I don't think that's true

It's not an opinion, it's predicting the future based on what has happened in the past.

My understanding is xG is based on a database of hundreds of thousands of chances / goals that have gone before it, that are similar to the chance being considered.

I.e. the database identifies how often a goal is scored when, taking slimane's goal as Henclrikus is talking about it, a shot is taken first time from the edge of the box from a cross field pass, based on all the other times it has a record of a similar shot being taken.

I'm sure there are variables that are not taken into account, e.g. positioning of defenders, how firmly the cross field pass was struck etc. that mean it isn't scientific, but it's not supposed to be.

Posted By: SimonOTBC, Nov 27, 15:10:58

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