Webber Interview, some thoughts...

Disagree if you like, but personally I don't think the club has ever been in better hands, or on such a sound financial footing, in the 45 years I've been actively supporting them.

Webber was forthright, honest and told it like it is, not we we'd like it to be. Modern football is a money driven s**t-show where you have to sell your future and your soul down the river to gamble on achieving mediocrity.

This club means more to me than just results and on-field success and I'm immensely proud that we're treading the road less travelled.

I'm 100% behind the plan and the long term strategy, but I can see how it might be anathema to those who have bought into the media led, success at all costs, televisual drama whipped up to maximise viewing numbers and pounds.

Webber speaks like a practical pragmatic businessman, not an emotive egocentric amateur with deep pockets. This club is safe in his hands... in my opinion.

I'm glad we didn't borrow and gamble, I'm pleased we gave the team we loved and cheered last year a shot at it. We came up short... well no s**t! What did anyone expect?

When Webber arrived, the club had tried the spending gamble and it almost f**ked us over and he had to contend with the fallout. Why on earth would he repeat that nightmare?

Our business plan has "top 26 team" as a core objective. Well we achieved 21st and 20th last two years so why the f**k would a board get rid of anyone who achieved their objectives?

Little old Norwich syndrome? Happy clapping? Delia apologist? Not in my opinion, but others are entitled to theirs and they may differ.

Just don't fall into the lazy journalist's trap and don't be led by click-bait nonsense. Supporting this club is tremendous and never, ever dull. Do we really aspire to be a Burnley, or a Stoke with the risk of becoming a Bolton or Wigan?

Let's plough our on furrow and, as Webber said back in August, ignore the noise.

Crunchy nut cornflakes and toast (midnight snack)

OTBC ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š

Posted By: Worthing Yellow on July 14th 2020 at 01:01:33

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