Can decide. I didn't think I'd have a open thought process after a couple of messages but everyone's responses have really helped me think a bit clearer.
If I chat to mates, I get this on here too, I've been getting a lot of "I haven't seen what it's like". It's their way of saying they know me and they think there's either more to it, or I've hypersensitised the situation. That's why I was confused, cos I haven't and have blanked out most things said to me.
If anyone's seen it, I just feel like Norman in Bates Motel. This colleague actually likes me, but she just says a lot of s**tty things to everyone, not just me. I'm working with her so it's more often said to me.
I can ride it, and I might carry on. One thing I've taken from this is I very much might revamp the way I work and make sure I don't fall into obvious traps.
I think on some level I might be able to control the situation to an extent. If I can't then I will be back to all these replies and take stock. I think I might make a social trip to hr at some point this week and let them know the story.
Posted By: pants, Sep 25, 14:25:18
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