I interview a lot of people

Focus on answering what you are asked.

Know about the company, organisation and look at the job spec and think of how you'd do it and what you want to do. Be inquisitive about the job.

If you can key it in to something you have done that is similar that's handy. Talk about what you've done, and how it worked well. I'm not usually that interested in context, beyond letting me know what you are on about...

Eg. It was a Thursday, no a Friday... And I'd had beans on toast for breakfast, or was it egg... Jupiter was rising in Leo...
Doesn't score you points.

Try and regard it as a conversation.

If in doubt, a good pausing technique, apart from taking a suo of water (there's usually water) is to say... 'that's a good question'
While you think. Flattery works...

Good luck!

Flattery always helps.

Posted By: Cardiff Canary on August 1st 2018 at 07:30:07

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