didn't see the point in them
i thought they would be railseats like this little perches they do in bus stops, all they've done is put an obstacle in the way if you ever needed to scarper across the seats if there was a fire or al qaeda squad fast roped down from the rooftop and started machine gunning the crowd.
Posted By: Tombs on May 15th 2024 at 13:43:27
Message Thread
- who is your favourite ipswich player ever? (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 12:04:29
- Brandon Williams (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 13:02:42
- a great servant indeed (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 13:11:52
- Deffo mate, those rail things are a bit weird arn't they (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 13:14:52
- if you are talking about the safe standing in the snake pit .... (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 15, 14:06:07
- Thanks for clearing that up (n/m) (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 16:32:43
- you seem to need it (n/m) (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 15, 18:41:31
- Thanks for clearing that up (n/m) (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 16:32:43
- didn't see the point in them (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 13:43:27
- if you are talking about the safe standing in the snake pit .... (Other Football) - ghostof barry butler, May 15, 14:06:07
- Deffo mate, those rail things are a bit weird arn't they (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 13:14:52
- a great servant indeed (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 13:11:52
- Keith Deller (n/m) (Other Football) - BSE Canary, May 15, 12:28:50
- Ian Crook (Other Football) - fleckmatic, May 15, 12:13:28
- Trevor Putney (n/m) (Other Football) - jamesward, May 15, 12:07:52
- forgot about all the turncoats (Other Football) - Tombs, May 15, 12:09:35
- Brandon Williams (Other Football) - strap_on sally, May 15, 13:02:42
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