I don't see it as selling the club short, just being risk adverse

They *could* have loosened the purse strings, it might have worked. But if it didn't work, we'd be in a much bigger pile of crap than we currently are.

They broadly faced four general outcomes:

1) Gamble the finances, win promotion (Less than 50:50 chance?) => fine
2) Gamble the finances, fail to win promotion (greater than 50:50 chance?) => serious financial trouble
3) Gamble on cutting costs, win promotion (but low likelihood) => fine
4) Gamble on cutting costs, fail to win promotion (easily the most probably outcome of that approach)
=> not great but remain reasonably solvent

Given their history being on the verge of bankruptcy in L1) I can see why they weren't prepared to risk outcome #2, however unappealing the safety-first approach might be to fans wanting PL football.

They took the approach that was most probably going to result in mid-table obscurity (as we have seen), but the alternative approach would most probably have led to serious financial issues for next season and firesales this summer (IMO).

Posted By: CWC on April 11th 2018 at 12:06:17

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