the increase in membership will make it more expensive for the more casual casual fan (NCFC) - Ralf Scrampton, Jun 12, 08:02:26
- Presumably there was some kind of consultation process ... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 07:32:07
- There was, I did a reply to Jim above (n/m) (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Jun 12, 07:41:07
- Appears they met a few fans who kicked off about it. It then appears they added the (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 08:22:48
- There was, I did a reply to Jim above (n/m) (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Jun 12, 07:41:07
- hoorah for our legions of casual fans (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:28:06
- Point is they have to cap prices for away fans. Can hardly charge home fans more (n/m) (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 07:18:24
- What’s the comparison to a grade A prem club last time out... (NCFC) - loz, Jun 12, 06:58:18
- Which they had to do anyway and not cheaper than last season really (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:57:28
- not happy either, feel royally fucked over by the club (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 06:50:28
- “Community club” my a**e. The one time they don’t need to they screw the fans over (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:51:33
- There was a fans consultation according to this tweet (NCFC) - KentonCanary, Jun 12, 07:38:40
- As a season ticket holder who went to about 7 away games last season (NCFC) - Duck, Jun 12, 06:27:04
- Why....you get the chance to watch every home game... (NCFC) - usacanary, Jun 12, 16:23:26
- Same here (NCFC) - BungysPie, Jun 12, 06:48:30
- It’s really very poor and very unnecessary (NCFC) - Jim, Jun 12, 06:43:58
- We are similar (NCFC) - Jester, Jun 12, 06:36:19
- Same here and bearing in mind places like Spurs only have 3k away seats, we ain’t got a (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Jun 12, 07:16:34
- very much this (n/m) (NCFC) - Tombs, Jun 12, 07:28:49
- That depends on how many away priority members there will be (n/m) (NCFC) - SimonOTBC, Jun 12, 06:37:32
- Same here and bearing in mind places like Spurs only have 3k away seats, we ain’t got a (NCFC) - Augustus Pablo, Jun 12, 07:16:34
- HD stream here (NCFC) - promethian1, Apr 22, 15:05:06
- Hesgoals.com is a good picture (NCFC) - BungysPie, Apr 22, 15:13:58
- Thanks prom. Can't get it to play for some reason. Just wants to open a new tab (n/m) (NCFC) - Dandy Highburyman, Apr 22, 15:08:54
- reload it... (n/m) (NCFC) - promethian1, Apr 22, 15:09:58
- Off to Kilmarnock vs Aberdeen this afternoon (Other Football) - KentonCanary, Apr 20, 13:03:39
- Hope it a good game (Other Football) - BungysPie, Apr 20, 14:27:55
- Ahhh...well I hope your day gets better. (Other Football) - Huge Small, Apr 20, 13:55:37