Posted By: avenging canary on April 6th 2018 at 18:14:25
Message Thread
- 4 more teenages Stabbed in the city I live and love... (General Chat) - WalksietheReturn, Apr 6, 12:23:50
- Bring back flogging and hanging I say. (n/m) (General Chat) - ghost of hucks, Apr 6, 14:50:38
- Hangings too good for them (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 6, 19:25:40
- What, no Daily Mail link?! (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 6, 18:24:02
- you've got the wrong ghost there OG (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 20:14:11
- Well that would probably help. (n/m) (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 17:35:40
- There's a massive feeling of hopelessness amongst youths in certain parts of London (General Chat) - Azteca, Apr 6, 14:14:48
- A huge disparity between the haves and have boys in London. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 6, 14:37:44
- nots ffs. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 6, 14:37:54
- Jumbo loves the have boys in London (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 6, 18:29:53
- nots ffs. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 6, 14:37:54
- A huge disparity between the haves and have boys in London. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 6, 14:37:44
- this thread is going well. (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, Apr 6, 14:10:41
- Just waiting for the casual homophobia to get a full house. (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 14:36:54
- Actually, at least three-quarters of it is pretty well-reasoned stuff... (General Chat) - Greeny, Apr 6, 14:13:21
- "Young Britons have never been unhappier" (General Chat) - Larry Hagman, Apr 6, 14:03:38
- That's quite a statement (General Chat) - Mecagoenti, Apr 6, 14:16:37
- "the study was first commissioned in 2009" (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 6, 14:15:12
- I'm guessing young Londoners weren't overly chuffed in 1940 for example... (n/m) (General Chat) - Greeny, Apr 6, 14:23:54
- 1666 didn’t go well either. (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 14:38:46
- 1966 was better (n/m) (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Apr 6, 19:41:20
- 1666 didn’t go well either. (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 14:38:46
- I'm guessing young Londoners weren't overly chuffed in 1940 for example... (n/m) (General Chat) - Greeny, Apr 6, 14:23:54
- Clearly cuts to the police don;t help but (General Chat) - Jim, Apr 6, 14:00:48
- "Touched a few women up" (General Chat) - norway, Apr 6, 14:05:10
- This thread... (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 14:35:48
- "Touched a few women up" (General Chat) - norway, Apr 6, 14:05:10
- Guardian warning (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Apr 6, 13:46:00
- That is something of a cop out (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 6, 18:32:30
- This! It sort of goes back to what I was saying earlier about personal accountability. (General Chat) - I Am Hoot, Apr 6, 18:56:58
- It’s still a choice they make though. Education is there if you want it and.... (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 14:16:14
- then i'll have a teenth please jimbo (n/m) (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 6, 14:18:41
- That is something of a cop out (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 6, 18:32:30
- Heard an interview with the former police chief of NY. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 13:27:26
- "London now has more violent crime than NY." not sure that's true y'know (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 6, 13:40:08
- Ah. That makes sense. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 13:46:19
- It’s a concern (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 6, 18:23:27
- Ah. That makes sense. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 13:46:19
- "London now has more violent crime than NY." not sure that's true y'know (General Chat) - Ralf Scrampton, Apr 6, 13:40:08
- Not sufficient deterrents to make people think .., (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 12:58:38
- Two moderately sensible paragraphs as the bread (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 6, 18:34:12
- Or two stars and a wish. (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 19:31:53
- fuck off eh Jimbo (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 16:20:57
- I’m just highlighting the fact that In Inner city London... (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 17:14:41
- it's correlated with income levels far more than race, which makes your statements racist (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 17:40:30
- This. (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 18:14:25
- Jimbo, it isn't about being 'politically correct' (General Chat) - norway, Apr 6, 17:21:42
- Sure you have to tackle the root causes but that is not going .... (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 17:42:19
- Step away from the hole... (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 18:15:45
- very much so (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 17:42:18
- Sure you have to tackle the root causes but that is not going .... (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 17:42:19
- it's correlated with income levels far more than race, which makes your statements racist (n/m) (General Chat) - Worzel Scrimmage, Apr 6, 17:40:30
- I’m just highlighting the fact that In Inner city London... (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 17:14:41
- Goodness me! (n/m) (General Chat) - yellowman, Apr 6, 14:51:46
- Sending people to prison for longer will mean we have to build more prisons, (General Chat) - megson, Apr 6, 14:27:18
- If we train offenders as brickies to build the prisons (General Chat) - Dunney, Apr 6, 14:37:38
- Fuck the blacks and ethnic minority's. (General Chat) - norway, Apr 6, 14:03:47
- That middle paragraph is quite a piece of work. (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 13:25:29
- Needed a comma, Shirley. (n/m) (General Chat) - Dunney, Apr 6, 13:59:25
- the only things that will work long term are tackling the root causes (General Chat) - CWC, Apr 6, 13:10:28
- I agree. Kids growing up in broken homes plays are .., (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 14:13:43
- You are on quite a roll here... (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 14:33:40
- I think it is actually a fact that children from (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 17:18:15
- Demonising single mums is definitely the way to go... (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 18:13:09
- I think it is actually a fact that children from (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 17:18:15
- You are on quite a roll here... (n/m) (General Chat) - avenging canary, Apr 6, 14:33:40
- But that's the problem - there is no viable future for a lot of these kids (General Chat) - Greeny, Apr 6, 13:24:26
- wasn't suggesting it's an easy problem to solve... (General Chat) - CWC, Apr 6, 13:52:36
- Humans can choose to embrace advancements in tech/AI/robotics etc (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Apr 6, 13:37:04
- your inner-city teenager (General Chat) - Henclrikus, Apr 6, 13:21:59
- that's the point (General Chat) - CWC, Apr 6, 13:49:13
- Perhaps better education would help reduce gangs in future though (n/m) (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, Apr 6, 13:37:56
- Agree there needs to be more social workers, community projects and of course a more ... (General Chat) - WalksietheReturn, Apr 6, 13:51:33
- I agree. Kids growing up in broken homes plays are .., (General Chat) - jimbo, Apr 6, 14:13:43
- Two moderately sensible paragraphs as the bread (General Chat) - Old Git, Apr 6, 18:34:12
- Stop and Search needs to come back in, hard. (n/m) (General Chat) - MIKEWALKER, Apr 6, 12:52:54
- Nope - those days are gone... (General Chat) - Greeny, Apr 6, 13:12:33
- It’s gangs mostly isn’t it? (n/m) (General Chat) - Hulk Rules, Apr 6, 12:40:04
- Bring back flogging and hanging I say. (n/m) (General Chat) - ghost of hucks, Apr 6, 14:50:38
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