It's a common trope: if only My Lot were in charge they'd sort this, This Lot are incompetent.
I've worked with and alongside governments of all colours. There are brilliant, and wonderful, people in all parties. There are horrible, power-hungry, incompetents in all parties. Ideology does not imbue management or leadership skills. The skillset required to get a seat in the Commons is entirely different from the skillset required to run a bath, let alone a small shop, let alone even a small government department.
So they're all basically unqualified and it's pot luck: some are really good at it and a lot aren't.
I do feel the current crop of politicians (again, both sides) are by and large significantly less competent than those from decades past, but that's probably something every dodecagenarian like me thinks.
Posted By: Old Man, Dec 2, 17:09:58
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