So not a red but
Gunn was definitely fouled yesterday for the disallowed goal 🥴
Posted By: SCC 28 on December 11th 2024 at 10:26:55
Message Thread
- Just seen the result / McLean suspension (General Chat) - 51eve, Dec 11, 01:10:35
- Just looked at it for the first time. On the 'balance of probability'.... (General Chat) - Saucerer, Dec 11, 11:46:20
- I just don't see that at all (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Dec 11, 12:56:12
- Whilst I see what you are saying I think.... (General Chat) - Saucerer, Dec 11, 13:09:07
- I just don't see that at all (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Dec 11, 12:56:12
- Just trying to block his run. Never violent intent. (General Chat) - seminated_woolly, Dec 11, 10:44:39
- This is the thing, a bar and a precedent have been set. (General Chat) - megson, Dec 11, 10:49:42
- Can only assume that it was looked at because it was reported as an off-the-ball incident (General Chat) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Dec 11, 11:41:37
- I can't see how this was any different to Dunne smashing Sainz (General Chat) - jamesward, Dec 11, 10:52:31
- Yes he actually gives him a right hook in the face. (n/m) (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 11:02:41
- The evidence. There does appear to be a inconsistency on which events the League reviewed. (General Chat) - The Gaffer, Dec 11, 11:15:57
- You do have to say....just on the face of it that's a pretty bizarre double standard. (n/m) (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Dec 11, 12:06:31
- I'm not reaching Proth levels of conspiracy theory (General Chat) - camcan, Dec 11, 11:13:20
- Maybe Kenny's card is marked after he told the Boro ref that (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 12:47:30
- My assumption was that it was in the referees report (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Dec 11, 11:29:45
- More information (although little more clarity) here: (General Chat) - The Gaffer, Dec 11, 11:48:53
- Schrodinger's refereeing. (General Chat) - camcan, Dec 11, 11:53:13
- Did the report also say (General Chat) - jamesward, Dec 11, 11:31:20
- More information (although little more clarity) here: (General Chat) - The Gaffer, Dec 11, 11:48:53
- Let's employ a legal team to go through every Champ game (General Chat) - jamesward, Dec 11, 11:23:48
- The evidence. There does appear to be a inconsistency on which events the League reviewed. (General Chat) - The Gaffer, Dec 11, 11:15:57
- Yes he actually gives him a right hook in the face. (n/m) (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 11:02:41
- This is the thing, a bar and a precedent have been set. (General Chat) - megson, Dec 11, 10:49:42
- Who asked for this to be reviewed, the Ref, QPR, Burnley? Hoff makes a good point in his (General Chat) - BSE Canary, Dec 11, 09:37:48
- McDonald's employees in the ground grassed him up (n/m) (General Chat) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Dec 11, 10:18:22
- Would probably work against us (General Chat) - 51eve, Dec 11, 09:47:37
- Yes I’m sure that’s how it works (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 09:49:07
- We need to adopt the Leeds "The FA is Corrupt" chant (n/m) (General Chat) - BSE Canary, Dec 11, 10:03:45
- Yes I’m sure that’s how it works (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 09:49:07
- It wasn’t accidental. He knew exactly what he was doing. Totally unnatural to throw his (General Chat) - thirsty work, Dec 11, 08:00:39
- It was accidental. Obviously he meant to move his arms up but (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 10:24:09
- It wasn't for no reason. You can't disregard the context of what is happening in the game (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Dec 11, 10:05:41
- I do agree. It’s harsh, but I agree. Could have just stepped across him, right? (n/m) (General Chat) - Under soil heating, Dec 11, 09:27:46
- He didn’t throw his elbow back! He put his arm back (General Chat) - Chopper, Dec 11, 08:32:33
- A forearm smash into the face (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 08:48:49
- It was no forearm smash though … (General Chat) - loz, Dec 11, 09:32:38
- Yes it was (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 09:45:34
- Not at all, I’ll call any of our players out and I honestly (General Chat) - Chopper, Dec 11, 10:53:01
- Because Kenny knew he was coming! (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 13:22:06
- Looks like an intentional clotheslining (General Chat) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Dec 11, 11:46:44
- Not at all, I’ll call any of our players out and I honestly (General Chat) - Chopper, Dec 11, 10:53:01
- You have to remember that Mikey’s never played any sport except badminton (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, Dec 11, 09:33:44
- I think its more the need to be the conflicting voice. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Dec 11, 10:45:03
- Nope I’m just the sensible voice (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 13:24:07
- Clearly if they think that’s a red. That plus they don’t understand the rule (n/m) (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 10:26:19
- on a computer (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, Dec 11, 09:51:33
- Wearing gloves and elbow pads, just in case (n/m) (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, Dec 11, 10:43:31
- Same for the independent regulatory commission too I’m sure! (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 09:48:13
- I think its more the need to be the conflicting voice. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Dec 11, 10:45:03
- Yes it was (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 09:45:34
- It was no forearm smash though … (General Chat) - loz, Dec 11, 09:32:38
- A forearm smash into the face (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 08:48:49
- Yep and the ball hadn’t even been played (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 08:12:46
- Red card all day long in the prem with VAR (n/m) (General Chat) - thirsty work, Dec 11, 08:46:32
- No it’s not. Or at least shouldn’t be but with our idiot refs who knows (n/m) (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 10:25:30
- So not a red but (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 10:26:55
- Yes its quite simple (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 10:50:54
- You can foul a player without it being a red card, as you well know. (n/m) (General Chat) - megson, Dec 11, 10:45:50
- So not a red but (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 10:26:55
- I’d like to think so (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 08:49:57
- No it’s not. Or at least shouldn’t be but with our idiot refs who knows (n/m) (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 10:25:30
- Just blocking a run not taking anyone’s face off… (General Chat) - loz, Dec 11, 08:25:29
- Why is he swinging his arm out fully extended? (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 08:56:39
- It’s at chest height. Watch the gsme on Sunday and see how often players do that (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 10:29:46
- He connects with the face (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 13:20:12
- It’s at chest height. Watch the gsme on Sunday and see how often players do that (General Chat) - Jim, Dec 11, 10:29:46
- Why is he swinging his arm out fully extended? (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 08:56:39
- Red card all day long in the prem with VAR (n/m) (General Chat) - thirsty work, Dec 11, 08:46:32
- No worse than several last night that got yellows (General Chat) - paulg, Dec 11, 07:51:49
- Thorup went to see the ref after the QPR game and we got an apology phone call (General Chat) - footymadman, Dec 11, 07:05:48
- 3 match ban plus an extra game for his poor record (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, Dec 11, 07:01:08
- Just looked at it for the first time. On the 'balance of probability'.... (General Chat) - Saucerer, Dec 11, 11:46:20
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