It's an absolute f**king disgrace

I don't normally get all Dave Spartish about stuff but this really makes my blood boil. Talk about the ugly face of capitalism. These are ordinary working men and women, doing decent ordinary jobs, on which they and their families depend. And some bunch of c**ts sitting on a board with six figure salaries and seven figure pension funds has just chucked the lot of them out, without proper process, in the most arrogant and highhanded manner, as if they were just chattels not people, SIMPLY IN ORDER TO SAVE SOME FUCKING MONEY.

Well f**k them and the horse they rode in on. It's s**tty, s**tty behaviour. It is the responsibility of big companies to pay decent wages in return for decent work and to look after their work forces. That's the only proper form of capitalism. Utter, utter c**ts.


Posted By: Old Git on March 18th 2022 at 09:29:21

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