Well, without wishing to be too technical

and whilst of course deferring to your obvious expertise, I must admit that I did have somewhat in mind the judgment of Lewis J. in Stephen Dolan, Lauren Monks, AB v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Secretary of State for Education [2020] EWHC 1786, which concerned an application for permission to bring proceedings to challenge the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020.
Amongst other things, it was argued that regulation 7 was in breach of Article 11 ECHR. The Judge agreed that the restrictions do indeed “involve an interference with the right to freedom of assembly and association within the meaning of Article 11(1) of the Convention” but held that the interference was – in the circumstances, at that time - proportionate. (An application for permission to appeal is to be heard by the court of appeal at the end of the month, if you’re interested.)
However, that was then, and this is now, thus my point that the outcome might be different.
Lovely to hear that there are textbooks about laws and stuff – I must say they would have come in jolly handy from time to time.

Posted By: paulg on September 9th 2020 at 16:25:33

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