Dry January - relationship with alcohol

So, I did dry January for the first time last year. I thoroughly overdid during that Christmas break - a release from that first grim year of covid I suppose - and definitely felt like I needed a reset.

I found it quite easy - but can't say I really felt much of a benefit and returned to fairly normal ways as soon as February arrived. Normal ways for me is not necessarily getting down the pub regularly but plenty of wine glugging at home, mostly over the weekend - albeit that may often start on a Thursday and carry on until Sunday roast etc.

I always saw it as a reward for reaching the end of the week and a way to differentiate between work and play (if that makes sense). Psychologically (chemically?) those thought processes had quite a grip on me to be honest.

So, January comes around again this year and it seems sensible to go dry once again. But the effect this year, for whatever reason, has been totally different. I've felt brighter and clearer generally, I've had no overriding sensation of abstinence or punishment(?) and the genuine urge to open a bottle has almost entirely disappeared.

Now of course - this feeling will doubtless shift and there's no certainty about any kind of permanent change. I'm made no promises to myself.

But I have found the process both surprising and fascinating - and I don't want to lose sight of how this feels right now. I don't think I had a problem as such, but there clearly was a kind of dependency going on and while the chain hasn't been entirely broken, it does at least feel eroded.

So anyway... just thought I'd share and wondered if anyone else has either had a similar experience or was thinking about reassessing their relationship with alcohol.

Posted By: norwaay, Feb 4, 12:16:27

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