Firstly, it's a judicial review...

Which would just send the decision back to be (likely) remade on firmer ground.

Secondly, a cursory reading of the case at
User Posted Link

Suggests that the thing was unceremoniously thrown out on its arse.

The only bit with leave to appeal didn't look like the bit you were suggesting (the paragraphs which follow your cut and paste are damning of the reasoning)

"In all reality in those circumstances, there is no realistic prospect of a court deciding in these, possibly unique, circumstances that the regulation was a disproportionate interference with the rights guaranteed by Article 11 of the Convention. There is, therefore, no purpose in granting permission to bring the claim. Permission to apply for judicial review of regulation 7 of the Regulations on the grounds set out in paragraphs 16 to 17 of the supplementary grounds dated 23 June 2020 is refused."

The basis of appeal actually seems to be about the religious services stuff which they make the point is now probably moot in view of current guidance anyway.

Happy to get as technical as you like (at work) but as this is my own time I'll duck out now.

Posted By: Cardiff Canary on September 9th 2020 at 16:49:17

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