Has anyone ever had a gambling addiction and had to try to combat it?

Recently I've started playing a bit of online poker and I think that the 'lure' might be becoming a bit too much - I'm not winning money but I have gone back to it a number of times after I said I wouldn't because of the 'buzz' which I get.

I'm not losing mega-bucks, however it is enough to make a difference and be noticeable, and whilst I may be able to stop for a few months I know that unless I do something about it then it will happen again and again every so often.

I'm not perhaps a stereotypical gambling addict - I don't have to have a bet every day or need to know where my next bet is coming from, however it does sometimes have an effect of my life (& others) and I would rather that it didn't. I think therefore that I still ought to do something.

The problem now is that I don't really know the best way to deal with it....gamblers anonymous? Will power alone won't work as it never has with anything else (keeping fit, booze etc) so I do need something else, tried talking to the wife but I don't think she really got it. Has anyone had to deal with it, either themselves or know someone, and can recommend?

No need to post on here if you don't want to do it in public, if you are able to e-mail nick warren 1987 at hotmail dot com though then that would be great.


Posted By: Jacksons_Twelfth, May 16, 10:18:04

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