i know the current rule is 6 seconds with an indirect free kick awarded for an infringement but when has it ever been enforced? goalies fall down and f**k about with the ball until the defence/mf gets set and it's normally released about 10-15 seonds from the keeper. this is the accepted norm across the entire game. goalies rarley get booked for time wasting as it is let alone penalised with an indirect fk.
the new rule (incoming july 1 across all levels of the game) means the ref will have to give a visual 5 second countdown (i'm guessing a finger based visual countdown a la boxing ref) warning to the goalie to avoid any accidental infringements (the punishment now shifts from indirect free kick to the award of a corner to the other side) but oppo attackers are sure as s**t are now going to harrangue keepers to hoof the ball away upfield asap.
as per usual refs will enforce the living f**k out of this rule at the start and then naturally as it does it will tail off but it could be at the detriment to the fad of "playing out from the back".
all for cutting out on time wasting but this feels like another bulls**t attempt to meddle with the game "just because we can" because we can't start now rowing back on implementing a rule we have ignored for years because it will make us look like the a-holes we have always been.
and they will definitely not be enforcing this new rule like the prissy drama "it's all about me" queens that they are.
apologies to any real life non refereeing prissy drama "it's all about me" queens that may have been offended by the lame arsed pejorative reference above.
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Posted By: Tombs, Mar 9, 09:30:16
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