I'm undecided on that

I think I'm kinder to Ep 1 because it was the first Star Wars for Quite A Long Time and I enjoyed the knowing references and stuff. It was only on a second or third watch I started to realise just what a turd of a film it really is. Even so some bits like the pod racing - despite it all - were great for the target audience (twelve year olds).

For Ep 2 that turdity was in full effect. I arrived worried it was going to be appalling and hoping very much that I was very wrong. I wasn't.

Ep 3 has some better scenes but some utterly, utterly cringey dialogue - the "I have the higher ground" stuff and "Oh Ani, can't we just go back to Naboo where all we had was our love" or whatever the actual line was. Hayden thingy couldn't act anyway but Natalie Portman is just a stunning actress (see Black Swan if you haven't). I just hope they paid her a lot.

Posted By: Old Man on September 17th 2018 at 17:30:07

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