Morning oh great wrath collective. Can I be cheeky and ask for wrath insight on this one? Here's my situation.
Over the road from me is a restaurant. For years it operated without me even noticing it was there - certainly not being disturbed by it. Then of course lock down happened, and they have been operating under severe restriction - again no problem.
With lock down lifting they are now causing me a problem.
- they have applied for, and been given by the council, the right to stay open an extra hour. They now stay open till 1230.
- they only use this on Fri/Sat (and special occasions like Bank Holidays) when they have live music on (a singer, who then DJs on breaks and when he's finished).
- as a result, there is now substantial noise nuisance from their building two nights a week, between 9 and 12 (ish).
- This noise pollution is I believe made a lot worse by them building an all glass extension to the front of their property during lock down. I think the design of it is really propagating the noise from their place.
- It is mostly the bass from the music being played that's the problem. The music is really loud and the bass is really penetrating and can be heard (felt is probably a better word) all over our house when they're going for it.
- There is also reasonably constant noise from "patrons" coming outside to smoke in the street. People are leaving a place playing very loud music, so they stand over the road from us and whoop and holler, scream at each other, sing Sweet Caroline. That sort of thing. I mean it's "good spirited", but still.
- There is also taxi pick up after 1230. Again a lot of disturbance.
I've been over to talk to them this weekend, and (so far) they have been quite apologetic and sorry for the disturbance. But I get the feeling they are "managing me". They have said they have professional doorman starting next week who will manage the crowd outside and keep doors closed/the noise down (we'll see). I have told them that the main problem is the bass music and that they need to turn it down. To be fair, they did on Friday night after I went over to complain. But then Saturday was just as bad as ever, back to normal. I went to see them again on Sunday when they opened and told them I was pretty unhappy with them for immediately reverting to the same level of noise, and they said "but we test the decibels and its fine", but did then promise to "look into" steps they can take to muffle the bass. (I mean, they could start by turning the f**king thing down, no?)
Basically, it's like living next to a neighbour that has a raucous party two/three nights a week.
Does anyone have any experience of this sort of thing? I guess I need to make best efforts to find an amicable solution with them? And if that fails take it to the council? Am I likely to get anywhere, or should I just move? Do I need to lawyer up?
Chairs in advance!
The USH family.
Posted By: Under soil heating, Feb 7, 09:28:57
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