I disagree re the championship and our team, I agree we will struggle if go up

I think the champ this year is stronger than when we won it before.

There are very few obviously awful teams in it and there are at least 6 or 7 decent sides.

This is the strongest/least basketcase that all 3 of the sides relegated from the prem have been for a start. All are up there and will be all season.

Last time we were down it was literally only Leeds and Shef U we had to worry about. This time I think Bournemouth, Watford, Swansea, Brentford, Us all look strong sides, the likes of Stoke are improving and others like Reading and Blackburn are a threat on their day as well.

I think our team is of a similar level to when we last went up but I don't think we;ve addressed the weaknesses we had when in the prem before through our recruitment. I think Gibson, Skipp and Sorensen could all play in the prem but we haven;t added the sort of pace and power that we were lacking last time and despite the stats I don't think we are any better defenively either, we are just getting away with it at this level.

Posted By: Jim on December 14th 2020 at 10:02:17

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