I think a lot of the problem

Linked to what OG says and I agree with is that left wing people “hate” the Tories mainly for what Thatcher did to inequality in this country. They have a deep rooted resentment of that and were, in a lot of cases, brought up to hate the Tories due to this and to view them as evil. Whereas Tory families don’t “hate” the left or things they’ve done. Now that’s partly because the damage caused by the aforementioned inequality in this country would certainly cause more hatred than the left putting taxes on the rich up or other such ideological moves on their side not least because it left a lot of families in desperate times.

There is nothing wrong with someone in the modern day believing that capitalism and free market economics, reduced state involvement and other such Tory principles is the route forward. I think it needs the addition of helping the vulnerable in our society and actually a lot of the Tory MPs would agree on that. They’re not all Thatcherites. Indeed moving forward reduced state involvement may become key to the UKs success due to the fact we are no longer a world super power, growth will struggle and we are not attractive for investment. The tax take will struggle to keep up with our current spending. A huge restructuring to how and what we spend on will be needed at some point and hopefully the people who need help from the government and public services can get it but boy is it going to be messy.

The trouble is deep routed resentment, sneering and name calling comes across as crass and inflames poor political debates instead of nurturing good, healthy debate. Social media has caused a lot of the issues here as people can hide behind keyboards and say more extreme things on both sides of the spectrum. It has lead to more populism.

I voted Lib Dem all my life until two elections ago despite harbouring more Tory beliefs. Because it was for the best for our local area given our fantastic MP we had.

Posted By: Tony Martin, Nov 22, 10:07:43

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