Thanks for clearing that up
Posted By: strap_on sally on May 15th 2024 at 16:32:43
Message Thread
- who is your favourite ipswich player ever? (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 12:04:29
- Brandon Williams (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 13:02:42
- a great servant indeed (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 13:11:52
- Deffo mate, those rail things are a bit weird arn't they (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 13:14:52
- if you are talking about the safe standing in the snake pit .... (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 15, 14:06:07
- Thanks for clearing that up (n/m) (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 16:32:43
- you seem to need it (n/m) (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 15, 18:41:31
- Thanks for clearing that up (n/m) (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 16:32:43
- didn't see the point in them (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 13:43:27
- if you are talking about the safe standing in the snake pit .... (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 15, 14:06:07
- Deffo mate, those rail things are a bit weird arn't they (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 13:14:52
- a great servant indeed (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 13:11:52
- Keith Deller (n/m) (Other Football) - BSE Canary, May 15, 12:28:50
- Ian Crook (Other Football) - fleckmatic, May 15, 12:13:28
- Trevor Putney (n/m) (Other Football) - jamesward, May 15, 12:07:52
- forgot about all the turncoats (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 12:09:35
- Brandon Williams (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 13:02:42
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