All of which can be legitimately argued to be honest, certainly until this summer anyway

One line that annoys me is "the fans wanted change so what are you moaning about" but in reality all most fans wanted was a couple of decent defenders and a competent managerial appointment to get the best out of what was still one of the top squads in the division. The club chose a different path and so be it but the "you wanted change" line being used to repress criticism is unfair I think.

Part of the trouble on here (and this is indicative of life and the world generally at the moment) is the polarisation of opinions and the lack of nuance in debate.

SIH alludes to it in another post and he's right. Some people a critical of decisions the club makes because they very passionately feel it is selling itself short and underperforming.

I like some elements of what the club is doing and will praise them for it. In the main I like Farke and think he's a decent coach although I think he;s made a few errors of late. I'm not so keen on Webber and how he goes about some things but again I can see what he is trying to do and the method to it. In truth, right now it could go either way next season so all we can do is prepare for it as best we can and cross our fingers that Webber and Farke get it right in the summer.

Posted By: Jim on April 11th 2018 at 10:53:33

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