Don't think they have to prove it in the letter, all they have to do is 'give notice' of

their intention to prosecute. So long as their initial letter is received by the registered keeper within 14 days of the alleged offence, they're fine to proceed then.

I'd suggest that you ask yourself whether it is likely that they are right (i.e. was it possible that you were doing 37 in a 30 at the time / date stated?)? If so, then take the points and fine (or, ideally, the course if offered - yes, it's a knock to one's pride but you avoid the points and might learn a thing or two (I did)). If not and you think that you have a chance in front of a magistrate, then you've got a decision to make as to whether you want to take that chance - I'm not aware that you can ask them to prove the offence before it goes to Court though.

Posted By: 702 on May 20th 2019 at 10:27:23

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