before the game i went to my usual haunt en-route to the match for a swift one sadly on my toddsome as my lad was away. on the way out i spied a group of people around a bloke that had collapsed so i went over and offered my assistance as an off-duty first responder, first f**k up; the chap on the phone to the emergency services said a first responder was on the scene so the call handler hung up when they shouldn't have as i've no kit with me. the lad on his phone didn't hear me say "off duty". turns out the casualty had just passed out walking down the road and fell against a parked car. his family thought he was in cardiac but he had a strong regular pulse, was breathing fine and came round lying on the deck and a bit dazed. second f**k up, i let him get up without checking his c spine for damage. it was pissing down so i helped him indoors and checked him over/took his medical history blah blah blah and stayed with him until paramedic arrived on his bike, done a quick handover of the patient and left. ever since i've been beating myself the f**k up because i'd had a beer and clean f**king forgot the basics and feeling f**king awful. i hope to god the chap is ok. anyway that's my got that off my chest feeling like f**king s**t story.
Posted By: Tombs, Dec 8, 13:06:45
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