it has the same repurcussions as some wally breaking his leg in pre-deployment training

you either let women into the army generally and deal with back filling those producing the next generation of squaddies, or you don't

I dare say the risk of pre-deployment pregnancy is actually lower for those joining a combat unit because - nine times out of ten - going on operations to do the warry stuff is why they join a teeth arm unit. On the whole, the women who put themselves through infantry selection and training and all the bulls**t they will face from those who don't think they should be there are not going to be pre-disposed to lightly throwing that all away by getting knocked up just before the off.

In any event, if the tank regiments can manage it, and the AAC can manage it, and the RAF air wings can manage it, I daresay 1 Blankshires can learn to manage it too.

Posted By: CWC on September 1st 2017 at 15:37:37

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