Its a good interview, and I agree we are in good hands, better than we have for a while

However, Webber is only part of the picture.

We've been making the same defensive errors since Farke joined, we may be able to score our way out of trouble again next season, perhaps, but it needs addressing.

There are other issues with Farkes inability to affect a game positively once its started, other than to seeming send them to sleep at half time so we concede straight after.

There are genuine questions to be asked of Farke's handling of the resources he has been given, as well as questioning the support he was given. A coach's job is to coach and improve, he doesn't seem to have been able to improve our problems this season. Maybe the players just weren't capable (if so then they are not worth what we keep saying they are!) but its fair to ask "why are we *still* leaking s**t goals from set pieces".

Posted By: megson on July 14th 2020 at 09:19:56

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