Nicely brought to today...

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I think that's a slight misrepresentation of how people feel OG, although others can speak for themselves of course.

I'm not sure anyone necessarily has a problem with people expressing right of centre views on here - it's more about two particular issues.

1. When the board is overwhelmed with relentless arguments with the same view expressed again and again ad nauseam.

2. Trolls / unpleasantness.

But as far as I can see there is no 'flouncing' simply because someone is a Tory. If everyone to the right posted like, say, how you did, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.

There are posters on here who take pleasure in stoking irritation and anger, and when that dominates, people will understandably reckon it's probably not worth it any more.

Same with Twitter. It's become close to unusable because of the anger, the bots, the ads, the lack of meaningful engagement.

That's not a politics thing although I accept that someone with political views I disagree with has made it that way.

Bertie Russell appeared to be expressing these concerns. He wasn't saying 'f**k the Tories'.

Posted By: norwaay, Nov 22, 07:58:00

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