Bit more reflection on the Wolves game, having rewatched the highlights

I don’t think there’s been a significant change in our style; in fact if anything we’ve returned slightly to the sharper passing of last season, which we seemed to have abandoned after losing the Arsenal game. Daniel’s last few games were really quite ugly to watch, even/especially the Brentford win, which is a real shame, having brought us such fantastically stylish football for several seasons. (I also miss his verbose interviews, but that’s another thing). But there are elements of it returning in patches, which is great to see.

However, just reflecting and looking at the highlights of Saturday, we’ve definitely upped the quality and effectiveness of the pressing and harassing of the opposition. Several times we won the ball back where we wouldn’t have previously and were sprinting in controlled bursts and pairs much more than we did before. Is this just effort, better fitness or a specific planned tactic? Hard to tell and impossible to know for us, but it’s what separates the best teams from the weakest - if we play like that we’re not among the worst teams in the league, and I’m happy with that.

Football musing for the day.

Posted By: APB on February 7th 2022 at 08:12:47

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