You set them off on their little mowing adventure, and they tool up and down mowing away, but what if, for example, a cat has done a s**t on the lawn? cf a Fox, Badger, next door's escaped Fenton, &c. and so forth.
Can the robomower detect that hurdy and mow round it, or will it drive into it, and get all that nasty stuff all up in the mechanism?
I strimmered a cat turd once. Not my finest hour. I assume it was a cat, next door but one's cat did sometimes used to do its business in the garden. I haven't seen it for a while, and we live by quite a busy road, so it's possible a 🐈/🚗 thing has happened.
My own fault for letting the grass grow too long. Cat must have thought it "buried" it under all that grass. But it was just there, in the sward, ready to be strimmered.
Posted By: Arizona Bay, Mar 8, 12:30:57
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