I agree with you that it all needs to be sorted out together which is why

I am a little surprised that they league has not yet jumped on Sky's alleged offer not to seek repayment of the monies and roll it over into more games next season or an extra year. I can only conclude that the premier league equally does not want to have its hand tied to a further year with sky when they think they may be able to get a more lucrative deal from another party and that may also be having an influence in this.

One of the problems really appears to be that something which is a game and as such is set up in the sort of traditional league ladder type structure has morphed into such a big business at one end that the sort of "majority vote" system that still seems to govern key decisions is pretty inappropriate. In theory, it appears than 14 clubs, voting en masse could change the rules at any time including presumably getting rid of relegation. I just can't believe that is correct but I don't know what sort of powers/binding agreements there are between the EFL and the premier league to prevent it from happening?

Posted By: Jim on April 16th 2020 at 11:23:58

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