my Star Wars nerdery really isn't up to much i'm afraid :-(

i've googled him and i'm still not sure if i might be or not

for my part i will say i support the *idea* of Universal Credit. It sounds very sensible, or did when the idea was first proposed and should be the sort of joined-up-thinking that should be encouraged.

i must also stress i have not paid any particular attention to any of the implementing of Universal Credit - but i am aware that it's not going well at all. For anybody. Apparently there is lots of blame to be placed at multiple parties' doors (in fact didn't even IDS get stitched up over it and it's ended up being not-at-all what he proposed?).

i do know that the government and big IT projects have not gone at all well together, at any point, ever.

Posted By: Ralf Scrampton on February 24th 2017 at 13:11:37

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