Sorry to hear that Steve, its an awful thing to go through,

Age matters, past a certain point (I think 50?) you are entitled to x2 statutory, which is a week salary for each year of service.

Other than that it will be down to what is offered/negotiated.
If this is a negotiation process then there must be engagement with nominated employee reps to discuss why redundancy is being considered, and any possible alteratives.

No decision should have been taken already (it has been) but if the company are already talking in terms of definite before consulting, that can give your reps an angle to work as they are not 'negotiating in good faith'.

As others have said ACAS is good, citizens advice can also point you to some free legal advice I believe.

We used some of that when I was negotiating.
We got a little lucky as we found out they had been generous at one office (2x statutory) in secret, so we put pressure on with that to get the same for us.

Posted By: megson on February 26th 2025 at 16:56:42

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