yeah it sucks big time

left the mob and in less than a year got made redundant from my first job, last in first out basis, big mortgage on a house in a foreign country, kids in private schools thought it was the end of the world couldn't see a sensible way out then by chance got a call from a feller in a different arm of the same division who took me on at double the salary, then that company got in the s**t insider trading with the UN so i thought history is gonna repeat itself ffs, so not wanting to go through the same monkey on the back experience i formed my own company bid on my employers contract with Nato (as they were told that due to insider trading the client were going to re-tender it) and they still had to go through the redundancy process so i got another pay off and won a Nato contract plus 4 more followed before i jacked it all in. i shall never forget that phone call saying we'd won.

Posted By: Tombs on March 18th 2022 at 09:41:47

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