Probably because most sensible people realise that the NHS has suffered under either party

and also that if a population grows by 300,000 a year and people are generally living longer then its clearly going to place a massive strain on services like the NHS and social care.

Needs a radical re-think in terms of how we prioritise our overall spending (so much waste on other areas, foreign aid etc) and how we can take the strain off hospitals (and indeed GPs) in terms of more of the routine stuff, A & E etc. I know that won't solve everything but surely a good start. Saw a staggering stat on the news the other night about how over the course of about 5 months over the winter over 5,000,000 people attended A&E. Obviously some will be repeat attendees but that's about 7% of the population! Every town seems to have civic buildings or vacant high street units. Really don't know why every reasonable sized town can't have a walk in A&E/out of hours clinic for people to go to rather than clogging up A&E. We've had to go to A&E about 5 times with the kids over the last 5 years and on each occasion it probably wasn't really necessary but the doctors are shut and that NHS helpline always just tells you to go to A&E presumably because they are worried about getting sued if they tell you everything is ok.

Posted By: Jim on February 24th 2017 at 08:24:55

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