I've had no problem watching her slaughter rooms full of people with poison or individuals with frenzied bloody knife attacks. But her initiating and having sex somehow felt problematic, though the character in the show is I think 18 and the actress is now in her 20s.
She was very cool in Ep 1, it's true!
Having found Dany irritating for much of the show I am now feeling how very hard done by she is (and presumably is about to be, because all the hints are she "goes bad", or at least there's a Jon-Dany conflict to finish things off which probably isn't going to go well for Dany). Hopefully there is some "sweet" to go with the "bitter"; it's feeling quite nihilistic at the minute.
I still think the whole Others conclusion was rather bathetic - after all the build up some insight into their motivation and so on would have been helpful - and I find the overpowered Scorpion things more jarringly risible the more I think about them, but that's a whole nother story I guess.
Posted By: Old Man, May 7, 19:46:21
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