Remember you are interviewing them, too

What do you want to know about them? You are probably meeting your boss, and personal chemistry matters.

Get stalking on linkedin etc. I am always predisposed to liking someone who has bothered to check my linkedin profile before they come to interview. (I will have checked yours, your facebook, Twitter etc.)

Be observant - do the people wandering around seem happy, stressed, self-important?

If you get taken through the working areas on the way to the interview room, the same applies. What is the atmosphere like?

Ask sensible, targeted questions.

Ask questions as you go along - a good interview should be a conversation, not an interrogation.

If they invite you to ask any post interview follow up questions, do so.

I get the 'dont ask about money' point, but be prepared for them to ask you. If there is something important to you, eg work/life balance, find a way to work the question in.

Remember that it wont be your last interview and most people will have more failures than successes. If you don't get the job its not likely to be because of anything you could have done differently.

So dont panic, just be you, and good luck.

Posted By: CWC on August 1st 2018 at 09:33:53

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