There are loads of police cars that are bog standard Fiestas or Focuses with nothing more than a couple of stickers and lights on them.
I know the guys up at East Anglia Motor Auctions who sell on the old police vehicles. A couple of things they've told me is that the traffic cops use BMWs and Volvos for their durability, reliability and resale value. Don't think I've seen Audis round Norfolk but they would be a wise choice. Also you'll notice that a few years ago they stopped always using white cars , realising that if the car was to be covered in reflective stickers it didn't matter what base colour the car is.With white sometimes being a cost option for new cars now and silver holding their value more, many of the cars are silver underneath. Easier to sell on.
Many of the car brands that are perceived to be more expensive nearly always work out to be cheaper once devaluation and reliability are concerned.
Don't know why I wrote all of this, I should be getting up.
Posted By: Augustus Pablo, Aug 2, 07:19:16
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