the second waiting room trick was a neat surprise, *nurse clicks fingers*....

"and.... you're back in the room!" 😂

we watched all sorts of punters triage through, eventually we got the nurse call out her name and got assessed then told to follow her thinking we were going to a ward, ha nope, we were taken to a second waiting room where most of the people from the first waiting room had been sent. ding ding round two.

we had a projectile vomiter in a wheelcair who also shat her trunks, a chest pains feller, a cuffed convict under double guard, a woman in a full blown seizure (she got seen straight away), smoking goth kid whose girlfriend was lovingly picking spots off his actual fat arsed back, weird drunk bloke with a mug shelf and an offensive line of s**t jokes, worried goggley eyed dude with a surgical mask on, massive fat woman with a huge tsunami gut overspill questioning every passing medic how much longer was she going to HAVE TO WAIT, old moaning chest pain man that felt perfectly fine now but was staying put as had foot op in the morning at 0700 and coudn't be arsed to go home to swaffham for "one or two hours" so stayed to moan away for england about trump, boris johnson, trump, tories, brexit, trump, brexit, this government, boris, the council, boris, the tories, brexit (f**k me; "Danté over here mate, hurry up and paint me in the middle of all this i want this captured for evermore") then, his son eventually reminded him that his hospital appointment meant he had to pre-bathe at home in a sanitising solution before he was admitted for op so he eventually gave up and f**ked off, the pair of 'em too dumb to get to that conclusion for over 2 hours.

people are pigs as well the waiting room was absolutely littered with half eaten food, discarded cups, bottles of pop, tissues, crisp packets, salad bowls from the shop, who taf who needs emergency treatment is necking a salad pot? seemed like there were just 4 nurses on duty and eventually when everything died the f**k down they wandered in and picked all the trash up like zombie wombles. i thought they looked pretty beat up then, god knows how they will be with all this.

get your point re the government just hoping NHS leaders can see the madness in the old system and fix it up a bit.


Posted By: Tombs, Mar 14, 13:00:44

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