Thanks, it is very different especially mentally
One of the biggest issues is mentally giving up. The best way round it is to split the distance up, there are normally checkpoints with food and water every 10 miles, so I just think that I have 10 miles to go. When I get to the checkpoint I take on as much food and drink as I need to get me to the next checkpoint and so on. If I think about the overall distance then it wears me down, especially over the longer distances.
Physically the legs turn to stone and it’s difficult to ensure the right amount of fluids, salt and glucose to the body. Sometimes walkers get “The Leans” where they bizarrely start leaning over at an angle but still are able to stumble round even over stiles!
On the 100’s I have gone into a second night without sleep and have had hallucinations. Due to the dark and head torch they are in monochrome. There have been other walkers who have seen nuns and zebras! For me I saw a Roman Chariot on a bridleway in Kent and several mimes standing around trees in a wood near Hexham!
Posted By: Southampton Rob on April 15th 2024 at 15:32:49
Message Thread
- Who has run a marathon and where and what time... I'll start ...Duisburg 1984 time 3:39 (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Apr 15, 13:19:12
- Done 14 of them PB is 3.12 (run that time twice) (n/m) (General Chat) - Highway, Apr 15, 21:55:44
- Does a half count? (General Chat) - Kev, Apr 15, 16:34:14
- Done a few, the one I'm proudest of is one of my slower ones (General Chat) - Old Man, Apr 15, 15:55:33
- Brighton Marathon 6 years ago to the day (came up on FB)! 4:46 (General Chat) - Greeny, Apr 15, 15:54:35
- I couldnt run a marathon now as my knee is ferked , so glad I did it when I was younger... (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Apr 15, 15:27:51
- Ran 2 (Brighton and Manchester) and walked 3 (March for Men, London) (General Chat) - BungysPie, Apr 15, 15:19:30
- I've done the Norfolk Coast Path (47 miles) in a little over 20 hours, and the 3 Peaks (General Chat) - Pixelman, Apr 15, 14:52:19
- wtf! (n/m) (General Chat) - promethian1, Apr 15, 14:39:58
- I used to do a half marathon 5 days a week 46 weeks a year (General Chat) - littletinyphil, Apr 15, 14:31:58
- I did two Marathons in one day.... (General Chat) - usacanary, Apr 15, 14:29:38
- It's the way you tell 'em. (n/m) (General Chat) - Yellalee, Apr 15, 15:28:12
- I walked from Norwich to London in 9 days and 27 pubs (n/m) (General Chat) - Augustus Pablo, Apr 15, 14:27:27
- I did the 'Iron Man' challenge. Did two weeks worth of shirts and pants (General Chat) - MonkeyPuzzle, Apr 15, 14:13:56
- Yes I ran one in stages between 1986 and 2010 (General Chat) - Legacy Fan, Apr 15, 14:07:30
- I have walked 45 marathons, 10 double marathons and 2 hundred mile endurance events (General Chat) - Southampton Rob, Apr 15, 13:58:13
- Kudos! (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Man, Apr 15, 15:56:06
- Blimey that's seriously impressive (General Chat) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, Apr 15, 14:19:07
- Thanks, it is very different especially mentally (General Chat) - Southampton Rob, Apr 15, 15:32:49
- Jumbo,new York,1.59.40. (n/m) (General Chat) - protheroe fitzgibbon, Apr 15, 13:35:45
- in a dinosaur costume (n/m) (General Chat) - Jumbo1, Apr 15, 15:46:38
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