Frewns (spoilers for GoT S7E1)

Old Man Rating: 8.736/10

I thought it was an excellent scene-setter. The pacing has increased but they also took their time where it was needed.

Cold Open/Frey scene was brilliantly done by David Bradley in particular. He was acting someone acting his character and letting some feelings slip through and he did an amazing job. Loved Arya's lines and the way she left some alive, both to warn the others (and maybe because they were less culpable/innocent in her eyes).

Also liked the Arya-Lannister soldier scene apart from Ed Sheeran who stuck out like a sore thumb. When they've done cameos before it's been a lot more natural. It was good, though, that she started eyeing up their weapons and so on but seemed to realise that they're just people after all. I expect her to turn around and head North for some reason (maybe meeting Nymeria will do this) as I suspect both her and Cersei make it into Season Eight and if Arya reaches Kings Landing one or other of them will die.

Lena Headey was magnificent as Cersei again, calling her own son a traitor and starting to piss Jaime off more and more. I hope this is the season he finally breaks away from her. It'd be nice if he ended up with Brienne but this is Game of Thrones...

Loved the Citadel scene (Professor Slughorn telling a student about dark magics in the restricted section of the library) - thought that was beautifully paced, with enough space to get a sense of life at the Citadel for Sam.

My favourite bit though was the Hound and the realisation that the farmer and daughter he robbed died - "you deserved better" was a great line and I'm enjoying Thoros and Beric a whole lot more with the Hound in tow.

The Scene In The North was so-so, for me: they've become a little formulaic, Jon making a decision, Lyanna delivering smack talk to some dissenter, Sansa feeling aggrieved not to be being taken more seriously. Obviously they're setting up conflict between Sansa and Jon which Littlefinger will try to exploit; I expect him to fail and think he dies this season.

Great set-up, though, and I'm enjoying the pacing. Can't wait for Episode Two.

Posted By: Old Man, Jul 18, 12:39:42

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