I have more or less opposite politics to gobb, for example, yet we exchange them perfectly reasonably on here and I don't think either of us has ever called the other a c**t or equivalent. Tony Martin and I disagree on some political things and again we've never called each other names or got toxic with each other.
Part of it is the social-media-driven removal of the idea that two reasonable people can look at the same information and reasonably reach two different, but reasonable, conclusions. You don't agree with me that this particular cat is cuter than that particular cat WELL THAT MEANS YOU'RE BASICALLY HITLER.
Part of it is the other social-media-driven removal of anything requiring an attention span of more than two minutes, or any argument requiring nuance. Everything is black, or it is white. Grey does not exist.
It's absolutely fine if people want to behave however they want to behave, and if I don't want to join in I don't. I think this is what Bertie Russell was also getting at.
Posted By: Old Man, Nov 22, 14:00:45
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