Don't think they have to prove it in the letter, all they have to do is 'give notice' of
their intention to prosecute. So long as their initial letter is received by the registered keeper within 14 days of the alleged offence, they're fine to proceed then.
I'd suggest that you ask yourself whether it is likely that they are right (i.e. was it possible that you were doing 37 in a 30 at the time / date stated?)? If so, then take the points and fine (or, ideally, the course if offered - yes, it's a knock to one's pride but you avoid the points and might learn a thing or two (I did)). If not and you think that you have a chance in front of a magistrate, then you've got a decision to make as to whether you want to take that chance - I'm not aware that you can ask them to prove the offence before it goes to Court though.
Posted By: 702 on May 20th 2019 at 10:27:23
Message Thread
- Question to Wrathers who’ve been done for speeding (driving not drugs)... (General Chat) - Dandy Highburyman, May 20, 08:30:23
- God Bless the USA..... pay money and it goes away.... (General Chat) - usacanary, May 20, 20:40:29
- I've been done twice for 33mph and 34mph in a 30 area... (General Chat) - Saucerer, May 20, 18:02:10
- it's not the fine that stings (General Chat) - dr fanta, May 20, 12:57:09
- did you receive it after 14 days from the date of NIP? (n/m) (General Chat) - Chris Peacock, May 20, 12:40:08
- Is it a speeding fine though. There are now schemes where villages can borrow cameras and (General Chat) - Jim, May 20, 10:41:56
- Don't think they have to prove it in the letter, all they have to do is 'give notice' of (General Chat) - 702, May 20, 10:27:23
- Drive more carefully instead of endangering the public please (including kids) (n/m) (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, May 20, 09:55:01
- And animals (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 20, 09:59:50
- But not rats 🐀 🐀 🐀 (n/m) (General Chat) - essexcanaryOTBC, May 20, 19:38:27
- And animals (n/m) (General Chat) - SCC 28, May 20, 09:59:50
- Look at this site..... it will give you the definitive answer.. (General Chat) - promethian1, May 20, 09:42:28
- I once had a speeding offence revoked (General Chat) - Ken Dodds Dads Dog, May 20, 09:28:58
- how arrogant (General Chat) - Tombs, May 20, 09:28:52
- What DH meant to say was....... (General Chat) - usacanary, May 20, 20:44:02
- Yep, language of a true City dweller (n/m) (General Chat) - CB41, May 20, 09:37:33
- I live in a village and say myself I live "in the sticks" (n/m) (General Chat) - duke of york, May 20, 10:53:01
- I used to live in one and used the same phrase as well. (n/m) (General Chat) - earlydoors, May 20, 10:55:04
- Is it possible someone who lived in the countryside might say "in the smoke somewhere"? (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, May 20, 09:42:10
- triggerwarning# (n/m) (General Chat) - paulg, May 20, 09:49:19
- of course they would but It's got nothing to do with where he lives (General Chat) - Tombs, May 20, 09:49:00
- #tombsontilt (General Chat) - usacanary, May 20, 20:47:07
- The speed at which some cars go through our village is shocking (General Chat) - Brom, May 20, 10:53:24
- we've a remote speed trap in our village (General Chat) - Tombs, May 20, 11:04:15
- Oh sure, no sympathy on the actual speeding thing. Agree 100%. (n/m) (General Chat) - Tricky Hawes, May 20, 09:50:40
- I live in a village and say myself I live "in the sticks" (n/m) (General Chat) - duke of york, May 20, 10:53:01
- I got 3pts and a fine from Suffolk Constabulary... 38 in a 30 (General Chat) - Worthing Yellow, May 20, 09:27:05
- Read this (General Chat) - Old Git, May 20, 08:50:54
- What’s the purpose of the letter? (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, May 20, 08:46:13
- They are not required to provide the evidence in the NIP (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, May 20, 08:50:57
- “It was Simon, he borrowed my car” (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, May 20, 08:51:28
- They are not required to provide the evidence in the NIP (General Chat) - SimonOTBC, May 20, 08:50:57
- There will either be cctv or if remote an officers statement... (General Chat) - loz, May 20, 08:45:57
- Does it say in letter how they caught you? I dunno really, I've never thought to challenge (General Chat) - megson, May 20, 08:45:41
- If it's your first offence you normally get the option (General Chat) - Dunney, May 20, 08:42:39
- Not just your first - I've done two. The first was a horrible, patronising (General Chat) - CB41, May 20, 08:45:43
- I've learnt/been reminded of something on each of mine TBF. (General Chat) - megson, May 20, 08:50:51
- Yes, lat one I did majored on defensive driving - looking out for (General Chat) - CB41, May 20, 09:41:54
- I learnt the definition of a dual carriageway. That was a surprise. (n/m) (General Chat) - Dunney, May 20, 09:03:42
- which is .. cried the board (n/m) (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, May 20, 09:10:35
- Well unless I've forgotten or it's changed (General Chat) - Dunney, May 20, 09:28:30
- Yep - if there's a barrier then it's a 70, if there isn't, it's a 60 (n/m) (General Chat) - Karnivore, May 20, 09:35:29
- True - there's one in Stevenage that's a 30 whilst the other way is 30 (General Chat) - Karnivore, May 20, 12:22:16
- can be a 30 (General Chat) - Tombs, May 20, 09:38:08
- Yep - if there's a barrier then it's a 70, if there isn't, it's a 60 (n/m) (General Chat) - Karnivore, May 20, 09:35:29
- Well unless I've forgotten or it's changed (General Chat) - Dunney, May 20, 09:28:30
- which is .. cried the board (n/m) (General Chat) - ghostof barry butler, May 20, 09:10:35
- Mrs Git has done so many of those course she could be an instructor on the next one! (n/m) (General Chat) - Old Git, May 20, 09:01:16
- I've learnt/been reminded of something on each of mine TBF. (General Chat) - megson, May 20, 08:50:51
- I think there is a cap on speed, from previous courses I've been on (General Chat) - megson, May 20, 08:44:53
- Not just your first - I've done two. The first was a horrible, patronising (General Chat) - CB41, May 20, 08:45:43
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