What I can't understand is how some on here

Get through normal life. If we win then we're great, lose and the bottom falls out of their world. Life is full of ups and downs. I've had a really crap 18 months and it looks like it'll get worse before better but there's some really really bad things in this world but Norwich losing isn't one of them. I remember a post by Norway saying (I believe) that he went to CR with his family and how much he gained from it etc. Well my adult son is now a season ticket holder and he has been since he was 3 and in that time we've seen many many ups and downs but it's provided us with some very special moments because I still feel that we support a special Club. My grandmother never ever went to CR but she was a proud Norfolk woman so she listened to every game on Radio Norfolk and my village has several old people who don't go to games but follow it avidly. Maybe I'm a happy clapper (although I have and still am critical of the club when I feel it appropriate) but continuously bashing Farke, who, unlike many British managers, gets the whole idea of the importance of NCFC to our community, just wears me down and the ignorance spouted toward the pitch from some in the crowd is breath-taking. I'm sure this will give the likes of Old Git further fuel but quite frankly they can do one. Have a lovely day fellow fans of this wonderful club!

Posted By: Chopper on April 11th 2018 at 09:49:25

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