Why are they not addressing persistent fouling?
Every time I watch a game involving a club like Everton, Newcastle, Brentford, I watch 90 minutes of every player on the team committing a constant stream of petty fouls all over the pitch. Newcastle are possibly the worst offenders, but to a degree you see this to some extent from all teams. As long as you don’t go flying in and really clump someone, or stop a dangerous attack, you can commit loads of these fouls without the ref doing a thing. You just get a free kick usually in a crap area, and in 45 seconds you’ll have gone nowhere and will have another free kick in a s**t area.
All of those teams have “good” defences because they’ve worked out that they can pretty much stop the other team playing any football at all this way. If/when the ref does finally take action, then don’t worry because you have 5 subs now, so if you need to you just rotate out any players on a yellow.
I know it’s “part of the game”, but f**k me it leads to some tedious football.
If you ask me, this is what the refs should be stopping, so we can actually watch some f**king football being played, not just a load of massive sods spoiling for 90 minutes and winning from 1-0 from set pieces. How about the basketball rule? Five fouls = yellow card. No ifs, no buts. In addition to all the other things you can get a yellow for.
Oh, and don’t even get me started on corners. Every single corner is basically like an Olympic wrestling competition. Why don’t they sort that out?
Posted By: Under soil heating, Mar 9, 11:34:38
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