I agree about the failure to find agreement, that was mainly caused by the then PM

laying down immovable red lines from the start, that meant we were always choosing between a Hard Brexit and No Deal.

It needed cross party talks when she came in to power, and a consensus reached in parliament through debates and motions.

At THAT POINT A50 could have been triggered.
Or we could have just done it via treaty over time and come out gradually with no single shock date.

There was a way this could have been done, but once the Brexit narrative was changed in to a fight with the EU in order to appease those that voted leave, that chance was lost.

You say leave was more open to considering different forms of Brexit, that disappeared the day after the result (if it every actually existed). Had that position been real, and continued, we'd be out by now.

Posted By: megson on September 4th 2019 at 10:08:50

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