Mind you, an interestung question for the lawyers amongst us is

If the premier league constitution/articles allow for any decision on a change of the rules to be secured through the votes of 14 clubs, how easy would it be for us to actually sue were we relegated due to the outcome of such a vote?

For example if the top 17 just voted to finish the season now with the bottom three going down (which it would appear premier league rules/articles potentially allow) would we actually have the legal recourse that many seem to assume is the case?

I don't know the answer to this - would be interested in the thoughts of Old Git, CWC and any other lawyers on the board?

I know the premier league is a company but the blurring here of company law and what is in essence a game seems to me to leave plenty of scope for blurred boundaries.

Posted By: Jim on April 16th 2020 at 10:34:36

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